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Displaying posts with tag: webscalesql (reset)
Compile at CentOS 6.5 the new MySQL webscalesql-5.6.17 branch by Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter

yeah , big buzz around that one

So I decided to check the install process:

1. Clone the repo from

root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:11][~]$ cd /opt/
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:15][/opt]$ mkdir installs
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:17][/opt]$ cd installs/
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:19][/opt/installs]$ git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/installs/webscalesql-5.6/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 30397, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12678/12678), done.
remote: Total 30397 (delta 18716), reused 27620 (delta 16936)
Receiving objects: 100% (30397/30397), 47.99 MiB | 460 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (18716/18716), done.

2. …

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MariaDB and WebScaleSQL

On Thursday MySQL technology saw a huge boost. It’s hard for anyone now to argue that MySQL isn’t in the game of extreme scalability and performance, which some NoSQL vendors have been using as a tagline for the last years. To see four of the largest MySQL and MariaDB users come together to bootstrap a branch of MySQL for extreme scaling needs is simply fantastic. The improvements done inside these companies will now be available to the rest of the community. In all fairness Facebook and Twitter, in particular, have been making their improvements publicly available also before. Google has also made some improvements available publicly over the years and have lately been active in the MariaDB project with code reviews, bug fixes and other patches. But broadening the public contributions further and combining it all, is new.

Engineering of MySQL technology happens in many places. Aside from Oracle and the companies behind WebScaleSQL, …

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Speaking about MySQL5.6 and WebScaleSQL at Percona Live

At Percona Live, Steaphan Greene and I will talk about MySQL 5.6 and WebScaleSQL at Facebook.

2 April 1:20PM - 2:10PM @ Ballroom E

In addition to that, I have two more talks this year.

Performance Monitoring at Scale
3 April 2:00PM - 2:50PM @ Ballroom G

Global Transaction ID at Facebook
4 April …

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