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Displaying posts with tag: sys schema (reset)
MySQL Compressed Binary Logs


On a busy server, the binary logs can end up being one of the largest contributors to amount of disk space used. That means higher I/O, larger backups (you are backing up your binary logs, right?), potentially more network traffic when replicas fetch the logs, and so on. In general, binary logs compress well, so it has been a long time wish for a feature that allowed you to compress the logs while MySQL are still using them. Starting from MySQL 8.0.20 that is now possible. I will take a look at the new feature in this post.


The binary log compression feature is controlled by two variables, one for enabling the feature and …

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Performance Schema Functions


The sys schema was created to make it easier to use the Performance Schema. This included several functions, for example to convert the picoseconds used by the Performance Schema into human readable strings. In MySQL 8.0.16, three of these functions have been implemented as native functions in MySQL Server.

Why do away with the sys schema functions? There are two reasons: performance and ease of use. The native functions are written in C++ like the rest of the server whereas the sys schema functions were written as stored functions. Function written in C++ are inherently faster than stored functions. Additionally, that the functions are native means you no longer need to prefix them with sys. to tell MySQL where …

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Easy Execution of Dynamic Queries with the sys Schema


When you write stored procedures in MySQL, you sometimes need to generate queries on the fly, for example as you process the result of another query. This is supported using prepared statements. This blog explores how you can take advantage of the sys schema to simplify the use of dynamic queries.

Executing a query using the sys.execute_prepared_stmt() procedure.

The sys schema includes several stored procedures and functions as well as views to make the database administrator’s life easier. One of these is the

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Duplicate Indexes in MySQL

Why do we sometimes want to keep duplicate indexes?

I’ve done dutiful DBA work in the past to identify and remove what are commonly called duplicate indexes. That is, those indexes that look like (a) and (a,b). The thought is that a query will utilize an index as easily on (a) as on (a,b), and removing (a) will save storage cost and write performance. I’ve had the experience, though, of removing (a) and seeing performance tank.

(As an aside, these are really redundant indexes. A duplicate index would be (a,b) and (a,b) by two different names – this can commonly be done by object relational mapping (ORM) or other automated schema creation tools. I’ll call (a) and (a,b) redundant indexes below.)

This test is on Percona Server 5.7.14 with the sys schema installed and performance schema enabled.

Given two tables with the same number of rows and …

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Extending the SYS schema to show metadata locks

Starting with MySQL 5.7, performance_schema has been enhanced to instrument metadata locks, and can be turned on by adding the following line to your my.cnf file:


(At runtime, it can also be enabled by modifying the setup_instruments table in performance_schema.)

From here, you can now query performance_schema.metadata_locks to reveal all currently open metadata locks on your server:

mysqlselect * from performance_schema.metadata_locks\G
*************************** 1.

SYS Schema: Simplified Access To SSL/TLS Details

A while back, I wrote a blog post explaining how PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA improvements in MySQL Server 5.7 provides new visibility into the SSL/TLS status of each running client configuration.  An excellent recent post from Frederic Descamps at Percona covers similar territory.  Both of us use PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA tables directly – a powerful interface, but one that requires a query joining multiple tables.  Thanks to the excellent work of Mark Leith, and a contribution from Daniël van Eeden, access to this same information is made far easier via the SYS schema.

I overlooked the SYS

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Using SYS.SESSION as an alternative to SHOW PROCESSLIST

A modern MySQL server contains a lot of useful meta-data in information_schema and performance_schema, which can help bring visibility into what is happening inside of your database server. However, sometimes this data is quite fine grained and needs finessing in order to get to that point

MySQL 5.7 includes a new SYS schema installed by default.…

Webinar: Introduction to MySQL SYS Schema follow up questions

Thanks to all who attended my webinar Introduction to MySQL SYS Schema. This blog is for me to address the extra questions I didn’t have time to answer on the stream.

Can i have the performance_schema enabled in 5.6 and then install the sys schema? Or they are one and the same?

You need to have enabled the performance_schema in order to use it through the sys schema. They are different entities. In general, performance_schema collects and stores the data, and sys schema reads and presents the data.

The installation of sys schema on primary database will be replicated to the slaves?

By default, no. If you wish that the Sys Schema replicates to the slaves, you can modify the before_setup.sql ( …

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NDB 7.4 & SYS schema: When getting locks, detecting the guilty SQL &

Here’s a way to detect the sql query causing a lock or a session to fail, and also to identify the if need be (btw, no rocket science). “a” way.. I’m sure there are many others, so feel free to suggest, please.

So, we’re using MCM, and have created a MySQL Cluster like mentioned in the cluster intro session (in Spanish I’m afraid), using 7.4.6, which comes with 5.6.24.

With the env up and running, set up a schema, some data and run a few queries:

mysql> create database world;
mysql> use world;
Database changed
mysql> source world_ndb.sql

(world_ndb.sql, as you might guess, is the world_innodb tables script, with a little adjustment as to which storage engine to be used.)

Once created, let’s lock things up in Cluster:

mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P3306
mysql> use test; …
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The MySQL SYS Schema in MySQL 5.7.7

New in MySQL 5.7.7, the MySQL sys schema (originally the ps_helper project) is now included by default within the MySQL server!

For those unfamiliar with the sys schema project, it is a database schema with a set of objects (views, stored procedures, stored functions, and table with a couple of triggers on it) that were implemented to give easy, human readable, DBA and Developer based use case access to the wealth of instrumentation data implemented primarily within Performance Schema, but also with various …

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