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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
Couldn’t load plugin named ‘innodb’

As part of reviewing storage engines for my work on the upcoming Expert PHP and MySQL book, I finally had an excuse to try out the InnoDB Plugin for MySQL which is now conveniently included with MySQL 5.1 since 5.1.38.

Following the MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual instructions at 13.6. The InnoDB Storage Engine I included the bare minimum as documented to my my.cnf.

ignore-builtin-innodb ; ; ; ; ; ;

However to my misfortune the following error occured.

091212 17:45:14 [ERROR] Can't open shared library …
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Is your database schema in sync?

If you have more then a single MySQL database for your production environment, e.g. a development and test environment, or a MySQL replication topology, ensuring your schema’s are in sync can be task that requires some time if not managed correctly.

There is a tool I do use for MySQL environments called Schema Sync – a MySQL Schema Versioning and Migration Utility. There are many reasons why schema’s get out of sync. Developers may not ensure their changes are reflected in any software to be deployed, and when not tested you could end up with broken functionality. A DBA might try some different index strategies on a slave, but not the master, and never implement or revert.

While some people want the quick and hidden just sync version akin to Rails, I really like this product as it produces proper patch and revert SQL scripts. As a DBA I really want to know what’s going to …

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Monitoring MySQL with MONyog

It just works. In absence of any MySQL monitoring for your site, I have found no solution that gets you operational as quickly and easily. MONyog can be deployed in 60 seconds, and configured in another 60 seconds. Within 5 minutes you can have visual monitoring of your MySQL environment.

MONyog is an agentless process, which is an advantage for easy install, but does not provide for monitoring redundancy in the capture of information due to agentless nature. It’s a static standalone executable which is great if you need something to work out of the box. You can easily configure multiple servers in a replication topology, or different servers in your environment. You get the ability to monitor all the usual information, with a dashboard and detailed graphs. While MONyog does provide customizations of rules for the graphs and presentation order, that’s about it. You can’t at this time …

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MySQL Permissions – Restarting MySQL

I am working with a client that is using managed hosting on dedicated servers. This has presented new challenges in obtaining the right permissions to undertake MySQL tasks but not have either ‘root’ or ‘mysql’ access and not have to involve a third party everytime.

Adding the following to the /etc/sudoers file enabled the ability to restart MySQL.

User_Alias      DBA = rbradfor, user2, etc
Host_Alias      DB_SERVERS =,, etc
Cmnd_Alias      MYSQL = /etc/init.d/mysqld, /usr/sbin/tcpdump


As you can see I also got tcpdump, which I find valuable to monitor via mk-query-digest.

Next, permissions for log files.

Monitoring MySQL resource limits

I have for the first time seen a client implement MySQL Resource Limits. I got the following error tying to connect to the database.

$ mysql -udba -p
ERROR 1226 (42000): User 'dba' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10)

I see from the documentation the ability to see the limits in the mysql.user table. I see this is included in the SHOW GRANTS output.

SHOW GRANTS for 'dba'@'%';
| Grants for dba@%                                                                                                                         |
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Monitoring MySQL Product Options

I’ve had plenty of comments on specific products to Monitoring MySQL Options before providing the completed list. Here are the results from my survey to give everybody a more complete list.

Nagios 25 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
MONyog 8 xxxxxxxx
Cacti 4 …
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Monitoring MySQL options

My recent poll What alert monitoring do you use? showed 25% of the 58 respondents to bravely state they had no MySQL monitoring. I see 1 in 3, ~33% in my consulting so this is consistent.

There is no excuse to not have some MySQL Monitoring on your production system. At the worse case, you should be logging important MySQL information for later analysis. I use my own Logging and Analyzing scripts on every client for an immediate assessment regardless of what’s available. I combine that with my modified statpack to give me immediate text based analysis, broken down by hour chunks for quick reference. These help me in troubleshooting, but they are …

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Unknown locale for statpack & maatkit

I had trouble today on a client site using my MySQL power tools Maatkit and Statpack.

$ ~/scripts/ --files=mysql.status.091015.080001.txt,mysql.status.091015.090001.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/rbradfor/scripts/", line 563, in ?
  File "/home/rbradfor/scripts/", line 527, in main
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, '')
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 381, in setlocale
    return _setlocale(category, locale)
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
$ cat /var/log/slow-query.log | ./mk-query-digest
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
        LANGUAGE = (unset),
        LC_ALL = (unset),
        LANG = "e_US"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard …
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Take a look at mk-query-digest

Q: What SQL is running on your MySQL database server now?
A: The bane of pain for MySQL DBA’s when there is no official MySQL instrumentation that is dynamic and fine grained sufficiently to solve this problem at the SQL interface.

While hybrid solutions exist, the lack of dynamic and real-time are the issues. There is however great work being done by Baron and others on Maatkit mk-query-digest and packet sniffing the MySQL TCP packets.

$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 port 3306 -s 65535  -x -n -q -tttt | ./mk-query-digest --type tcpdump
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
# Caught SIGINT.
5444 packets captured
8254 packets received by filter
2809 packets dropped by kernel
# 2.1s user time, 40ms system time, 22.23M rss, 57.60M vsz
# …
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Looking just at the data

There are many areas you need to review when addressing MySQL performance such as current database load, executed SQL statements, connections, configuration parameters, memory usage, disk to memory ratio, hardware performance & bottlenecks just to name a few.

If you were to just look at the data that is held in the database, what would you consider?
Here are my tips, when looking just at the data.

  1. What is the current database size?
  2. What is the growth of data over time, say daily, weekly?
  3. Which are the 2 largest tables now?
  4. What 2 tables are growing the fastest?
  5. What tables have greatest churn, specifically DELETE’s?
  6. How often do you optimize your tables?
  7. What is your archiving/purging strategy? Do you even have one?
  8. Review data types? I average 25% reduction in footprints, just by choosing optimal data types, generally with zero …
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