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Displaying posts with tag: announcement (reset)
Kontrollkit – new version available for download

Just a quick notice to let everyone know that there is a new version of Kontrollkit available. There are some required bug fixes to the formerly new python backup script and some Solaris compatible changes to the various my.cnf files. You can download the new version here:, or here:

Kontrollbase – revision 297 fixes Reporter-CLI “alert_22″ sub-routine

Quick note to let our users know that there was an XML tag closure error on the “alert_22″ subroutine in the “bin/” script. This does not affect the webapp portion of Kontrollbase – only reports generated via the command line reporter script. It is not a fatal error but will cause the XML file to […]

Tokutek’s Acquisitions Blocked by EU

April 1, 2010. Tokutek’s acquisitions of Oracle, Apple, HP, Microsoft and Google were today blocked by the European Union on the basis that the announced acquisitions were “in bad taste”. John Partridge, CEO of Tokutek said “They made us take our TokuFish back. They made us take our TokuPad back. They made us take our stock back. And our stack. Now we’re just a handful of engineers building a MySQL storage engine.”

“But it’s a really good storage engine.”

Tokutek Acquires Apple, Announces TokuPad.

April 1, 2010. Tokutek, Inc. announced the acquisition of Apple Computer Corporation. “Tokutek has long been a user of Apple products. Our entire management team uses iPhones, with the only holdout being Chief Architect Bradley C. Kuszmaul, who complains that the screen is too small” said John Partridge, CEO of Tokutek. “Apple is an innovative small company that builds phones and ipads”. Apple CEO Steve Job’s role has not been determined.

In a separate announcement, Tokutek announced the release of the TokuPad (demonstrated below by Dr. Kuszmaul). “We were able to leverage our newly acquired HP technology to build an even bigger version of the iPad. This is huge! It will change mobile computing! I can edit MySQL source code and browse PlanetMySQL at the same time! It’s unbelievably huge!”

“Oh, and we bought Microsoft and Google too”, said Partridge. “We gave Microsoft a TokuPad, and Google got a TokuFish. We ran …

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Tokutek Acquires HP

April 1, 2010. Tokutek, Inc. announced the acquisition of HP. “Tokutek has long been a user of HP’s 23-inch and 24-inch monitors” said John Partridge, CEO of Tokutek. “HP is an innovative small company that builds devices such as monitors, useful for looking at MySQL scripts and source code. And printers. Tokutek intends to continue using monitors. And printers.” HP CEO Mark Hurd’s role has not been determined. The terms of the all-stack transaction included a promise to use HP monitors. And printers.

Tokutek Acquires Oracle

April 1, 2010, Totutek, Inc., announced the acquisition of Oracle Corporation. “Tokutek has long been a supporter of open-source software” said John Partridge, CEO of Tokutek. “Oracle is an innovative small company the develops database front ends such as MySQL. Tokutek intends to continue developing the MySQL technology and expand our commitment to open-soure software.” Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s role has not been determined. Other than a statement that the transaction is an all-stock transaction, terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Kontrollkit – new backup script is partition space aware

I’ve been wanting to write a backup script for a while now that does the following: reads the partition information for the directory that you are backing up into and computes the used/available/percentage-available space. Then it reads the total data size from the MySQL tables and ensures that you have enough space on disk (for [...]

Announcing TokuDB v3.1

Tokutek is pleased to announce immediate availability of TokuDB for MySQL, version 3.1. It is designed for continuous querying and analysis of large volumes of rapidly arriving and changing data, while maintaining full ACID properties.

TokuDB v3.1’s new functionality includes:

  • Improved handling of a full disk
  • Configurable disk space reserve
  • Faster group commits
  • Faster crash recovery
  • Improved SHOW ENGINE STATUS and SHOW PROCESSLIST diagnostics

This new release builds on TokuDB’s core benefits:

  • 10x-50x faster indexing for faster querying
  • Full support for ACID transactions
  • Short recovery time (seconds or minutes, not hours or days)
  • Immunity to database aging to eliminate performance degradation and maintenance …
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Kontrollbase – graph “no data to display” on new install has been fixed

If you have been wondering why the overview and graphs pages say “no data to display” on the graphs when you first install Kontrollbase, it’s because there’s no data in the database being returned from the queries that generate the graphs – this is because a new install has no data to graph. This has […]

Having an issue with a Kontrollbase upgrade?

If you’ve noticed that your recent upgrade did not go as planned and now the application does not load – please check this page: for notes on upgrades between versions. Typically you need to execute a SQL file against the current schema to bring it up to date. If you have any questions please [...]

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