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Displaying posts with tag: work (reset)
More notes from UnixODBC + Maxdb

I built a simple ODBC program that attempts to connect to a data source and tells you whether the connection succeeded or not.

It works. Yay. I also moved the example config directory to the example directory, since that's what they are.

Hey, look! I'm published :)

Notes from UnixODBC + MaxDB

$ dltest /opt/sdb/programs/lib/ SQLAllocHandle
[dltest] ERROR dlopen: /opt/sdb/programs/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE

$ dltest /opt/sdb/programs/lib/ SQLAllocHandle

I put this example odbcinst.ini file in /etc, and this example odbc.ini file in my home directory as $HOME/.odbc.ini, and then ran the following:

$ isql MailDB dba dba

and voìla! Now to get down to the important bits...

New software, notes about work

I installed OOo 2 today. And I connected it to my locally running MySQL database via JDBC. I've been learning a lot about JDBC recently, what with a rash of customers wanting to know how to connect to MaxDB via Java.

I'm also working a bit with Peter Harvey and learning something about ODBC. It seems somewhat more complicated. Perhaps that's because it doesn't have a virtual machine to target. I don't know. They all seem similar to DBI.

I also installed the beta version of Thunderbird. The Debian package was a bit out of date and didn't have index-by-recipient. It was a major hassle for me, so I fixed it.

Ulf and I have been working with a potential customer who has been having issues connecting to his x_server with MaxDB SQL Studio. He was initially reporting that he could not issue a particular query. I tried to get it working locally and put together a little script to build his example database, given …

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maildb code back up

Since I've been working a bit more on maildb the last week, I put the subversion repository back up. Sadly, the revision history has been lost for the previous version. All I had to restore it was the current checkout.

I believe the old revision history can be grabbed from the .svn/ folders in this tar file, though, if you need it:

You may keep up-to-date by following the development in the online SVN:

svn co

contact me for commit rights.

Dinner with cohorts

I had dinner last night with krow and a bunch of our co-workers. We went to a place on Capitol Hill in Seattle called Galeria's. I'd wandered by quite a few times but had not, until last night, eaten there.

Hey, look! Pictures!

Prior to dinner, we worked on fixing some of the last remaining 5.0 bugs (my father once - or more - told me that "watching is helping"). I met a couple of folks I had not met before and learned a few new things about MySQL's query optimizer and how execution plans are developed. It turns out that, like MaxDB, MySQL has a cost-based optimizer.

When we returned to Brian's place after dinner, everyone settled back in to work. Before long, I had to …

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SynchMan Rough Drafts

For those of you who were curious what the rough drafts of my Synchronization Manager articles look like, the link to the first article follows.

My server was down for the last 3 weeks. This brings me to about a 98% uptime. Woe.

But the good news is that I have put the drafts of the articles up for review here:

Florian Mueller nominated as European of the year

Florian Mueller, one of my acquaintances from MySQL has been nominated for his work against European Software Patents as European of the year. Pretty heady!

He mentions the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) in a statement. At OSCON this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Hartmut Pilch, the president of the FFII. He seems like a good guy and he is single-minded about his convictions.

If you feel, as I do, that Florian would make a better European Of The Year than UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, vote for him here:

Synch Manager, part V article outline

Hey all,

Here is the rough outline for the upcoming Synchronization Manager article. I expect to have it fleshed out and ready for publication by the end of next week or shortly thereafter. Please give feedback if you see anything missing or are not interested in particular topics.


  • Concepts

    • Replication Units

      • Master Unit
      • Client Unit
      • Activating Replication Units

    • Message Server, msgserver
    • Synchronization Service, syncservice
    • Conflicts
    • Table name mapping
    • Master database …
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Eventum 1.6.1 Released!

We released 1.6.1 last friday with these changes:

- Fixed the installation procedure to add the INDEX privilege to the MySQL user (João)
- Fixed bug with handling HTML characters in Internal FAQ entries (Bryan)
- Fixed bug displaying priority in current filters (Bryan)
- Added feature to set X-Eventum-Type header in new assignment email (Bryan)
- Fixed bug that allowed users to access attachments, custom fields, phone calls and time tracking from issues they did not have access too (Bryan)
- Added new workflow method to check if an address should be emailed (Bryan)
- Fixed the issue searching routine to properly handle disabled fulltext search and customer integration features (João)
- Improved the IRC Bot script to be easier to configure (João)
- Added feature to update issue assignment, status and release for multiple issues at the same (Bryan)
- Fixed labels on …

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Showing entries 201 to 210 of 227
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