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Displaying posts with tag: parser (reset)
My oldest still-open MySQL bug

This morning I received an update on a MySQL bug, someone added a comment on an issue I filed in November 2003, originally for MySQL 4.0.12 and 4.1.0. It’s MySQL bug#1956 (note the very low number!), “Parser allows naming of PRIMARY KEY”:

[25 Nov 2003 16:23] Arjen Lentz
When specifying a PRIMARY KEY, the parser still accepts a name for the index even though the MySQL server will always name it PRIMARY.
So, the parser should NOT accept this, otherwise a user can get into a confusing situation as his input is ignored/changed.

How to repeat:

'bla' after PRIMARY KEY should not be accepted.

Suggested fix:
Fix grammar in parser.

Most likely we found it during a MySQL training session, training days have always been a great bug catching …

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PHP-SQL-Parser updated again

I have bumped the minor version to 4.1.2 with this release which incorporates various pull requests from contributors. Of note is support for ALTER statements in PHPSQLCreator, which is the components of PHP-SQL-Parser responsible for turning a parse tree back into an executable SQL statement, basically an "unparser".

PHP-SQL-Parser updated again

I have bumped the minor version to 4.1.2 with this release which incorporates various pull requests from contributors. Of note is support for ALTER statements in PHPSQLCreator, which is the components of PHP-SQL-Parser responsible for turning a parse tree back into an executable SQL statement, basically an "unparser".

MySQL 8.0: Refactoring and Improving the Parser

In 8.0 we have introduced another bunch of parser refactoring worklogs:

  • WL#8067 (me): “Refactoring of the CREATE TABLE statement” with its subtasks:
    • WL#8434: Refactoring of partitioning-related stuff.
    • WL#8435: Cleanup and refactoring column definition stuff.
    • WL#8433: Separate DD commands from regular SQL queries in the parser grammar.

Inline JSON Path Expressions in MySQL 5.7

MySQL 5.7.9 has a new feature, that simplifies queries that deal with JSON data and makes more human-readable: inlined JSON path expressions. Now you can do following:

mysql> CREATE TABLE employees (data JSON);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('{"id": 1, "name": "Jane"}');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO employees VALUES ('{"id": 2, "name": "Joe"}');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0,00 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM employees WHERE data->'$.id'= 2;

| data                     |
| {"id": 2, "name": "Joe"} |
1 row in set (0,01 sec)

Let’s take a closer look at the expression in the WHERE clause.…

When ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY Won’t See the Query Is Deterministic…

This is a follow-up post to my recent announcement of only_full_group_by improvements in 5.7, where I’d like to address some tricky corner cases where GROUP BY contains non-column expressions (functions).

In the SQL standard, GROUP BY should contain only table columns and never expressions. So this example query where we want to count how many people have the same name is illegal in the SQL2011 standard because the GROUP BY clause contains a function:

CREATE TABLE people (first_name VARCHAR(100), last_name VARCHAR(100));

SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name), COUNT(*)
FROM people
GROUP BY CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name);

But MySQL does allow expressions in a GROUP BY clause, and it’s a very convenient addition to the standard. The logic …

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MySQL 5.7: only_full_group_by Improved, Recognizing Functional Dependencies, Enabled by Default!

Here’s an account of recent work which has kept me busy and excited for a few months. For those unfamiliar with the only_full_group_by sql mode, let me provide some context. I’ll use the world database, which can be downloaded from this MySQL Documentation page. You can find details on how to install the database on the same page. We have a table of countries and a table of languages spoken in each country. It’s a 1-to-N relationship: a country can have many languages so CountryLanguage.CountryCode is a foreign key referencing Country.Code:

mysql> desc Country;
| Field          | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra | …
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The Query Rewrite Plugins

Why Query Rewrites?

Now that the cost model project is progressing, most of you are going to notice execution plan changes. In the vast majority of the cases, the changes will be for the better, and some bugs with a long history will finally be closed. In some cases, however, you will notice that your queries run slower. This is inevitable: even if the MySQL optimizer is doing a much better job with the information it has, it may still be the case that the information was incomplete and that the best plan was, in fact, found by not trusting that information! Normally, we would just say “add an optimizer hint” and be over with it. But sometimes you can’t do that. For instance your query could be auto-generated from an application that you have no control over. This is why you want to intervene right before the …

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SQL parser refactoring in 5.7.4 LAB release

We are refactoring the SQL parser: the sql_yacc.yy file and friends.

Refactoring the parser consists of a base task that provides the common framework for refactoring, and several follow-up tasks to refactor individual types of SQL statements. We have already completed two follow-up tasks: one to refactor SELECT statements, and another to refactor SET statements.

Parser refactoring goals and tasks

The old parser had critical limitations because of its grammar complexity and top-down parsing style:

  • The top-down parsing style is not natural for Bison/YACC parser generators (they generate bottom-up parsers), which lead …
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