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Displaying posts with tag: Linux (reset)
FrOSCon 10: Private Cloud mit OpenSource

Auf der FrOSCon 10 in St. Augustin habe ich kürzlich ein Update zu unseren Erfahrungen mit dem Thema "Private Cloud mit OpenSource" gegeben. Leider sind noch nicht alle Probleme, über die letztes Jahr berichtet wurde, behoben, aber wir sind schon ein gutes Stück weiter und haben neue Stolperfallen gefunden und z. T. auch überwunden.

Leider habe ich mich mit der Zeit ein wenig getäuscht, da ich den Talk vorher schon einmal in gekürzter Form in 40 Minuten unterbringen musste, aber in der Präsentation den Countdown für die FrOSCon wieder auf 60 Minuten zu stellen vergessen hatte. Zwischenzeitlich war ich deswegen der Meinung, ziemlich hinterherzuhängen... Hoffe, es macht trotzdem ein bisschen Spaß, so blieb am Ende mehr Zeit für Fragen und Gespräche :)

Hier noch die Folien auf Slideshare:

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[Reprint]Injection MySQL – Function

Reprint a PDF for MySQL Injection Test

MySQL Error Based SQL Injection Using EXP

Log Buffer #435: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Sun of database technologies is shining through the cloud technology. Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and various other databases are bringing forth some nifty offerings and this Log Buffer Edition covers some of them.


  • How to create your own Oracle database merge patch.
  • Finally the work of a database designer will be recognized! Oracle has announced the Oracle Database Developer Choice Awards.
  • Oracle Documents Cloud Service R4: Why You Should Seriously Consider It for Your Enterprise.
  • Mixing Servers in a Server …
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Ansible and Loading MySQL Databases Part II

Loading databases on virtual systems is not as straight forward as it should be. Last time the foundation for using Ansible was set down on our quest to be able to have fully functional database servers on virtual servers automatically. But that prompted a few of you to remind me that you do not always need Ansible.

Without Ansible
You can have Vagrant do the work. Modify the vagrant file to run a script to run a script when provisioned, such as
config.vm.provision :shell,path: ""
and create the shell script.

# example setup script for LAMP stack on Vagant box
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
## Set …
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Ansible and Loading MySQL Databases Part I

Automation software like Puppet, Chef, and Ansible can quickly load software on virtual servers. But how do you get your MySQL database instances loaded on these new servers? And how do you do it securely? Lets start with a fairly common pairing.

Ansible and Vagrant work very well together and the documentation for getting both to work together is rather extensive. BTW the newest version VirtualBox is 5.0 was recently released with a large number of improvements. Follow the documentation at their respective sites to get VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Ansible installed.

The linchpin is the Vagrantfile which controls how Vagrant starts the server. Inside this file we pull in an Ansible playbook.

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How to create a rock-solid MySQL database backup & recovery strategy

Have you ever wondered what could happen if your MySQL database goes down?

Although it’s evident such a crash will cause downtime – and surely some business impact in terms of revenue – can you do something to reduce this impact?

The simple answer is “yes” by doing regular backups (of course) but are you 100% sure that your current backup strategy will really come through when an outage occurs? And how much precious time will pass (and how much revenue will be lost) before you get your business back online?

I usually think of backups as the step after HA fails. Let’s say we’re in M<>M replication and something occurs that kills the db but the HA can’t save the day. Let’s pretend that the UPS fails and those servers are completely out. You can’t failover; you have to restore data. Backups are a key piece of “Business Continuity.” Also factor in the frequent need to restore data that’s been …

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Using Cgroups to Limit MySQL and MongoDB memory usage

Quite often, especially for benchmarks, I am trying to limit available memory for a database server (usually for MySQL, but recently for MongoDB also). This is usually needed to test database performance in scenarios with different memory limits. I have physical servers with the usually high amount of memory (128GB or more), but I am interested to see how a database server will perform, say if only 16GB of memory is available.

And while InnoDB usually respects the setting of innodb_buffer_pool_size in O_DIRECT mode (OS cache is not being used in this case), more engines (TokuDB for MySQL, MMAP, WiredTiger, RocksDB for MongoDB) usually get benefits from OS cache, and Linux kernel by default is generous enough to allocate as much memory as available. There I should note that while TokuDB (and TokuMX for MongoDB) supports DIRECT mode (that is bypass OS cache), we found there is a performance gain if OS cache is used for compressed pages.

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9 easy performance tips for your Linux environment

For the majority of us who have grown accustomed to a Windows environment over the years, Linux can seem like another world. In essence, Linux is a free open-source operating system that has gained increasing popularity since its release in 1991. Linux is based on the whole Unix ecosystem of operating systems that grew out of Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s. Linux has been around for almost 25 years and grew immensely in the late 1990s and early 2000s when it became associated with the LAMP web development stack; Linux stands for the ‘L’ in the acronym of popular tools, along with Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python.





The main difference that …

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MySQL Incremental Backup - Point In Time Backup and Recovery of InnoDB and MyIsam Databases

Mysql Incremental Backup is a complete incremental backup script for MyISAM and InnodB databases using the MySQL binary log so that the backup process does not affect running databases. This tutorial describes the installation of the MysqlIncrementalBackup script and helps to troubleshoot issues that may arise during setup.

Bash Arrays & Oracle

Last week, I wrote about how to use bash arrays and the MySQL database to create unit and integration test scripts. While the MySQL example was nice for some users, there were some others who wanted me to show how to write bash shell scripts for Oracle unit and integration testing. That’s what this blog post does.

If you don’t know much about bash shell, you should start with the prior post to learn about bash arrays, if-statements, and for-loops. In this blog post I only cover how to implement a bash shell script that runs SQL scripts in silent mode and then queries the database in silent mode and writes the output to an external file.

I’ve copied the basic ERD for the example because of a request from a reader. In their opinion it makes cross referencing the …

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