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451 CAOS Links 2009.07.14

Funding for Aptana and Jolicloud. Ingres targets MySQL. Trent Reznor on Open Core (sort of). And more.

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“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Aptana raised $7.8m in funding from Rembrandt Venture Partners and Accel Partners.

# Jolicloud raised $4.2m in series A funding for a Linux-based Netbook OS.

Not with a bang…
# Sun reported preliminary revenues for Q4 2009 of $2.58bn to $2.68bn, compared to $3.78bn a year ago.

Best of the rest
# Ingres …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.07.07

Microsoft makes a patent promise. JBoss is certifiable. And more.

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“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Microsoft announced that it will be applying its Community Promise to the ECMA 334 (C#) and ECMA 335 (CLI) specifications, reducing patent concerns related to Mono.

# Red Hat achieved EAL 2+ security certification for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

# A European Commission white paper on standards stirred some controversy with regards to open source. …

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As license issues swirl, a new CAOS report

There has been no shortage of lively discussion on open source software licenses with recent shifts in the top licenses, perspectives on the licenses or lack of them for networked, SaaS and cloud-based software, increased prominence of a Microsoft open source license and concern over the openness (or closedness, depending on your perspedtive) of the latest devices. Amid all of it, we’re pleased to present our latest long-form report, CAOS 12 - The Myth of Open Source …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.06.30

Governments. Governance. Customers wins. And more.

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“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

The Examiner provided a two part interview with Daniel Risascher, Office of the CIO, Department of Defense, on open source at the DoD, while Government Technology Magazine reported on how open source software and cloud computing can save government money. Similarly, The UK Conservative party delivered a paper on the future of open standards, open source, SOA and cloud for UK Government, while it was reported that Vienna to …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.06.19

Red Hat betas Enterprise Virtualization, partners with HP for SOA. And more.

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“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Red Hat announced that its Enterprise Virtualization portfolio of products is now available for beta testing.

# Red Hat collaborated with HP on SOA.

# David Megginson published mixing GPL and non-GPL: a different perspective. A new take on the MySQL/MariaDB storage engine debate.

# UK Government CIO shed some light on “G-Cloud” plans and how the new open source policy provides an opportunity.

# WAZI: …

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The commercialisation of Memcached

There has been a significant increase in interest in the Memcached, the open source distributed memory object-caching system, in recent months, as a number of vendors look to exploit its popularity in Web 2.0 and social networking environments.

Like Hadoop, which has become the focus of a number of commercial plays, it would appear that the time is right for commercialization of Memcached. But what is it, here did it come from, and what are the chances for vendors to rake in serious cash? Here are the details.

What is it?
Pronounced mem-cash-dee, Memcached was originally created by Danga Interactive (the developer of LiveJournal, which was acquired by Six Apart in 2005) to speed up the performance of dynamic Web applications by alleviating database load. Memcached has become an industry standard for improving the performance of dynamic websites.

The code is available from the …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.06.12

Yahoo opens up Hadoop distribution. Microsoft and Novell claim customer wins. And more.

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The elephant in the room
Plenty of news emerged form the Hadoop Summit this week, including Cloudera announced support for Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and introduced Sqoop, open source tool for importing databases into Hadoop, while Yahoo! Released! The! Yahoo! Distribution! Of! Hadoop! opening up its Hadoop developments to the wider community. As Savio Rodrigues noted, there has been a surge in the number of contributors for the Hadoop project in the last year.

Best of the rest

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451 CAOS Links 2009.06.09

Vyatta raises series C funding. Greenplum launches data cloud initiative. Fedora 11. And more.

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# Vyatta raised $10m in series C round, led by Citrix.

# Carlo Daffara published Horses, carriages and cars an assessment of the shifting OSS business models, and a proposal of what is the optimal model.

# Greenplum delivered version 3.3 of its analytical database, launched its Enterprise Data Cloud initiative.

# Daniel Abadi asked whether betting on the MySQL mass market for data warehousing a good idea.

# Roberto Galoppini …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.06.02

Cloudera lands funding. SourceForge acquires Ohloh. Novell reports Linux growth. And more.

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Cloudera shows signs of progress

GigaOM reported that Cloudera raised $6m Series B funding from Accel and Greylock and is now looking beyond web applications to wider enterprise adoption of Hadoop. Cloudera also announced its first certification program for Hadoop.

Open source goes mainstream in the UK
There have been signs of change recently with regards to open source adoption in the UK, which has traditionally lagged behind the rest of Europe and the US. CBR Magazine provided an analysis of …

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Q&A: MariaDB and the Open Database Alliance

Following the launch of the Open Database Alliance a number of interesting reports were published that examined its role in establishing MariaDB as an alternative development branch for MySQL and as a vendor-neutral open source database collective.

I had a few questions myself, which Monty Widenius and Peter Zaitsev, CEO of Percona, were good enough to answer for me via email. They also agreed for the exchange to be published here. This is what they had to say:

Q: Monty has stated that the intention is to open up the Alliance to include other open source database projects - any indication of how this would be done given the diverse …

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