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Displaying posts with tag: Technology (reset)
Notes on Book Shopping from a Tech Bibliophile

Hi. My name is Brian, and I’m a tech bibliophile.

I have owned more books covering more technologies than I care to admit. Some of my more technical friends have stood in awe of the number of tech books I own. I am also constantly rotating old books that almost *can’t* be useful anymore out of my collection because there’s just no room to keep them all, and it would be an almost embarrassingly large collection if not for the fact that I have no shame or guilt associated with my need for dead trees.

If you need further proof:

  • I have, on more than one occasion, suggested to my wife that we take a walk around our local mall so I could browse the computer section of the book store, not to buy, but just to keep up with the new titles and stuff.
  • Ok, I usually buy.
  • I also go into book stores whenever I’m out of town to get a comparison of what seems to be popular in different areas of the …
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Community Statistics for Netbeans Database Usage

"The database support in NetBeans allows users to connect to a database and view and modify the database structure and data. These graphs show which database servers users connect to most often."

Of particular note, besides the large usage of MySQL and Oracle, is the large usage of Java DB (Derby), and the significant PostgreSQL usage.

Google Phone (Android) Demo Of Streetview With Compass

I think this is going to be really neat: you walk around the streets of San Francisco, for example, with your Android powered phone, en route to your destination 20 blocks away.

You whip out your phone, go to Google Maps, pull up the StreetView (remember this?), which zeroes in on your location using a built-in GPS, and then changes as you move the phone around using the built-in compass.

You then virtually walk the city, looking around, without actually moving an inch (looking for the closest ATM, restaurant, etc, hint-hint?).

Without further ado, let's have a look at this video from Google's I/O Conference for a demonstration?

    This video …

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Multisourced Production Infrastructure: History, and a stab at the Future

Startups are pretty fascinating. I work for a startup, and one of my good friends works for another startup. I’ve also worked for 2 other startups, one during the first “bubble”, and another one a few years later. Oh my, how the world of web startups has changed in that time!

1999: You must have funding

The first startup I was ever involved in was a web startup. It was an online retailer. They were starting from nothing. My friend (a former coworker from an earlier job) had saved for years to get this idea off the ground. He was able to get a few servers, some PCs for the developers he hired, and he got the cheapest office space in all of NYC (but it still managed to be a really cool space, in a way that only NYC can pull off), and he hosted every single service required to run the web site in-house. If I recall correctly, he had a web and database server on one machine, and I believe the primary DNS server was on an old …

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More aliases: Firefox keywords

I keep on with my productivity little tricks. This time I’m sharing some of my firefox shortcuts. I’m not in the mood for explaining how to actually install these, so check out the excellent article Firefox and the art of keyword bookmarking, if you need help.

# Dictionary search

# Yahoo finance stock

# Wikipedia page

# Search in MySQL website/manual

# BitTorrent search

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Some bash aliases to speed up daily tasks
# Enable some colors
alias ls="ls -G"
# Gimme details and size in KB, MB or GB, I'm not good reading bytes
alias l="ls -lh"

# SSH aliases
alias moe="ssh"
# I always misspelled that one 
alias mow=moe
alias ebox="ssh root@ebox"
alias amedias="ssh"
alias rssh="ssh -l root"

# Git alias
ci="git ci" # Formerly svn ci
# Jump to github from repository
alias github="git config -l | grep 'remote.origin.url' | sed -n \
's/\(.*\)\/\(.*\).git/https:\/\/\/\1\/\2/p' \
| xargs open"

alias myserver="sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server"

# Start webserver on localhost:8000 sharing current directory
alias webshare='python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer;SimpleHTTPServer.test()"'

# Rails server
alias ss="./script/server"
alias sss="screen ./script/server"
alias sr="screen -r"
A Couple of MySQL Performance Tips

If you’re an advanced MySQL person, you might already know these, in which case, please read anyway, because I still have some questions. On the other hand, f you’re someone who launched an application without a lot of database background, thinking “MySQL Just Works”, you’ll eventually figure out that it doesn’t, and in that case, maybe these tips will be of some use. Note that I’m speaking specifically about InnoDB and MyISAM, since this is where most of my experience is. Feel free to add more to this content in the comment area. 

InnoDB vs. MyISAM

Which one to use really depends on the application, how you’re deploying MySQL, your plans for growth, and several other things. The very high-level general rule you’ll see touted on the internet is “lots of reads, use MyISAM; lots of writes, use InnoDB”, but this is really an oversimplification. Know your application, and know your data.  If all of …

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Sun Definitely Developing A Phone This Year

One thing that still springs to mind when I think of the MySQL User Conference last week is Sun's opening keynote. While talking about Sun's market penetration with open source software, Jonathan Schwartz, Sun's CEO, slipped in a short mention of the mobile market saying something along the lines of "Sun is going to be entering the mobile market later on this year". He didn't spend more than 5 seconds talking about it, moving on to the acquisition of MySQL.

Last year, Sun already made an announcement of …

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ints and blobs and varchars, oh my!

I was curious about some of the databases I get to work with. “How do my clients store their data? What data types are most prevalent?” Well, a few keystrokes later, I had my answers:

SELECT c.data_type, count(c.data_type) AS frequency
FROM information_schema.columns AS c
INNER JOIN information_schema.tables AS t
ON c.table_schema = t.table_schema AND
c.table_name = t.table_name
WHERE c.table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema','mysql') AND
t.table_type = 'base table'
GROUP BY data_type;

Which gave me a nice “data type distribution” table:

data_type frequency
blob 7
char 611
date 85
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Is this thing on?

Since the recovery from my recent outage, I’ve noticed that none of the normal feed sites where my posts normally show up caught the last post, so this is a test post to see what’s going on, if it was a temporary glitch, or what.

If you didn’t see the post linked above, please read it if you’re happy with your web host. I’m looking for a new one :-/

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