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Displaying posts with tag: Web Development (reset)
PHP empty() function use with MySQL NULL

PHP provides a handy function, empty(), that is used to determine whether a variable is empty. Perhaps that is a bit confusing to someone unfamiliar with the empty() function and I can see how. In this blog post, I will cover: what empty() means in PHP, what the empty() function does, and a use case pairing up empty() with the PHP ternary operator conditional construct. Both used in combination with the MySQL NULL value. Continue reading and see examples of empty()

Photo by Debby Hudson on …

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PHP MySQL BLOB PDF: Display in Browser

In Use MySQL BLOB column with PHP to store .pdf file, I covered an example of how to store a .pdf file in the actual database table using the MySQL BLOB datatype and PHP. Now that we have .pdf’s stored in the database, how do we display them in the browser? This blog post answers that exact question. Continue reading to see a working example using PHP…

Photo by Ben on Unsplash


If you …

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The MariaDB Foundation: A turning point for MySQL

Back when Sun Microsystems was setting, some of the programmers who had been involved with the popular and well-known open source MySQL database started a fork of the project called MariaDB.

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Simple jQuery: how to validate IPv4 addresses and netmasks

Unfortunately jQuery doesn’t come with default form validation to check for ip-addresses or subnet masking. So without a long winded explanation here’s the code. Just include this as a separate JS file like the rest of your page’s JS.

// 'ipv4': IPv4 Address Validator
$.validator.addMethod('ipv4', function(value) {
    var ipv4 = /^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/;    
    return value.match(ipv4);
}, 'Invalid IPv4 address');

// 'netmask': IPv4 Netmask Validator
$.validator.addMethod('netmask', function(value) {
    var mask = /^[1-2]{1}[2,4,5,9]{1}[0,2,4,5,8]{1}\.
    return value.match(mask);
}, 'Invalid IPv4 netmask');

You can use it like this.

        netmask:{ …
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Welcome to Insatiable Demand

In early 2006 Paul Hurley (ideeli’s CEO) and I (Mark Uhrmacher, CTO) were thinking about a new business. We had the idea to create a community based around great deals for Women’s fashion products where we saw a great deal of potential for great content and product sales. Now, over five years later, we’ve realized much of that vision. Our business success has been chronicled over the years in several places (see here and here). Though we’re very proud of our achievements there, that isn’t what this blog is about.

Insatiable Demand is about a mostly untold story. Over the past five-plus years we’ve built a phenomenal technology platform and team. From two people and three servers to a 70 person team and a 100 instance production environment, …

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Why is my database slow?

Not part of my Don’t Assume series, but when a client states “Why is my database slow”", you need to determine if indeed the database is slow.

Some simple tools come to the rescue here, one is Firebug. If a web page takes 5 seconds to load, but the .htm file takes 400ms, and the 100+ assets being downloaded from one base url, then is the database actually slow? Tuning the database will only improve the 400ms portion of 5,000ms download.

There some very simple tips here. MySQL is my domain expertise and I will not profess to improving the entire stack however perception is everything to a user and you can often do a lot. Some simple points include:

  • Know about blocking assets in your <head> element, e.g. .js files.
  • Streamline .js, .css and images to what’s needed. .e.g. download a 100k image only to resize to a thumbnail via style …
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Upcoming book – Expert PHP and MySQL

This month will see the release of the book Expert PHP and MySQL which I was a co-author of. Initially this will be available for purchase in PDF format from the Wrox website and I am hopeful this will be available in print format for the MySQL Users Conference.

More then just your standard PHP and MySQL there is detailed content on technologies including Memcached, Sphinx, Gearman, MySQL UDFs and PHP extensions. We will be posting more information at You can download a PDF version of Chapter 1 Techniques Every Expert Programmer Needs to Know.

The book includes the following content:

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memcached and the client: Database UDFs

NorthScale's own Patrick Galbraith has, for many years now, authored and maintained the MySQL, and now Drizzle, UDFs for memcached.  Last week, Patrick took this one step further with the latest release, version 1.1, which now includes support for "check and set" (a.k.a. CAS) operations.  

User Defined Functions are available for a number of different databases.  This allows some kind of stored procedure language or other triggers to execute other code imported into the DB.  In the case of the memcached UDF, this means giving stored procedures the ability to call memcached operations.

The general idea here is pretty simple.  Most applications start with a database, though it's always possible to use web services or flat files.  Regardless of where the data is persisted, to keep the cache always up to date with the System of …

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Some Drupal observations

I had the opportunity to review a client’s production Drupal installation recently. This is a new site and traffic is just starting to pick up. Drupal is a popular LAMP stack open source CMS system using the MySQL Database.

Unfortunately I don’t always have the chance to focus on one product when consulting, sometimes the time can be minutes to a few hours. Some observations from looking at Drupal.

Disk footprint

Presently, volume and content is of a low volume, but expecting to ramp up. I do however find 90% of disk volume in one table called ‘watchdog’;

| table_schema | total_mb     | data_mb      | index_mb    | tables |
| xxxxx        | 812.95555878 | …
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An intestesting approach to free hosting

I came across the OStatic Free hosting service that provide Solaris + Glassfish (Java Container) + MySQL.

They offer “Now you can get free Web hosting on Cloud Computing environment free of charge for up to 12 months.

The catch “accumulate 400 Points for participating on the site“.

A rather novel approach, you get 100 points for registering, but then only 5-15 points per task. The equates to approximately at least 30 tasks you need to perform, such as answering a question, or reviewing somebodies application. That seems like a lot of work?

In this case, Free has definitely a cost and time factor to consider.

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