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Displaying posts with tag: multisite (reset)
Mastering Continuent Clustering Series: Tuning for High-Latency Links

What if I want the cluster to be less sensitive to network, especially WAN latency?

Continuent Clustering supports having clusters at multiple sites with active-active replication meshing them together.

This is extraordinarily powerful, yet at times high network latency can make it harder for messaging between the sites to arrive in a timely manner.

This is evidenced by seeing the following in the Manager log files named tmsvc.log:

2018/07/08 16:51:05 | db3 |  INFO [Rule_0604$u58$_DETECT_UNREACHABLE_REMOTE_SERVICE1555959201] - CONSEQUENCE: [Sun Jul 08 16:51:04 UTC 2018] CLUSTER global/omega(state=UNREACHABLE)
2018/07/08 16:51:42 | db3 |  INFO [Rule_2025$u58$_REPORT_COMPONENT_STATE_TRANSITIONS1542395297] - CLUSTER 'omega@global' STATE TRANSITION UNREACHABLE => ONLINE

The delta is 37 seconds in the above example between state=UNREACHABLE and UNREACHABLE => ONLINE

The default …

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Missed our Continuent Clustering 6.0 webinar and training? Don’t sweat it. Watch them on-demand.

Missed our Continuent Clustering 6.0 webinar and technical deep dive? Don’t sweat it. Watch these recordings of our presentations and find out what’s new and latest for multisite, multimaster clustering, what’s changed, improvements that we’ve made under the hood, and how this will improve the quality and support for your multimaster MySQL/Percona/MariaDB deployments.

In our technical deep dive, we take a detailed look at the new deployment model, how the different components work together, and how you can now manage and support your new multimaster environment using Continuent Clustering 6.0. We cover the new integration of the replication, how that affects your deployment, and how that alters …

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