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Displaying posts with tag: Architecture (reset)
Global Multimaster Cluster Monitoring Using Nagios and NRPE

Your database cluster contains your most business-critical data. The slave nodes must be online, healthy and in sync with the master in order to be viable failover candidates.

This means keeping a close watch on the health of the databases nodes from many perspectives, from ensuring sufficient disk space to testing that replication traffic is flowing.

A robust monitoring setup is essential for cluster health and viability – if your replicator goes offline and you do not know about it, then that slave becomes effectively useless because it has stale data.

Big Brother is Watching You! The Power of Nagios

Even while you sleep, your servers are busy, and you simply cannot keep watch all the time. Now, more than ever, with global deployments, it is literally impossible to watch everything all the time.

Enter Nagios, you best big brother ever. As a long-time player in the monitoring market, Nagios has both …

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Worldwide Multimaster Cluster Administration Using Tungsten Dashboard

Continuent Clustering support true distributed multimaster clustering. In this topology, there are cross-site replicator services for each remote site. In a 3-site configuration, there are a total of 9 replication streams to manage.

Continuent Clustering also offers a graphical administration tool called the Tungsten Dashboard to help with your management burden. The GUI makes the deployment much easier to visualize and administer.

For our example, we will have a Composite Multimaster dataservice called global with three active, writable member clusters (one per site), east, west and north.

Dashboard Summary View

In the summary, collapsed view, the composite service and all member clusters are listed with associated information and controls. Note that the Type for the composite dataservice global is CompMM

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Databook: Turning Big Data into Knowledge with Metadata at Uber

From driver and rider locations and destinations, to restaurant orders and payment transactions, every interaction on Uber’s transportation platform is driven by data. Data powers Uber’s global marketplace, enabling more reliable and seamless user experiences across our products for riders, …

The post Databook: Turning Big Data into Knowledge with Metadata at Uber appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

Donkey System

Donkey system is a fully automatic MySQL database change system.
It gives a great help both to the release of the business and the company’s automated operation and maintenance.


Complete Megalist: 25 Helpful Tools For Back-End Developers


The website or mobile app is the storefront for participating in the modern digital era. It’s your portal for inviting users to come and survey your products and services. Much attention focuses on front-end development; this is where the HMTL5, CSS, and JavaScript are coded to develop the landing page that everyone sees when they visit your site.


But the real magic happens on the backend. This is the ecosystem that really powers your website. One writer has articulated this point very nicely as follows:


The technology and programming that “power” a site—what your end user doesn’t see but what makes the site run—is called the back end. Consisting of the server, the database, and the server-side applications, it’s the behind-the-scenes functionality—the brain of a site. …

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Donkey – system for MySQL automatic maintenance

We build this system based on Inception (Qunar)。

All of MySQL DDL/DML operations are based on Donkey system, with strict approval process to keep online system strong and available.

Open this file by Mockplus Donkey-system

Dockerizing MySQL at Uber Engineering

Uber Engineering’s Schemaless storage system powers some of the biggest services at Uber, such as Mezzanine. Schemaless is a scalable and highly available datastore on top of MySQL¹ clusters. Managing these clusters was fairly easy when we had …

The post Dockerizing MySQL at Uber Engineering appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

TCP Trace

I found a useful tool named sniffer to help us analyze network packages (this tool can capture packages on specific port)

I use sniffer to analyze mysql and redis packages (translate these packages to normal queries)

#./vc-redis-sniffer –help

vc-redis-sniffer is a utility from VividCortex to monitor query activity and write results to a file.
See --license for the terms governing your usage of this program.

  -binding="[::]:6379"         This is a list of comma separated bind strings as seen in /proc/net/tcp
  -help="false"                Show this usage message
  -license="false"             Print the usage terms of this program
  -output=""                   Filepath to output queries to. Defaults to stdout if none specified.
  -show-database="false"       Include a 'USE `database`' for every statement. Supersedes show-database-changes.
  -show-database-changes="false" …
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Why Uber Engineering Switched from Postgres to MySQL


The early architecture of Uber consisted of a monolithic backend application written in Python that used Postgres for data persistence. Since that time, the architecture of Uber has changed significantly, to a model of microservices and new data platforms. …

The post Why Uber Engineering Switched from Postgres to MySQL appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.


we use tcpcopy to make real traffic on our core systems. Many problems will be found in advance if we enlarge queries several times.


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