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Displaying posts with tag: webinar (reset)
Webinar: Introducing MySQL Workbench

September 16, 10:00 am PST, 1:00 pm EST, 18:00 GMT

I'm proud to inform you that I will be hosting a MySQL Workbench Webinar, September 16. You can find the announcement right here.

I have spent quite a deal of time testing MySQL Workbench. Thanks to the hard work of the MySQL Developer Tools Team, the tool just becomes better and better each new build. Personally, I think it is high time to present its features and benefits in a web seminar, and when Giuseppe asked me to do it, I was more than happy to oblige.

I'll shortly post an outline of some of the key features I will be presenting. Most likely, I'll address a number of issues I've seen recurring on the …

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Webinar “Bau sicherer LAMP Anwendungen”

Last week I gave my first webinar for MySQL titled “Bau sicherer LAMP Anwendungen”. The webinar, which was a cooperation between MySQL and my company SektionEins, was held in german, covered SQL-Malware, SQL-Injection, safe programming and some tools to detect and block SQL-Injection attacks.

The recording of this webinar is now available on the MySQL site.

For those that only want to see my slides they are available on the MySQL site after registration or here.

Because it was a german webinar the recording and slides are in german, too.

A few seats still left for DRBD Performance Tuning webinar

For those of you interested in getting maximum performance out of your DRBD-based HA clusters, I am hosting a webinar on the subject on Wednesday, 8/27 at 1800 UTC (2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific).

The webinar is offered free of charge and it’s already pretty tight in terms of attendance, the event being limited to a maximum of 60 attendees. But if you’re quick, you might still stand a chance of grabbing a front-row seat. Check out this page on our website, it has all the relevant information.

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Mysql-Proxy Heuristic SQL Injection Detection

MySQL Proxy is a simple program that sits between your client and MySQL server(s) that can monitor, analyze or transform their communication. Its flexibility allows for unlimited uses; common ones include: load balancing; failover; query analysis; query filtering and modification; and many more.”

The flexibility of MySQL Proxy is based on the fact that every aspect is scriptable with Lua. Because I am new to MySQL Proxy and the Lua language I tried to implement a very simple script that waits for incoming SQL queries, tokenizes them and tries to detect SQL Injection heuristically by searching for certain disallowed SQL functions, databases, tables, statements or comments. When an SQL query is believed to contain an SQL injection is it not executed and a “Possible SQL …

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Memcached for MySQL: Advanced Use Cases (Recoding and Slides)

My second webinar (hey it's an officially recognized word now!) on memcached, Memcached for MySQL: Advanced Use Cases, is now available on-demand from MySQL website.

Also see:

Memcached for MySQL Webinar: Advanced Use Cases

Today at 1PM EST I am presenting the second part of memcached for MySQL webinar. I was told that the registration numbers look as good as the previous one. This one will be a bit more technical than the previous webinar. Sorry for the late notice but hope you can join!

Recording and slides of my Security & Backup webinar now available

I've just been informed that a PDF of my slides as well as a recording of yesterday's webinar about MySQL Backup and Security (in German) is already available for replay/review. You can access the files from our on demand webinars page (free registration required). Enjoy!

Webinar on 2008-06-17 (in German): MySQL Backup and Security best practices

If you are new to MySQL and would like to get an overview about some best practices for securing a MySQL server and some commonly used backup techniques, consider attending this webinar (in german), held by yours truly. It will take place this Tuesday (2008-06-17) at 15:00 CEST - participation is free of charge! This is my first attempt to perform a webinar, I usually give talks in front of a live audience... Let's see how it goes.

Italian Webinar - Materiale, Domande e Risposte per il Webinar "Guida alla scalabilita' di MySQL"

La registrazione del webinar e le slide sono presenti qui.
Di seguito riporto la sezione di domande e risposte:
Q from Ivo: Tutte le considerazioni sulla scalabilita' fin qui individuate sono valide anche per la versione community di MySQL?
A: si

Q from Alex: Mysql Proxy per la suddivisione delle richieste lettura scittura è ad oggi stabile ?
A: MySQL Proxy e' ancora in fase alfa e non e' consigliato l'utilizzo in produzione.

Q from Massimo: Qual'e' il metodo migliore per il backup incrementale di un db?
A: E' necessario attivara il binary log ed effettuare le operazioni di FLUSH LOG al momento del backup.

Q from Mauro: Ci possono essere applicativi web che inseriscono dei dati nel DB, e che subito rileggono i dati inseriti. Dato  che la replicazione è …

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Memcached Webinar - 560+ registrants

A big thank you to all those who attended the memcached webinar today on which I was a panelist. I was told that there were more than 560 registrants.

The feedback I received directly and indirectly shows that there is a lot of interest about memcached. In the future, I hope to work again with MySQL/Sun on more memcached related webinars.

If you attended the webinar and have some suggestions, comments or questions, please contact me at fmashraqi at yahoo dot com or post a comment on this blog.

Special thanks to Jimmy Guerrero, Monty Taylor, Rich Taylor, Edwin DeSouza and Alex Roedling for their hard work in arranging the webinar. Also thanks to Brian Aker, Matt Ingenthron and Trond Norbye for their assistance at various phases.

In case you missed the webinar:

  • webinar recording: …
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