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Displaying posts with tag: Technology (reset)
Best Database Tool

Developer.Com has selected MySQL Workbench as the best database tool of 2009!

Competing behind Workbench were:

  • Altova DatabaseSpy® 2008
  • LINQ (Microsoft® .NET Language Integrated Query)
  • SQL Server® 2008 Reporting Services
  • Oracle SQL Developer
Best Database Tool

Developer.Com has selected MySQL Workbench as the best database tool of 2009!

Competing behind Workbench were:

  • Altova DatabaseSpy® 2008
  • LINQ (Microsoft® .NET Language Integrated Query)
  • SQL Server® 2008 Reporting Services
  • Oracle SQL Developer
Identify a proxy when automatic configuration script is used

Many, if not all, corporations control and monitor employees web surfing and email activities. Sometimes a company may choose to use automatic configuration script to enable employees’ web connection. This can be verified by:

  • Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options-> LAN Settings -> “Use automatic configuration script”;
  • Firefox 3: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings… -> Automatic proxy configuration URL:

Sometimes you need to know a proxy server name or IP address. For instance, if you use Perl and would like to do an automatic binary install of a module, then you will need to define a proxy for cpan to use. This is the command to do that:

set HTTP_proxy=http://my.proxy.server:8000/

So obviously you need to know a proxy server name or IP address. To find that out, you need to copy the location where the automatic configuration script is …

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Teaching a Course on Profiling and Debugging in Linux

Dear Lazyweb,

So, I’ve been in Chicago for a week teaching a beginner and an intermediate course on using and administering Linux machines. This week, I’ll teach an intermediate and an advanced course on Linux, and the advanced course will cover profiling and debugging. The main tools I’m covering will be valgrind and oprofile, though I’ll be going over lots of other stuff, like iostat, vmstat, strace, what’s under /proc, and some more basic stuff like sending signals and the like.

So what makes me a bit nervous is, being that the advanced students are mostly CS-degree-holding system developers, they’ll probably be expecting me to know very low-level details of how things are implemented at  the system/kernel level. I’d love to know more about that myself, and actively try to increase my knowledge in that area! Alas, most of my experience with low-level …

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Artem’s Top 10 Tech Predictions And Ideas For 2009 And Beyond

Everyone and their mother are throwing out their predictions for 2009 nowadays, itâ€s a new fad. Itâ€s like youâ€re not cool anymore if you donâ€t have twitter, a Mac, and a set of random predictions for the next 12 joyous months.

So I decided to throw in a few ideas of my own to be part of the cool crowd again (how much cooler can I be already, you might think, and I wouldnâ€t blame you).


Disclaimer (read it, tough guy)

What this post is:

  • about the future of technology and the Internet, 2009 and beyond.
  • my ideas on what is going to happen or should happen. If they happen to match someone elseâ€s ideas – it doesnâ€t mean I ripped them off, it just means we share the same opinions and theyâ€re more likely to come true.
  • awesome.

What this post is not:

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One Million Downloads

Earlier today, MySQL 5.1 was downloaded for the millionth time.  Pretty cool!  I wonder if we can find out who the lucky downloader is who got the millionth copy.  Maybe we could embarass them with a MySQL logo prize or something at the MySQL Conference April 20-23 in Santa Clara.

Congrats to all those who created MySQL 5.1, to all our users, to the many who found, fixed or otherwise helped us chase down bugs.  Thank you for making this a great release!  

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Interesting things about TIMESTAMP data type in MySQL

TIMESTAMP is interesting in that it can give you an easy way of keeping track of when was the last time a row was modified, with a few caveats, listed below. The tests were run on 5.1.30-community MySQL Community Server (GPL).

  • By default, TIMESTAMP is NOT NULL. Inserting a NULL value causes it to store the current DATETIME;
    mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 TIMESTAMP);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)
    mysql> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL);
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
    mysql> SELECT * FROM t1;
    | c1                  |
    | 2008-12-30 20:42:25 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)
    mysql> SELECT * FROM t2;
    | c1                  | c2                  | …
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2009: Waiting to Exhale

Lots of blogs list a bunch of stuff that happened in the year just past, and I have done a year-in-review post before, but in looking back at posts on this blog and elsewhere, what strikes me most is not the big achievements that took place in technology in 2008, but rather the questions that remain unanswered. So much got started in 2008 — I’m really excited to see what happens with it all in 2009!

Cloud Computing

Technically, the various utility or ‘cloud’ computing initiatives started prior to 2008, but in my observation, they gained more traction in 2008 than at any other time. At the beginning of 2008, I was using Amazon’s S3, and testing to expand into more wide use of EC2 during my time as Technology Director for (pre-buyout). I was also investigating tons of other technologies that take different approaches to the higher-level problem these things all try to solve: owning, and housing (and …

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Conversation with Lenz Grimmer

You can read my conversation with Lenz Grimmer or look at other interviews conducted by the MySQL community team. 

Conversation with Lenz Grimmer

You can read my conversation with Lenz Grimmer or look at other interviews conducted by the MySQL community team. 

Showing entries 181 to 190 of 372
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