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Displaying posts with tag: Maatkit (reset)
Calling all MySQL DBAs: How do you use Percona Toolkit?

Percona Toolkit is one of our most mature open source applications. Derived from Maatkit and Aspersa, Percona Toolkit has evolved significantly over the years. The software now contains 32 tools, over 4,000 tests, and has been downloaded over 250,000 times. Anyone who manages a database – from DBAs to system administrators to even software developers – benefits from Percona Toolkit’s ability to perform a variety of MySQL server and system tasks that are too difficult or complex to perform manually.

We continue to make Percona Toolkit better each month. Over the last 9 months alone Percona has had 6 releases and resolved nearly 50 issues.

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A clarification on mk-slave-prefetch

It seems to be a popular misconception that mk-slave-prefetch is designed to keep a MySQL replica server “warm” and ready to serve production traffic in case the master is demoted or fails. This is not what mk-slave-prefetch does. It’s related, and easy to confuse, but its purpose is different.

The mk-slave-prefetch tool is designed to try to execute a read-only approximation of the write workload that the replica is about to have to perform. It is meant to do this just a little bit before the replication thread (which can only be true if replication is lagging), so that when the replica replays writes to execute replication, it doesn’t have to wait for disk I/O.

Keeping caches warmed up for production traffic requires that the read workload, which does not flow through relay logs, is executed on the server. If you point mk-slave-prefetch at a server, you’re just double-executing the write

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Making mk-table-checksum less intrusive

About a month ago I needed to compare tens of thousands of tables in hundreds of databases between a few different servers. The obvious choice was, mk-table-checksum! The only problem was, that the tool needs to know the minimum and maximum value of the column by which each table is to be subdivided into chunks and checksummed. This select min(col), max(col) from table locks all write operations on the table and on a big table it meant downtime.

Looking at the source it was clear we could make mk-table-checksum run the select min(col), max(col) from table on the read-only slave and use the values to checksum the master.

It was subtle code changes in function:
get_range_statistics adding

my $cxn_string_dc = “DBI:mysql:;host=slavehost;port=3306;mysql_read_default_group=client”;
my $user = ‘user’;
my $pass = ‘password’;
my $dbh_slave = DBI->connect($cxn_string_dc, $user, $pass); …

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7 Ways to Troubleshoot MySQL

MySQL databases are great work horses of the internet.  They back tons of modern websites, from blogs and checkout carts, to huge sites like Facebook.  But these technologies don't run themselves.  When you're faced with a system that is slowing down, you'll need the right tools to diagnose and troubleshoot the problem.  MySQL has a huge community following and that means scores of great tools for your toolbox. Here are 7 ways to troubleshoot MySQL.

1. Use innotop

Innotop is a great tool for MySQL which despite the name monitors MySQL generally as well as InnoDB usage.  It's fairly easy to install, just download the perl script. Be sure to include a [client] section to your local users .my.cnf file (you have one don't you?).  Inside that section, place one line with "user=xyz" and one line with "password=abc".

If you're concerned that installing something new is too …

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Planned change in Maatkit & Aspersa development

I’ve just sent an email to the Maatkit discussion list to announce a planned change to how Maatkit (and Aspersa) are developed. In short, Percona plans to create a Percona Toolkit of MySQL-related utilities, as a fork of Maatkit and Aspersa. I’m very happy about this change, and I welcome your responses to that thread on the discussion list.

Related posts:

  1. Aspersa, a new opensource toolkit
  2. Four companies to sponsor Maatkit development
  3. How …
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New Maatkit tool: mk-table-usage

This month’s Maatkit release includes a new tool that’s kind of an old tool at the same time. We wrote it a couple years ago for a client who has a very large set of tables and many queries and developers, and wants the database’s schema and queries to self-document for data-flow analysis purposes. At the time, it was called mk-table-access and was rather limited — just a few lines of code wrapped around some existing modules, with an output format that wasn’t generic enough to be broadly useful. Thus we didn’t release it with Maatkit. We recently changed the name to mk-table-usage (to match mk-index-usage), included it in the Maatkit suite of tools, and enhanced the functionality a lot.

What’s this tool good for? Well, imagine that you’re a big MySQL user and you hire a new developer. Now you need to bring the new person up to speed with your environment. Or, you want to …

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New in mk-query-digest: variance-to-mean ratio

This isn’t actually new — it has been out for a few releases. The mk-query-digest tool from Maatkit now outputs information about each class of queries’ variance-to-mean ratio. The new output goes in a couple of places, including perhaps most usefully the “profile” report. Here’s an example from a real MySQL system:

# Profile
# Rank Query ID           Response time    Calls R/Call Apdx V/M   Item
# ==== ================== ================ ===== ====== ==== ===== =======
#    1 0xBFCF8E3F293F6466 11256.3618 68.1% 78069 0.1442 1.00  0.21 SELECT [redacted]
#    2 0x620B8CAB2B1C76EC  2029.4730 12.3% 14415 0.1408 1.00  0.21 SELECT [redacted]
#    3 0xB90978440CC11CC7  1345.3445  8.1%  3520 0.3822 1.00  0.00 SHOW STATUS
#    4 0xCB73D6B5B031B4CF  1341.6432  8.1%  3509 0.3823 1.00  0.00 SHOW STATUS
# MISC 0xMISC               560.7556  3.4% 23930 0.0234   NS   0.0 <17 …
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Maatkit’s mk-query-digest learns about Apdex

This month’s Maatkit release, which just hit the download servers, contains a new feature for mk-query-digest: Apdex scores. The Apdex performance index is a sensible metric of how satisfactory the response time to a request is. Of all the scientific metrics I’ve seen, it’s the most practical; and of all the practical ones I’ve seen, it’s the most scientific.

To use this feature, you need to know what the Apdex threshold means, and you need to know how to configure this in mk-query-digest.

And then you can ask and answer practical questions such as “which classes of queries against this MySQL server are not satisfying users?” Or, because mk-query-digest supports the HTTP protocol, you can pose …

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Aspersa gets a user manual

It doesn’t exist until it is nicely documented. Now Aspersa has documentation. Writing these tools has taught me how powerful and flexible Bash can be. Solving MySQL problems is a lot easier with good tools!

Related posts:

  1. Aspersa, a new opensource toolkit
  2. Using Aspersa to capture diagnostic data
  3. MySQL manual gets improved searching
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Exploring mk-table-checksum

I recently started exploring the wonders of mk-table-checksum after spending too long dismissing the magic-like maatkit toolkit. What follows is not an exhaustive treatment of mk-table-checksum, but just an overview and some things I had to learn by trying the tool out.


The basic principle is based on the CHECKSUM TABLE table maintenance statement supported in the MySQL Server. The mk-table-checksum runs a CHECKSUM TABLE command on all (or some) tables. The results of that are stored in another table on the server.


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