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Displaying posts with tag: percona live (reset)
New MySQL features, related technologies at Percona Live London

The upcoming Percona Live London conference, November 11-12, features quite a number of talks about the latest MySQL features and related technologies. There will be a lots of talks about the new MySQL 5.6 features:

  • Opening keynote highlights MySQL 5.6 new features.
  • New InnoDB Compression talk will cover the new compression algorithm, implemented by Facebook and included in MySQL 5.6.
  • New  …
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My Percona Live UK 2013 Tutorial: MySQL DBA In A Nutshell! Hands On!

Do you want to get more familiar on how to become a MySQL DBA?

Are you a developer familiar with writing applications that use MySQL but you feel a bit limited on how to  manage a MySQL Database?

I would like to invite you in my tutorial ‘MySQL DBA In A Nutshell! Hands On! ‘ at Percona Live UK, London on 11 November!

The full day tutorial, co-presented by my colleague Dimitri Vanoverbeke and …

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Oracle Speakers at Percona Live London 2013

I’m pleased to announce that speakers from Oracle will join the lineup at the Percona Live London 2013 MySQL conference which is November 11 & 12. Percona Live London 2013 features 4 keynotes, 30 breakout sessions, and 7 tutorials by leading MySQL users and technology providers. The full conference schedule is now on the Percona Live London MySQL conference website.

Continuing the collaboration that started with the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2013 last April, we welcome Tomas Ulin, …

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Schedule for Percona Live London 2013 is up, enjoy the early bird price before September 21th!

Oh yes, the nights were short last week!
The committee and myself have worked tirelessly to provide this wonderful schedule.

Now, you have no excuse not to register :

First, I would like to thanks David, Ivan, Todd, Kenny and Ben for their fantastic work!
There were tears, blood, passion and much respect ;-)
And of course a lot of fun!

Secondly, I would like to thanks all of you who submitted a talk.
We received a considerable amount of excellent talks from fantastic speakers.
And it was really, really hard to choose only 30 talks among this long …

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Percona Live London 2013: an insider’s view of the schedule

With the close of call for papers earlier this month, the Percona Live London conference committee was in full swing this past week reviewing all of the many submissions for November’s Percona Live London MySQL Conference.

The submissions are far ranging and cover some really interesting topics, making the lineup for Percona Live London really strong! What the committee looks for in a submission is how much “value” a talk will bring to the conference – this is to say it needs to be far more that a product demo. As such, real-world experiences are receiving much more favorable reviews, along with talks that cover methodologies the attendees will …

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Speak at Percona Live London: Call for papers deadline Sept. 8

The Sept. 8 deadline is looming to submit your speaker proposals for Percona Live London 2013′s conference breakout sessions and tutorial sessions.

In addition to fame (and dare I say fortune?), if selected as a speaker by our amazing conference committee, you’ll receive a complimentary, full-conference pass.

Some call for papers pointers:

  • Breakout session submissions should be detailed to clearly indicate the topic and content of your session proposal for the conference committee. Sessions will be 50 minutes in length including Q&A.
  • We are particularly interested in proposals that fit into the following likely conference Tracks: Developing Applications, Database Administration, Trends in Architecture and …
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PLUK Attendees: Show of hands

It will soon be November and we'll be queuing up to register for the Percona Live conference once again. I spoke with some of this year's Percona Live London committee we all agreed that it would be great to arrange a community dinner if there was a community interest. In the past years of the PLUK conference there has not been a community event to attend in order to discuss sessions and make new friends. I for one love the `Pythian-arranged Community Dinner` at Pedro's that occurs annually in Santa Clara during the Percona Live Conference. I know that there are many attendees that do London and CA each year and wager that they'd agree that it's a great event. So lets have it... please r.s.v.p here and if the numbers are good enough we'll schedule something the evening of the tutorials. Please let me know of your interest in the comments below. Thanks :D

Percona Live London, emerge from the shadows, submit your talk before September 8th!

Those who regularly read this blog knows how much I am excited about Percona Live London each year. Now, it is time for me to take part in the organization of this event as a member of the committee and chairman of the conference.

I am really proud to join the committee this year and very happy to share this role with Ivan, Ben, David, Todd and Kenny.

You can imagine that I am honored that Percona has made me this beautiful gift.
Now, we face the challenges!

I am also very pleased to introduce myself as a member of this committee as an employee of Dailymotion. ‘Cause Dailymotion offers me an incredible chance to do my job with passion and fun, like never before.

When I started this blog I wanted to do it as honestly as possible and as humbly as possible.
And I wanted to keep the …

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John Cesario of Go Daddy on Percona MySQL Training

Senior MySQL DBA John Cesario of Go Daddy spoke at Percona Live in April and shared his views on Percona MySQL Training. Here’s what he had to say:

“Go Daddy is passionate about helping our customers. Percona Innodb training gives us another tool to elevate our customer support to the next level. It gives us the kind of insight that only comes from understanding MySQL at a code level. This helps Go Daddy understand MySQL internals, so we can increase performance and reduce troubleshooting time. The instructors are top-notch and leverage their years of field work, providing curriculum that is both relevant and immediately practical. I highly recommend Percona training for all aspects of MySQL consumption: from developers to operational administrators.”

You can watch John’s presentation here:

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Why it’s beneficial to attend MySQL conferences

Peter Zaitsev speaks at the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo in Santa Clara, Calif. in April 2013.

In the MySQL ecosystem, there is some sort of conference or another all year long. But why are they important?

To answer this, we can split the audience into 3 groups:

- MySQL Professionnals
- MySQL Community Members
- MySQL (Future?) Users

Depending on which category you are in, you can have different expectations about conferences.

For MySQL Professionals, it’s the best opportunity to meet partners, customers and also other business players in real life – and this is a very important point. As most of our contact with customers is virtual, meeting people and discussing things with them in person is very beneficial for future collaboration. This is also …

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