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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Enterprise Backup (reset)
MySQL Enterprise Backup: PITR Partial Online Recovery

Here’s a look at using MySQL Enterprise Backup in a specific example:

Consider a Backup Policy – Full Backup of the environment. – Complemental Incremental backups & online BinLogs. And the Restore: – Logical Restore. – Online, Zero impact. – Partial, single database, group of tables. The Backup A working environment, with 4 databases, of which 2 will require restoration. Full backup with MySQL Enterprise Backup:

mysqlbackup --user=root --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock \
  --backup-dir=/home/mysql/voju5/backup/ \
  --with-timestamp backup

Test preparation Create 4 different databases, where the structure & content is the same.

create database v5_1; use v5_1; create table `voju5` (
  `Name` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '‘,
create database v5_2; use v5_2; create table `voju5` (..);
create database v5_3; use v5_3; create …
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MySQL Enterprise Backup: PITR Partial Online Recovery

Here’s a look at using MySQL Enterprise Backup in a specific example:

Consider a Backup Policy – Full Backup of the environment. – Complemental Incremental backups & online BinLogs. And the Restore: – Logical Restore. – Online, Zero impact. – Partial, single database, group of tables. The Backup A working environment, with 4 databases, of which 2 will require restoration. Full backup with MySQL Enterprise Backup:

mysqlbackup --user=root --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock \
  --backup-dir=/home/mysql/voju5/backup/ \
  --with-timestamp backup

Test preparation Create 4 different databases, where the structure & content is the same.

create database v5_1; use v5_1; create table `voju5` (
  `Name` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '‘,
create database v5_2; use v5_2; create table `voju5` (..);
create database v5_3; use v5_3; create …
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Creating and restoring database backups with mysqldump and MySQL Enterprise Backup – Part 2 of 2

In part one of this post, I gave you a couple examples of how to backup your MySQL databases using mysqldump. In part two, I will show you how to use the MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) to create a full and partial backup.

MySQL Enterprise Backup provides enterprise-grade backup and recovery for MySQL. It delivers hot, online, non-blocking backups on multiple platforms including Linux, Windows, Mac & Solaris. To learn more, you may download a …

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How to Back Up Selected MySQL Databases

I recently had to do a backup of a 30 very large databases within a MySQL instance that had a total of 60+ databases.  I did NOT want to back up the other databases. In fact, the other databases had very large tables in them and I had very little disk space, so I could not afford to back them up. In this post I will share what I learned.

I’ve simplified the problem to illustrate the idea.  My goal in this post is to backup one database when an instance has many, with mixed InnoDB and MyIsam tables.

  • I have 3 databases called dbtest1, dbtest2, and dbtest3, in one instance of MySQL .  I only want to back up  the tables in database dbtest2

  • Each database has one InnoDB and one MyISAM table
  • The InnoDB tables are quite large, and I have limited disk space …
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Installing MySQL Enterprise Backup to Generic Linux

The MySQL Enterprise Backup is a very powerful backup tool from MySQL. By using MEB, you can always take a hot and fast backup of all your MySQL Databases. I've been using it in Oracle Linux platform but just recently I have this need to use it in our Ubuntu production servers. I've tried installing it to Ubuntu 11.04 and have no problem at all. Here's what you need to do to get this done.

1. Download the files from You need to have an account to download one.
2. Transfer it to the server using SCP or WinSCP if you are using windows or any other type of file transfer client.
3. SSH to your server and login as root.
4. Unzip the file to your preferred location. I recommend to use the default location the MEB is using at /opt/mysql/ directory.
5. Edit ~/.bashrc and add below lines

export PATH=/opt/mysql/meb-3.7:$PATH
6. execute source ~/.bashrc …

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Vote for MySQL[plus] awards 2011 !

First of all, I wish you a happy new year.
Many things happened last year, it was really exciting to be involved in the MySQL ecosystem.
I hope this enthusiasm will be increased this year, up to you !

To start the year, I propose the MySQL[plus] Awards 2011
It will only take 5 minutes to fill out these polls.
Answer with your heart first and then with your experience with some of these tools or services.

Polls will be closed January 31, so, vote now !
For “other” answers, please,  let me a comment with details.

Don’t hesitate to submit proposal for tools or services in the comments.
And, please, share these polls !


Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, …

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Monitoring Your MySQL Backup

In California we are always thinking about backups.   Living near an earthquake fault line makes this necessary.  For me, it is the Hayward Fault (it runs from goal post to goal post  in University of Californa Berkeley stadium).  We are strongly advised to have backup systems for water, food, and medical emergencies.  It’s necessary to monitor your food and water emergency …

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5 Steps to an Enterprise Backup

I’d like to focus this blog on using MySQL in the Enterprise and kickoff with a series of posts on “Enterprise Backup” building on the new features in both MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) and MySQL Enterprise Monitor (MEM).  The new features in MEB 3.6 provide the capabilities to stream backups directly to another server, interface with backup media management software, and take advantage of tape encryption.  MEM 2.3.5 now has a Backup Advisor that helps monitor your backups.  In this and a subsequent  blog post, I’ll go through a progression of backups building up on a fairly straightforward vanilla single file backup with MEB as follows:

  • Backing up to a Single File
  • Add streaming to your Single File backup
  • Stream your Single File Backup to a Media Management System
  • Encrypt your Backup Tapes using your Media Management System
  • Monitoring your Backup with MySQL …
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