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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
When SET GLOBAL affects SESSION scope

We have all been caught out with using SET and not realizing that the default GLOBAL Scope (since 5.0.2) does not change the current SESSION scope.

I was not aware until today that changing GLOBAL scope has some exceptions that also automatically affect SESSION scope.

What I expected with a change in the GLOBAL scope is no affect SESSION scope. For example.

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'read_buffer_size';
| Variable_name    | Value  |
| read_buffer_size | 131072 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'read_buffer_size';
| Variable_name    | Value  |
| read_buffer_size | 131072 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET GLOBAL read_buffer_size=1024*256;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

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Best Practices: Additional User Security

By default MySQL allows you to create user accounts and privileges with no password. In my earlier MySQL Best Practices: User Security I describe how to address the default installation empty passwords.

For new user accounts, you can improve this default behavior using the SQL_MODE variable, with a value of NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER. As detailed via the 5.1 Reference Manual


Prevent the GRANT statement from automatically creating new users if it would otherwise do so, unless a nonempty password also is specified.

Having set this variable I attempted to show the error of operation to demonstrate in my upcoming “MySQL Idiosyncrasies that bite” presentation. …

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Eventually consistent Group Commit

Having just written an interview response about NoSQL concepts for a RDBMS audience it was poetic that an inconspicuous title “(4 of 3)” highlights that both a MySQL read scalable implementation via replication and a NoSQL solution can share a common lack of timely consistency of data. For the sake of Group Commit I hope my data is always consistent at some location at some point in time as soon as possible.

In attempting to comment to Kristian Nielsen’s Fixing MySQL group commit (part 4 of 3) I was forced to watch an ad before I could even add a comment. Go jump Live Journal, it’s quicker to write my own blog post.

And if anybody is still reading, I had just written the following.

“There is clearly a place for NoSQL solutions. The two primary types of products are a key/value store and a schema-less solution. You need to learn …

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mk-query-digest Tips – Showing all hosts & users

The Maatkit tools provide a suite of additional MySQL commands. There is one command I use constantly and that is mk-query-digest.

Unfortunately the documentation does leave a lot to be desired for usability. While throughout, it is a man page and not a user guide. Several of us have discussed writing better documentation however it’s always a matter of time. I have however learned a number of tips and I’d like to share them in smaller digests.

The first is showing additional display. Maatkit works on truncating per line output to a reasonable length of 73 characters?

One of those lines is the list of hosts that connected to MySQL for a query, for example.

# Hosts                  4 192.168.40... (2), 192.168.40... (2)... 2 more
# Hosts                  3 (12), …
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tcpdump errors on FreeBSD for mk-query-digest

While I use this tcpdump command for MySQL query analysis with mk-query-digest, I found recently that it didn’t work on FreeBSD

$ tcpdump -i bge0 port 3306 -s 65535 -x -n -q -tttt -c 5
tcpdump: syntax error

It left me perplexed and reading the man page seemed to indicate my options were valid. I tried a few variances just to be sure without success.

$ tcpdump -i bge0 -c 5 port 3306 -x
tcpdump: syntax error
$ tcpdump -i bge0 -c 5 port 3306 -q
tcpdump: syntax error
$ tcpdump -i bge0 -c 5 port 3306 -tttt
tcpdump: syntax error

The solution was actually quite simple in the end, it had nothing to do with the commands, it had everything to do with the order of them. Placing port as the last option solved the problem.

$ tcpdump -i bge0 -s 65535 -x -n -q -tttt -c 5  port 3306
$ uname -a
FreeBSD …
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MySQL Best Practices: User Security

It is critical that you do not use the default MySQL installation security, it’s simply insecure.

Default Installation

When installed, MySQL enables any user with physical permissions to the server to connect to the MySQL via unauthenticated users. MySQL also provides complete access to all super user privileges via the ‘root’ user with no default password.

$ mysql -uroot
mysql> SELECT host,user,password FROM mysql.user;
| host         | user | password                                  |
| localhost    | root |                                           |
| server.local | root |                                           |
|    | root |                                           |
| localhost    |      |                                           |
| server.local |      | …
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MySQL Monitoring – What’s really needed

The implementation of MySQL Monitoring is critical for any organization that uses a database and wants to avoid the inevitable disaster. There are 3 important components that all serve a key purpose to “MySQL Monitoring” in general:

  • Monitoring – Historical and graphical information
  • Alerting – Tell me when something is wrong
  • Dashboard – The State of NOW


There is no one option for Monitoring that is significantly better then another. A short list of what’s on offer can be found at What’s important is you have monitoring in place so historically you can review situations and compare across your servers and enabling the better identification of physical or database bottlenecks. My recommendations for products are …

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Finalized speakers list for Kaleidoscope conference

We have secured approval for our final two speakers and now have a full schedule for the 4 day MySQL track at ODTUG Kaleidoscope conference. The conference is in Washington DC from Monday June 28th to Thursday July 1st. Welcome to Josh Sled and Craig Sylvester that will be joining our existing list of speakers.

This conference will include 19 sessions of dedicated MySQL content from Monday thru Thursday by well qualified MySQL community members, as well a forums discussion and reception on Monday night. You don’t need to be an Oracle developer to get the benefit of this conference. We will offering a discount code for MySQL attendees in the upcoming days.

If you are in the DC area, the Monday night forum (known as the sundown sessions) as well as the reception are FREE for the MySQL community. This was a great jesture of the Oracle …

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Why is my database slow?

Not part of my Don’t Assume series, but when a client states “Why is my database slow”", you need to determine if indeed the database is slow.

Some simple tools come to the rescue here, one is Firebug. If a web page takes 5 seconds to load, but the .htm file takes 400ms, and the 100+ assets being downloaded from one base url, then is the database actually slow? Tuning the database will only improve the 400ms portion of 5,000ms download.

There some very simple tips here. MySQL is my domain expertise and I will not profess to improving the entire stack however perception is everything to a user and you can often do a lot. Some simple points include:

  • Know about blocking assets in your <head> element, e.g. .js files.
  • Streamline .js, .css and images to what’s needed. .e.g. download a 100k image only to resize to a thumbnail via style …
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More on understanding sort_buffer_size

There have been a few posts by Sheeri and Baron today on the MySQL sort_buffer_size variable. I wanted to add some more information about this buffer, what is impacted when it is changed, and what to do about it?

The first thing you need to know is the sort_buffer_size is a per session buffer. That is this memory is assigned per connection/thread. I’ve seen clients that set this assuming it’s a global buffer Don’t Assume – Per Session Buffers.

Second, internally in the OS usage independently of MySQL, there is a threshold > 256K. From Monty Taylor “if buffer is set to over 256K, it uses mmap() instead of malloc() for memory allocation. Actually – this is a libc malloc thing and is tunable, but …

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