At MySQL/Sun we do a lot of high availability setup using Heartbeat but recently I was involved, along with Harold Mayfield (a VCS expert), in project using Symantec VCS on Solaris. Of course, MySQL works perfectly well with VCS, here are a few highlights of the installation.
Apart from the share store resources and the IP resources, MySQL is configured as the following:
Application insiderDB-app ( StartProgram = "/san/mysql/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf &" StopProgram = "/san/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root shutdown" MonitorProgram = "/san/vcs_scripts/mysql_monitor" )
and the mysql_monitor script is the following:
#!/bin/ksh STATUS=$(/usr/bin/echo status | /san/mysql/bin/mysql -u root 2>/dev/null |/usr/bin/grep -c Uptime) if [ "$STATUS" -eq "1" ] then exit 110 else exit 100 fi