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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 8.0 (reset)
MySQL Backup and Disaster Recovery Webinar

MySQL Backup and Disaster Recovery Webinar (Thursday, June 18, 2020 – 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM PDT)

There can be several reasons for a MySQL database outage: hardware failure, power outage, human error, natural disaster etc. We may not be able prevent all the disaster from happening but investing on a robust disaster recovery plan is very important for building fault-tolerant database infrastructure operations on MySQL.  Every MySQL DBA is accountable for developing a disaster recovery plan addressing data sensitivity, data loss tolerance and data security. Join Shiv Iyer, Founder and Principal of MinervaDB to lean about the best practices for building highly reliable MySQL DR strategy and operations on Thursday, June 18, 2020 – 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM PDT. Building DR for a high traffic MySQL database infrastructure means deep understanding of multiple backup strategies and choosing optimal ones which are best suited for performance …

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MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster with WordPress in OCI – part III

With this post we are reaching the end of our journey to HA for WordPress & MySQL 8.0 on OCI.

If you have not read the two previous articles, this is just the right time.

We started this trip using the MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet where only 2 servers are sufficient but doesn’t provide automatic fail-over.

In this article we will upgrade our InnoDB ReplicaSet to …

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MySQL 8.0 InnoDB ReplicaSet with WordPress in OCI

Today’s article is again related to WordPress and MySQL 8.0. We will see how we can setup MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet and configure WordPress to split the load using both MySQL Instances: we will split reads and writes between the Primary and the Secondary member of our ReplicaSet.

This will be the first part of our journey to achieve HA for our WordPress site on OCI and using all MySQL Servers we have deployed. We don’t want to have a server idle just waiting to take over in case of an incident.

MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet

First some words about MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet.

The ease of use of

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MySQL Compressed Binary Logs


On a busy server, the binary logs can end up being one of the largest contributors to amount of disk space used. That means higher I/O, larger backups (you are backing up your binary logs, right?), potentially more network traffic when replicas fetch the logs, and so on. In general, binary logs compress well, so it has been a long time wish for a feature that allowed you to compress the logs while MySQL are still using them. Starting from MySQL 8.0.20 that is now possible. I will take a look at the new feature in this post.


The binary log compression feature is controlled by two variables, one for enabling the feature and …

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GeoSpatial data handling made easy with MySQL 8.0

Human geography examines the dynamics of cultures, societies and economies, and physical geography examines the dynamics of physical landscapes and the environment.

In this blog i am going to explain what are the new Geography features available in MySQL 8.0

Major Difference in MySQL 5.7 & 8.0 Geography :

There is a big change from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 when it comes to spatial data, it’s support, multiple spatial reference systems and geographic computations.

This means that the SRIDs of geometries actually have meaning and affect computations. In 5.7 and earlier, however, the SRIDs(spatial reference identifier) are ignored, and all computations are Cartesian.

What’s new in MySQL 8.0?

* Introduced ellipsoid computation instead of flat plane cartesian.

* Introduced multiple spatial reference …

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Apress Blog: MySQL Performance Tuning Best Practices


To celebrate the publishing of my new book MySQL 8 Query Performance Tuning, the Apress team invited me (thanks Jonathan and Liz) to write a post for the Apress blog. I decided to write about my top six best practices:

  • Be wary of best practices
  • Monitor
  • Work methodically
  • Consider the full stack
  • Make small, incremental changes
  • Understand the change

Yes, my first best practice is to be wary of best practices. Read why I added that and the other best practices at …

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MySQL 8.0.20: Thanks for the Contributions

As you know, today, MySQL 8.0.20 has been released. I started this new thread category with 8.0.19 (see this post).

A late thanks to Guoji Ma, for a contribution to bug #95801 “show create table output can’t be executed” that was used as inspiration for the actual fix that was pushed in MySQL 8.0.18.

MySQL 8.0.20, includes contributions from Daniel Black, Cai Yibo, Jericho Rivera, Matti Sillanpää, Nick Pollett, Bruce Feng, Kamil Holubicky, Facebook.

Thank you all for your great contributions. MySQL is an Open Source project, GPL, and we accept contribution of course. Sometimes it’s also good to remind it

Here is the list of the contributions above:

  • Impossible WHERE for a!=a, a<a, …
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MySQL 8.0.20: Index-Level Optimizer Hints


MySQL introduced optimizer hints in version 5.7 and greatly extended the feature in MySQL 8. One thing that has been missing though is the ability to specify index hints using the syntax of optimizer hints. This has been improved of in MySQL 8.0.20 with the introduction of index-level optimizer hints for the FORCE and IGNORE versions of the index hints. This blog will look at the new index hint syntax.


Do not add index hints – neither using the old or new style – unless you really need them. When you add index hints, you limit the options of the optimizer which can prevent the optimizer obtaining the optimal query plan as new optimizer improvements are implemented or the data changes.

On …

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Presentation : Group Replication in MySQL 8.0

This presentation covers about the basics of Group replication in MySQL 8.0. Group replication world on the basis of Multi Paxos ( a variant of it ). The author covers the leader election algorithm , switching the primary node and replication modes in this presentation.

Group Replication in MySQL 8.0 ( A Walk Through ) from Mydbops

Like to have this high availability MySQL solution configured on your environment. Mydbops Consultants can provide the best solution with right cost for performance.

Using OCI to install Moodle with MySQL 8.0

Let’s continue our series of using OCI to install popular Open Source programs with MySQL 8.0. After WordPress, Drupal, it’s not the Moodle’s turn!

This is a request from my Japanese colleague Machiko

We will use two different compute instances:

  • the application server (apache, PHP and Moodle)
  • the database server (MySQL 8.0)

The application server will be reachable from the Internet on port 22 (ssh) and 80 (http). The database server won’t be reachable from outside, we will have to use the application server as jumphost to install the server.

This is an overview of the proposed architecture:

Deploying 2 compute instances

The first step is to install 2 compute instances, one in the Public Subnet and one in the Private Subnet.

We first start with the application server (called myMoodle):

As the second instance will be located …

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