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Displaying posts with tag: work (reset)
MaxDB Synch Manager, Part the Fourth

This series began at Part the First. If you have not read this yet, please do so now.

My partner, Ulf just found this document that is distributed with MaxDB. It is licensed under the GPL:

More perusing found this one, licensed the same way:

And a bit more looking found this. Also GPL.

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MaxDB Synch Manager, Part the third: Installing Java

This series began at Part the First, which is still in rough draft form. Be sure to read the first article before continuing with this article.

The following sync programs were installed with the MySQL MaxDB
server in the first article:

$ file `sudo find /opt/sdb/ -iname "*sync*" | head -4`
/opt/sdb/programs/bin/syncmanjconf: Bourne shell script text executable
/opt/sdb/programs/bin/syncservice:  Bourne shell script text executable
/opt/sdb/programs/bin/syncmanacc:   Bourne shell script text executable
/opt/sdb/programs/bin/syncmangui:   Bourne shell script text executable

These applications require the j2ee sdk in order to run. You can
download the version presented in this article from …

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MySQL Administrator

The MySQL Administrator makes my life happy. In conjunction with the query browser, it makes phpmyadmin seem not so glamorous anymore.


MaxDB Synch Manager, Part the second: Verifying installation

Welcome to the second installment of my
articles on the MaxDB Synch manager. In the rough draft of the previous article, we covered
installing MaxDB and related client packages.

Launch First Steps

As you will remember from the first article, we are now at the
point of doing what the installer calls launching the first steps.

When the button on the installer is clicked, a brower opens a file
that the installer placed on my hard drive. For those of you without
access to my hard drive, I will post this file on
my web server
for easier viewing. Do note, however that this file
in its current state is out of date, and we do not suggest using it as
a reference.

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cannot create package tree: unresolved dependency: package "Base" not found

My experience showed that installing a new version of glibc resolved the error:

$ sudo apt-get install libc6

If this doesn't work for you, try this:

MaxDB Synch Manager, Part the first: Installing MaxDB and related tools

This set of articles is licensed under the GNU FDL. You can get
the most recent release of these articles from here.
You can get the most recent development release of these articles
from here.

I had previously installed the debian
package of MaxDB. I didn't like that it operated so differently from
how the documents described it, so I am documenting my experience
installing a stock version of MaxDB.

If you don't have sudo installed, please read my entry on installing sudo here:

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MySQL Support: If you're not happy, we're not happy

I've been hearing a lot of good things about our support guys. How does the community feel? Do you think that we're doing a good job?

Docbook XHTML generation with tidy, chapter the third

In chapter the first, I presented a way to install HTML tidy.

In chapter the second, I created a script to install the most recent version of tidy with a single command.

In this chapter, I will show you how to run tidy in a way that cleans up the HTML that was generated by Office™.

Docbook XHTML generation with tidy, chapter the second

In Chapter the First, we presented a set of commands you could run to install HTML Tidy on your system.

In this chapter, we will present a script that you may run on your Linux or OS X system to install the most recent version of HTML tidy.

You may use subversion, wget, or your favorite browser to retrieve the most recent version of this tidy installer.

I'm writing a perl script using Commands::Guarded to automate what I did in the first article.

You may retrieve the source with wget, so:

$ wget -r

Or subversion, so:

$ svn co svn://

You may also get the most recent version of the individual files in the distribution using …

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HTTP Authentication and Microsoft IIS / PHP ISAPI module

Eventum has a feature to provide RSS feeds of custom filters, which is basically a way to save advanced search parameters into a special URL that you can call out to check on results. Pretty useful feature, and a lot of people use that. However, we can’t simply have an open window into a potential confidential database of issues/bugs/tickets, so the RSS feed script authenticates the user with HTTP Auth, with the usual PHP way of doing things:

if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="My Realm"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
echo 'Text to send if user hits Cancel button';
} else {
echo "Hello {$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']}.";
echo "You entered {$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']} as your password.";

Everything …

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Showing entries 211 to 220 of 227
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