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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
PHP-SQL-Parser updated again

I have bumped the minor version to 4.1.2 with this release which incorporates various pull requests from contributors. Of note is support for ALTER statements in PHPSQLCreator, which is the components of PHP-SQL-Parser responsible for turning a parse tree back into an executable SQL statement, basically an "unparser".

PHP-SQL-Parser updated again

I have bumped the minor version to 4.1.2 with this release which incorporates various pull requests from contributors. Of note is support for ALTER statements in PHPSQLCreator, which is the components of PHP-SQL-Parser responsible for turning a parse tree back into an executable SQL statement, basically an "unparser".

A roughneck walk down database alley

via GIPHY I was just responding to some Disqus comments on a recent blog post. Admittedly it had a provocative title Will SQL databases just die already. What do you think? Join 34,000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. A reader pointed out that some No-SQL databases do support joins. Huh? My face … Continue reading A roughneck walk down database alley →

Will SQL just die already?

With tons of new No-SQL database offerings everyday, developers & architects have a lot of options. Cassandra, Mongodb, Couchdb, Dynamodb & Firebase to name a few. Join 33,000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. What’s more in the data warehouse space, you have Hadoop, which can churn through terabytes of data and get … Continue reading Will SQL just die already? →

What’s Next for SQL Databases?

In this blog, I’ll go over my thoughts on what we can expect in the world of SQL databases.

After reading Baron’s prediction on databases, here:

I want to provide my own view on what’s coming up next for SQL databases. I think we live in interesting times, when we can see the beginning of the next-generation of RDBMSs.

There are defining characteristics of such databases:

  1. Auto-scaling. The ability to add and use resources depending on the current load and database size. This is done transparently for users and DBAs.
  2. Auto-healing. The automatic handling of node …
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How does a relational database work

Introduction While doing my High-Performance Java Persistence training, I came to realize that it’s worth explaining how a relational database works, as otherwise, it is very difficult to grasp many transaction-related concepts like atomicity, durability, and checkpoints. In this post, I’m going to give a high-level explanation of how a relational database works internally while … Continue reading How does a relational database work →

How to Execute SQL Batches With JDBC and jOOQ

Some databases (in particular MySQL and T-SQL databases like SQL Server and Sybase) support a very nice feature: They allow for running a "batch" of statements in a single statement. For instance, in SQL Server, you can do something like this: -- Statement #1 DECLARE @table AS TABLE (id INT); -- Statement #2 SELECT * … Continue reading How to Execute SQL Batches With JDBC and jOOQ →

MySQL Reporting using AutoSQL Tool

Three ways to schedule a MySQL query

If you walk through any office you see people working in Excel. With MySQL for Excel ( you can already let them pull information from Excel themselves. However, in some cases it saves a lot of time if they don’t have to pull the information, but it’s pushed automatically.
Exception lists are the best examples of queries you want to push to users. If you have a query with occasional results, you don’t want to check for this every day. In this case you just want to receive a mail if there are any results. Eg a list of stuck invoices which can’t be processed automatically.
How can we do this?

1. Using the MySQL Event Scheduler

The MySQL Event scheduler can be used to run a query on a predefined schedule and output the results in CSV format. …

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MySQL group replication: installation with Docker


MySQL Group Replication was released as GA with MySQL 5.7.17. It is essentially a plugin that, when enabled, allows users to set replication with this new way.

There has been some confusion about the stability and usability of this release. Until recently, MySQL Group Replication (MGR) was only available in the Labs, which traditionally denotes a preview or an use-at-your-own-risk feature. Several months ago we saw the release of Group Replication as a Docker image, which allowed users to deploy a peer-to-peer cluster (every node is a master.) However, about one month after such release, word came from Oracle discouraging this setup, and inviting users to use Group Replicator in …

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Query Language Type Overview

This blog provides a query language type overview.

The idea for this blog originated from some customers asking me questions. When working in a particular field, you often a dedicated vocabulary that makes sense to your peers. It often includes phrases and abbreviations because it’s efficient. It’s no different in the database world. Much of this language might make sense to DBA’s, but it might sound like “voodoo” to people not used to it. The overview below covers the basic types of query languages inside SQL. I hope it clarifies what they mean, how they’re used and how you should interpret them.

DDL (Data Definition Language)

A database schema is a visualization of information. It contains the data structure separated by tables structures, views and anything that contains structure …

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