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Displaying posts with tag: Hyperic (reset)
451 CAOS Links - 2008.04.18

Standish Group says open source costs vendors $60 billion. OpenLogic launches Open Source Census. Novell annnounces SUSE Appliance program. (and more)

“Free Open Source Software Is Costing Vendors $60 Billion,” New Standish Group International Study Finds, The Standish Group International (Press Release)

Global Open Source Census Launches to Count Enterprise Use of Open Source Software, OpenLogic (Press Release)

Novell Announces SUSE Appliance Program, Novell (Press Release)

Sun Microsystems Introduces MySQL Workbench, Sun Microsystems (Press Release) …

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MySQL Conference, Chapter 2

The team just finished our second successful MySQL Con. Many thanks to Marten & Zack and all the folks at O’Reilly that put on such a great conference.

This year definitely had a different feel, and of course that had a lot to do with Sun’s influence. It felt like it was almost a new event, a chapter 2 for MySQL, and its ecosystem of vendors and customers. There were more people - I don’t know exact numbers, but it felt appeared to be twice as packed. The exhibit hall was the same, but we took up a bit more space than last year and certainly there were much fancier booths - ours included! We even gave away multiple prizes this year - our fun 8-ball tshirts, and a couple remote control helicopters. Scott Baird and Mike Hogan were the lucky winners this year.

The one thing that hasn’t changed is our fit with the MySQL customers. This year we met several of our own customers and users face-to-face - including an …

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MySQL Conference Liveblogging: Monitoring Tools (Wednesday 5:15PM)
  • Tom Hanlon of MySQL presents
  • monitoring tool basics
  • basic tools
    • mysqladmin is provided with the server
      • mysqladmin -i 10 extended status: will repeat the same command every 10 seconds. Pipe through grep "and smoke it" (bad pun, hah hah)
      • -r: show only changed values
    • MySQL Administrator
  • cacti
    • rrdtool based network graphing tool
    • uses snmp
    • PHP apache and MySQL based solution
    • MySQL plugins, download and install
    • "poller" gathers data and populates the graphs
    • someone offers …
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The Little ?3? of Open Source Systems Management?

Last year open source analyst Michael Coté of Redmonk coined the term Little Four to describe four up-and-coming open source management vendors and as a foil to the Big Four of systems management.

In the open source space, the 4 names that come up each time ? usually from people I?m talking with even before I say anything ? are: Zenoss, Hyperic, GroundWorks, and openQRM.

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?Gatekeepers of the Datacenter? vs. Freedom of choice in IT

I’ve written in the past about how enterprise management vendors can act as “Gatekeepers of the Datacenter” by virtue of what technologies they do or don’t support as part of their management solutions. This rather lame dynamic is a big part of the reason why a lot of otherwise great technologies dont make it all the way into the traditional enterprise.

The problem gets further compounded when one of these “Gatekeepers” is also a platform or stack vendor. See, it’s hard to resist the temptation of delivering the absolute best management for IBM products from a Tivoli solution while shortchanging non-IBM ones. Or, to lay this on one of the aspiring members of the big 4… how about getting support for SQL Server on Oracle’s Enterprise Manager. Hmmm… I’m gonna guess it sucks because Oracle wants you using their database. Besides, who uses OEM that isnt already an Oracle db customer?

Lucky for us, Hyperic has always …

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Nightmare on Web Street Winner

In the spirit (pun intended) of Halloween, Hyperic sponsored a Nightmare on Web Street contest, where folks were encouraged to tell their grim tales of IT woe for a chance at trick-or-treating for a Wii! The day has come, and the contest winner has been selected. Without further ado, I would like to congratulate “Mr Anderson” for his nightmarish tale of servers and HTML. Here’s the winning entry folks:

Oh by the way, your websites will no longer be hosted in 4 days

In spring of 2002 I was called in by a Company to help them with their websites (I wasn’t an employee at that time, I had a small shop of about 10 guys doing web development/business systems).

The issue? Their Host went bankrupt and they had 4 days to move 100+ sites with 50+ pages each off their servers before the plug was pulled.

If this didn’t go …

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