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Displaying posts with tag: 5.1 (reset)
The search for MySQL 5.5

So, MySQL 6.0 was ditched, and a few weeks ago 5.4 was also – its features to be added in other (earlier) versions (I’m told 5.2 but not sure). I reckon that’s good news, regardless of the version number. There was also an announcement about a change in the release mechanism at Sun/MySQL.

Now for practicals. If I look on Launchpad, the 5.1 branch is the only active one (next to 5.0 fixes, of course). 5.4 was last updated 15 weeks ago. There is no 5.2 on there that I can find. Wasn’t looking for it really, just happened to notice its absence while I was trying to find 5.5. And the reason for that was that Miguel closed a bug I was following, noting it was no longer reproducible in 5.5. He pastes some code that reports mysql as 5.5, so it’s not a typo.

So, in addition to the above list of …

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Partitioning with non integer values using triggers

Looking at Bug#47310, which is a feature request that I hear frequently when I talk about partitions, I wrote a comment, suggesting triggers to work around the limitation.
The reason for the limitation is that allowing arbitrary functions for partitioning was too complex and it was provoking crashes and other unpleasant side effects (see the discussion under bug#18198).
But if you use a trigger, the resulting column is a plain integer, and many of the side effects disappear. The drawback is that you need to add a column to your table, and you need to use that column when searching for data. With that in mind, you can implement the workaround quite easily.

USE test;

user_id int(10) NOT NULL,
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MySQL Labs provide server snapshots

MySQL opens its labs to the community. Users who want to test the early builds, before they are released for general availability can get them from MySQL Labs.

There is a detailed announcement that warns against using these binaries in production, but encourages everyone to test them. A companion tutorial explains how to use the snapshots to test the InnoDB plugin, which was released recently, and it is included in the latest MySQL …

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Testing the InnoDB plugin with MySQL snapshots

The cat is out of the bag.
MySQL 5.1 will include the InnoDB plugin, and thanks to
you can try the new version right away.
Here is a step-by-step guide to testing the InnoDB plugin with MySQL snapshot 5.1.39 and MySQL Sandbox.

1. Install MySQL::Sandbox
This is a …
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Introducing the MySQL Cluster patch(es)

The current release of MySQL Cluster 7.0 is based on MySQL Server 5.1.34, normally we update the MySQL Server version as soon as a new one has been released. That is an almost automated process since it's just another branch in bazaar - ie "bzr pull", resolve any conflicts and commit.

The cluster team mainly work with the files in storage/ndb/ where the source for ndbd, ndb_mgmd and all the ndb_* tools for working with MySQL Cluster is kept. We have also produced improvements to the MySQL Server itself. While most of them have been merged back up - either to 5.1 or 6.0 - some hasn't. This means that when someone touch an are that has been improved we get a few conflicts when merging down the latest MySQL Server version. Fortunately that is quite rare now when 5.1 is GA.

Some of the improvements are generic and simply improves MySQL Server's portability, while some are specific and useful only for ha_ndbcluster(the MySQL …

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MySQL University - Boosting performance with partitions

Mark your calendars: A MySQL University session about Boosting performance with MySQL 5.1 will take place on Thursday, June 4th at 13:00 UTC ( 8am CDT (Central) / 9am EDT (Eastern) / 14:00 BST / 15:00 CET / 17:00 MDT (Moscow) / 18:30 IST (India))
The session will be conducted through DimDim, a system that allows you to follow the audio and visuals of a presentation from your browser, without any additional settings.

Attendance is free. Please follow the instructions given in the …

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MySQL University: New replication features in MySQL 5.1 and 6.0

This Thursday (May 28th, 14:00 UTC), Lars Thalmann will give a MySQL University session on MySQL Replication: Walk-through of the new 5.1 and 6.0 features. (This session was originally scheduled for May 7th, but had to be put off due to technical problems. Apologies.) Lars is leading the replication and backup teams at MySQL, so this is one of the best opportunities to ask whatever questions you might have about new replication features in MySQL.

For MySQL University sessions, point your browser to this page. You need a browser with a working Flash plugin. You may register for a Dimdim account, but you don't have to. (Dimdim is the …

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Wordcamp in Milan - slides on MySQL 5.x performance

I am attending WordCamp 2009 in Milan.
I presented MySQL 5.1 and 5.4, with stress on performance.
People are interested. And many questions are flying around, some of which are answerable and some aren't. The questions about Oracle were swiftly avoided, and the ones about forks comparisons were answered with live examples.
The attendees have appreciated it.
MySQL 5.4 performance with logging

About a month ago, I published the results of MySQL 5.x performance with logging. The results covered several versions, from 5.0.45 to 5.1.33. Among the conclusions of the post was the consideration that MySQL 5.0.x is faster than MySQL 5.1 in read only operations. I hinted that better results may come for MySQL 5.1. When I wrote that post I had, in fact, an ace up my sleeve, because I had already benchmarked the performance of MySQL 5.4, using the same criteria shown in my previous post. The results, as you can see from the charts below, tell that …
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MySQL 5.x performance with logging

There has been much talking about MySQL performance related to logging. Since MySQL 5.1.21, when Bug #30414 was reported (Slowdown (related to logging) in 5.1.21 vs. 5.1.20) I have been monitoring the performance of the server, both on 5.0 and 5.1.
Recently, I got a very powerful server, which makes these measurements meaningful.
Thus, I measured the performance of the server, using all publicly available sources, because I want this benchmark to be repeatable by everyone.
I will first describe the method used for the benchmarks, and then I report the results.The serverThe server is a Linux Red Hat Enterprise 5.2, running on a 8core processor, with 32 GB RAM and 1.5 TB storage.

$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Tikanga)

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "processor\|model name" | sort …
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