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Displaying posts with tag: Percona (reset)
Notes from MySQL Conference 2012 - Part 2, the hard part

This is the second and final part of my notes from the MySQL conference. In this part I'll focus on the technical substance of talks I saw, and didn't see.

More than ever before I was a contributor rather than attendee at this conference. Looking back, this resulted in seeing less talks than I would have wanted to, since I was speaking or preparing to speak myself. Sometimes it was worse than speaking, for instance I spent half a day picking up pewter goblets from an egnravings shop... (congratulations to all the winners again :-) Luckily, I can make up for some of that by going back and browse their slides. This is especially important whenever 2 good talks are scheduled in the same slot, or in the same slot when I was to speak. So I have categorized topics here along various axes, but also along the "things I did see" versus "things I missed" axis.

My own talks

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Notes from MySQL Conference 2012 - Part 1, the soft part

I have finally recovered from my trip to Santa Clara enough that I can scribble down some notes from this year's MySQL Conference. Writing a travel report is part of the deal where my employer covers the travel expense, so even if many people have written about the conference, I need to do it too. And judging from the many posts for instance from Pythian's direction, Nokia is perhaps not the only company with such a policy?

Baron's keynote

There has usually always been something that can be called a "soft keynote". Pirate Party founder Rick Falckvinge speaking at a database conference is a memorable example (I still keep in touch with him, having met him at the Hyatt Santa Clara). This year there was one less day, and therefore less keynotes. The soft keynote was therefore taken care of by Baron using some time out of Peter's opening keynote. Baron's talk was an ode to the conference itself, underscoring the meaning of the …

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2012.04.20

Topics for this podcast:

*OpenStack, Amazon, Eucalyptus and Citrix engage in open cloud warfare
*Microsoft spins off new company for openness
*Updates on automation players Puppet Labs and Opscode with Chef
*Percona turns attention to MySQL high availability
*Open APIs as the fifth pillar of modern IT openness

iTunes or direct download (28:42, 4.9MB)

Percona MySQL Conference and Expo Week in Review

Thanks to all of those who came by our booth and to see Leif’s presentation on Read Optimization, and to my Lightning Talk on OLTP and OLAP at the Percona MySQL Conference and Expo. It was an incredible week and a great place to launch TokuDB v6.0 from! A big thanks to Percona for a great event, to …

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Some lessons from MySQL Conference 2012

The Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2012 is over. Together with the SkySQL solutions day, it has kept me occupied for 4 full days, from early morning to late at night.

I have to say that I am pleased. The quality of the organization was very high, with a very good lineup of speakers and an excellent technical support.

As usual, I have learned a lot during this week, either directly, by attending talks, or indirectly, by meeting people who told me what was juicy at the talks that I had missed. And I have met new interesting people, and caught up with the people that I know already.

This conference was particularly intense also because I got myself involved in 5 talks, which was probably more than I should have. How did I end up with such a task? It's a long story. …

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TokuDB v6.0: Frequent Checkpoints with No Performance Hit

Checkpointing — which involves periodically writing out dirty pages from memory — is central to the design of crash recovery for both TokuDB and InnoDB. A key issue in designing a checkpointing system is how often to checkpoint, and TokuDB takes a very different approach from InnoDB. How often and how much InnoDB checkpoints is complicated, but under certain workloads it can be relatively infrequent. In contrast, TokuDB runs a complete checkpoint starting one minute after the last one ended.

Frequent checkpoints make for fast recovery. Once MySQL crashes, the storage engine needs to replay the log to get back to a correct state. The length of the log is a function of the time since the last checkpoint for TokuDB and a more complicated function of the workload for InnoDB. And replaying the log is single threaded. So TokuDB recovers in minutes, and …

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TokuDB v6.0: Even Better Compression

A key feature of our new TokuDB v6.0 release, which I have been blogging about this week, is compression. Compression is always on in TokuDB, and the compression we’ve achieved in the past has been quite good. See a previous post on the 18x compression achieved by TokuDB v5.0 on one benchmark. In our latest release, we’ve updated the way compression works and got 50% improvement on compression.

I decided to present numbers on the same set of data as the old post, so see that post for experimental details.

But first, what are the changes? TokuDB compresses large blocks of data — on the order of MB, rather than the 16KB that InnoDB uses — …

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Announcing TokuDB v6.0: Less Slave Lag and More Compression

We are excited to announce TokuDB® v6.0, the latest version of Tokutek’s flagship storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB.

This version offers feature and performance enhancements over previous releases, support for XA (two-phase transactional commits), better compression, and reduced performance variability associated with checkpointing. This release also brings TokuDB support up to date on MySQL v5.1, MySQL v5.5 and MariaDB v5.2. There’s a lot of great technical stuff under the hood in this release and I’ll be reviewing the improvements one-by-one over the course of this week.

I’ll be posting more details about the new features and performance, so here’s an overview of what’s in store.

Replication Slave Lag
One of the things TokuDB does well is single-threaded insertions, which translates directly into less slave lag. With TokuDB v6.0, we introduce support for XA, which insures for …
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21st century presentation technology at Percona Live

After 15 years of slide show technology, I thought that we need to change the way we do presentations. And since I am advocating radical changes, I will eat my own dog food and be the first to present a MySQL session using 3D technology.

Since watching Avatar a few years ago, I thought that using this technology would make my presentations truly amazing. However, two years ago a 3d projector was prohibitively expensive. Now, instead, it is affordable, and fits in my briefcase!

What I needed, though, was a compelling reason for using 3d vs. traditional presentations. And I found it. As I have mentioned recently, I am working with the coolest replication technology on earth. Explaining this technology is often challenging. While regular replication …

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What about the subqueries?

MySQL version 4.1 was quite revolutionary. The main reason for that was support for sub-queries.1

However since then MySQL users were rather discouraged to use that functionality, basically due to the implementation’s poor performance  and forced to build complicated queries based on joins rather than on subqueries.

Of course you can do some effort to optimize your subquery with sometimes very good results2. Not always it’s easy or even possible if you can’t change the code though.

You’d say it’s not a problem for typical OLTP, web based traffic at all, just don’t use subqueries! That’s true, …

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