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Displaying posts with tag: Locks (reset)
What if … MySQL’s Repeatable Reads Cause You to Lose Money?

Well, let me say if that happens it’s because there is a logic mistake in your application. But you need to know and understand what happens in MySQL to be able to avoid the problem. 

In short, the WHY of this article is to inform you about possible pitfalls and how to prevent them from causing you damage.

Let us start by having a short introduction to what Repeatable reads are about. Given I am extremely lazy, I am going to use (a lot) existing documentation from the MySQL documentation.

Transaction isolation is one of the foundations of database processing. Isolation is the I in the acronym ACID; the isolation level is the setting that fine-tunes the balance between performance and reliability, consistency, and reproducibility of results when multiple transactions are making changes and performing …

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MySQL 8.0 – locking details

Recently, I saw many interest in understanding and getting information about database locking.

MySQL InnoDB’s locking can be complex and having an overview not always simple.

For more information about how InnoDB locking is working, I can only recommend this excellent series of articles by Kuba:

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Avoid Shared Locks from Subqueries When Possible

In this blog post, we’ll look at how to avoid shared locks from subqueries.

I’m pretty sure most of you have seen an UPDATE statement matching rows returned from a SELECT query:

update ibreg set k=1 where id in (select id from ibcmp where id > 90000);

This query, when executed with


, is normally harmless. However, this can have bad effects when combined with other statements in the same transaction that result in holding the shared locks from the SELECT query. But first, let me explain why the SELECT query would hold locks in the first place.

Due to InnoDB’s ACID properties, to make sure that the outer UPDATE statement has a consistent view of the matching rows from the SELECT query the server has to acquire a shared lock on those rows. No other thread should modify …

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In this blog post, we’ll look at MyRocks and the



Those who attended the March 30th webinar “MyRocks Troubleshooting” might remember our discussion with Yoshinori on 



I did more tests, and I can confirm that his words are true:


 works in MyRocks.

This quick example demonstrates this. The initial setup:

id int(11) NOT NULL,
f varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
insert into t values(12345, 'value1'), (54321, 'value2');

In session 1: …

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InnoDB locks and transaction isolation level

What is the difference between InnoDB locks and transaction isolation level? We’ll discuss it in this post.

Recently I received a question from a user about one of my earlier blog posts. Since it wasn’t sent as a comment, I will answer it here. The question:

> I am reading your article:

> Full table scan locks whole table.

> Some bad select (read) query can do full table scan on InnoDB, does it lock whole table please?

> My understanding was that SELECT (read) blocks another DML only in MyISAM.

To answer this question, we to need understand two different concepts: locking and …

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NDB 7.4 & SYS schema: When getting locks, detecting the guilty SQL &

Here’s a way to detect the sql query causing a lock or a session to fail, and also to identify the if need be (btw, no rocket science). “a” way.. I’m sure there are many others, so feel free to suggest, please.

So, we’re using MCM, and have created a MySQL Cluster like mentioned in the cluster intro session (in Spanish I’m afraid), using 7.4.6, which comes with 5.6.24.

With the env up and running, set up a schema, some data and run a few queries:

mysql> create database world;
mysql> use world;
Database changed
mysql> source world_ndb.sql

(world_ndb.sql, as you might guess, is the world_innodb tables script, with a little adjustment as to which storage engine to be used.)

Once created, let’s lock things up in Cluster:

mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P3306
mysql> use test; …
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When your query is blocked, but there is no blocking query - Part 3

In the previous blog posts I've talked about transactions which block other transactions but don't do anything and about some possible solutions.

In this post I will show you how to get even more information about what is locked by a transaction.

As you might have noticed the information_schema.innodb_locks table doesn't show all locks. This is what the documentation says:
"The INNODB_LOCKS table contains information about each lock that an InnoDB transaction has requested but not yet acquired, and each lock that a transaction holds that is blocking another …

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Introduction to Transaction Locks in InnoDB Storage Engine


Transaction locks are an important feature of any transactional storage engine. There are two types of transaction locks – table locks and row locks. Table locks are used to avoid a table being altered or dropped by one transaction when another transaction is using the table. It is also used to prohibit a transaction from accessing a table, when it is being altered. InnoDB supports multiple granularity locking (MGL). So to access rows in a table, intention locks must be taken on the tables.

Row locks are at finer granularity than table level locks, different threads can work on different parts of the table without interfering with each other. This is in contrast with MyISAM where the entire table has to be locked when updating even unrelated rows. Having row locks means that multiple transactions can read and write into a single …

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Avoid locks when storing counters in MySQL

A common problem with storing counters in a table is that every time your application update your counter, a row lock needs to be set on the row the table. If your application has a need for storing counters you can use this package which contains the scripts for a table and some stored procedures to handle managing the counters.

LOAD DATA INFILE to resolve locks

In relation to this MPB post, there is a command to output data into a file and then to load it back into MySQL to resolve locks. (An example of a really big reporting query that could be quite heavy, can be found here.)

There is an issue with outputting data into a file through MySQL if the file already exists. For example:

mysql> use mysql
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed mysql> select * from user into outfile '/tmp/user.sql';
Query OK, 10 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from user …

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