To follow up on Chuck’s post from earlier this week, I want to
say that yes, on Monday morning I raced across the office to
share the crazy news that Oracle is trying to buy MySQL Sun.
Though, I don’t remember yelling.
But, I did have a real point here and that is that the numbers
that he quoted are prior to the Enterprise / Community split that
happened late in 2006 and since then, the landscape has changed
Today, there are at least 5 different major forks of MySQL to
choose from (and I won’t even talk about the already complicated
version and storage engine choices that most companies have to
make). I am counting MySQL Community (freely available)l
MySQL Enterprise (allowing for enterprise support contracts with
Sun); Our Delta (a patched MySQL Community version); Monty
Widenus’ MariaDB; and of course, Drizzle. I’m sure there
are others that I’m forgetting. This has the …
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