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Displaying posts with tag: Performance (reset)
The Query Rewrite Plugins

Why Query Rewrites?

Now that the cost model project is progressing, most of you are going to notice execution plan changes. In the vast majority of the cases, the changes will be for the better, and some bugs with a long history will finally be closed. In some cases, however, you will notice that your queries run slower. This is inevitable: even if the MySQL optimizer is doing a much better job with the information it has, it may still be the case that the information was incomplete and that the best plan was, in fact, found by not trusting that information! Normally, we would just say “add an optimizer hint” and be over with it. But sometimes you can’t do that. For instance your query could be auto-generated from an application that you have no control over. This is why you want to intervene right before the …

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Optimizer Cost Model Improvements in MySQL 5.7.5 DMR

In a previous blog post we presented some of the issues with the current optimizer cost model and listed several ideas for improvements. The new 5.7.5 DMR contains the result of our initial work on improving the optimizer’s cost model:

  • Cost Model for WHERE Conditions. In previous versions of MySQL, the estimated number of rows from a table that will be joined with the next table only takes into account the conditions used by the access method. This often led to record estimates that were far too high and thus to a very wrong cost estimate for the join. With wrong cost estimates, the join optimizer might not find and choose the best join order. To solve this issue, a cost model that includes the …
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Hard Drive Reliability

Cloud service provider Backblaze has updated its earlier study of hard drive failure rates (Nov 2013) in its own infrastructure – from 27,000 to more than 34,000 drives, and the new report (Sep 2014) is quite informative. Hitachi comes out pretty high, Western Digital has produced some good drives, but Seagate tends to come out worst. Each brand does have good and not-so-good models so there’s no single right answer, and for any new model you’ll always be dealing with an unknown factor.

Backblaze also found that consumer drives actually perform well compared to enterprise grade drives, and once price is taking into account the enterprise drives just …

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Better Performance for JOINs Not Using Indexes

In some cases it is not possible to use an index to optimize a JOIN. This may for example happen when you query the Performance Schema. As a result these kind of queries can be very slow; however in MySQL 5.6 and later you can use a trick to improve the performance considerably.

As a working example in this post, I will use the schema_table_statistics view in the sys schema. Since the view involves the schema, I will create a reasonable large number of databases and tables for the test:

shell$ for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do
>    echo "Database ${i}"
>    mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE db${i}"
>    for ((j=0; j<100; j++)); do
>        mysql -e "CREATE TABLE db${i}.t${j} (id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, val varchar(10) NOT NULL) …
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Which Compression Tool Should I Use for my Database Backups? (Part II: Decompression)

On my post last week, I analysed some of the most common compression tools and formats, and its compression speed and ratio. While that could give us a good idea of the performance of those tools, the analysis would be incomplete without researching the decompression. This is particularly true for database backups as, for those cases where the compression process is performed outside of the production boxes, you may not care too much about compression times. In that case, even if it is relatively slow, it will not affect the performance of your MySQL server (or whatever you are using). The decompression time, however, can be critical, as it may influence in many cases the MTTR of your whole system.

Testing …

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Items Affecting Performance of the MySQL Database

To learn about the many factors that can affect the performance of the MySQL Database, take the MySQL Performance Tuning course.

You will learn:

  • How your hardware and operating system can affect performance
  • How to set up and logging to improve performance
  • Best practices for backup and recovery
  • And much more

You can take this 4-day instructor-led course through the following formats:

  • Training-on-Demand: Start training within 24 hours of registering for training, following lectures at your own pace through streaming video and booking time on a lab environment to suit your schedule.
  • Live-Virtual Event: Attend a live event from your own desk, no travel required. Choose …
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The Road to MySQL 5.6 -- A DBA Perspective

We've all heard the hype.  MySQL 5.6 is packed with amazing new features that address all our database problems.  5.6 deals with replication and HA and performance and monitoring and security and features.  It just may cure cancer.

In fact it's been out for ages.  It went GA  …

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Performance evaluation of MariaDB 10.1 and MySQL 5.7.4-labs-tplc


Evaluating the performance of database systems is a very demanding task. There are a lot of hard choices to be made, e.g.:

  • What operating system and operating system version is to be used
  • What configuration setup is to be used
  • What benchmarks are to be used and how long are the warm-up and measure times
  • What test setups are to be used
  • What version of the database management system is used
  • What storage engine is used

While performance evaluation is mostly machine time, there is still a lot of hard work for the human monitoring the tests. In this blog post we have made following choices:

  • We’re using an Intel Xeon E5-2690 @ 2.9GHz CPU containing 32-cores and Linux 3.4.12 with 132G main memory. The database is stored on a Fusion-IO ioDrive2 Duo 2.41TB Firmware v7.2.5, rev 110646, using Driver 3.3.4 build 5833069. The …
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Prewarm your EBS backed EC2 MySQL slaves

This is the story of cold blocks and mismatched instances and how they will cause you pain and cost you money until you understand why. Most of the clients that we support run on the Amazon cloud using either RDS … Continue reading →

MySQL Fabric – Part 1 – Installing

MySQL Fabric is a tool included on MySQL Utilities that helps you to manage your MySQL instances.
It works by basically adding a new layer between your application and MySQL instances, which can provide an easy way to use sharding and build a high available system.

For More information about what is MySQL Fabric, please follow the documentation.

To install our Fabric environment, we will have to configure 4 servers, I will use the follow names and IP on this tutorial:

fabric1 ( - fabric
mysql1 ( - mysql master
mysql2 ( - mysql slave
mysql3 ( - mysql slave

Note: I’m running CentOS 6.5 on all servers.

1. Add mysql repo on all 4 machines, please read …

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