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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
Open Database Camp - Accommodation and Sponsoring

The Open Database Camp 2011 is shaping up nicely.
The logistics is being defined and local and international volunteers are showing up for help. (Thanks, folks!)
If you want to start booking, there is a list of hotels in the Accommodation page.
And don't forget to sign up in the Attendees list.
Local travel information will be released as soon as we finish cranking up the plan.
Open Database camp is free, but we still have expenses to get the job done.
We need both official sponsors and …
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Announcing the FOSDEM MySQL & Friends DevRoom schedule

It was ready for a while already, but now it's part of the official FOSDEM schedule as well: I am very pleased to announce the presentations and speakers of the MySQL & Friends Developer Room, which will take place this coming Saturday (5th of February) in Brussels, Belgium.

This year, our DevRoom will be located in room H.2213 (in the H Building), which has a capacity of up to 100 people and will be available to us from 13:00-19:00 o'clock. We have 12 sessions lined up, each will last 25 minutes (incl. Q&A). Without further ado, here's our schedule:

Time Speaker Session Title
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One more week to submit talks for the Harmony conference in Helsinki, Finland (May 19/20)

Just a quick reminder: the Oracle user groups of Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Russia are organizing a joint conference, the Harmony. It will take place on May 19th-20th in Helsinki, Finland. I've met the organizers at the IOUC summit that took place at the Oracle HQ this week and they would love to have some more MySQL content. So if you have an idea for a talk about a MySQL-related topic, please submit it! The call for papers closes on February, 1st!

Upcoming speaking engagements: SF MySQL Meetup, FOSDEM, GUUG FFG and COLLABORATE 11

My calendar is filling up with speaking engagements about MySQL at various events quickly. Here is a list of events for the coming months where I'll be present:

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MySQL community blogging – PlanetMySQL

Phew, here we go, this blog post has been long time coming! A few months ago I started toying around with the idea of analyzing the PlanetMySQL public blog feed. It doesn’t take long to extract the data and prepare it for analysis but between lots of work and procrastination this blog post was left unfinished.

It was partly out of pure curiosity and partly the fact that it seemed to me there were less posts than previous years that I decided to trend out the number of posts over the past years and here we go.

The blue line shows the blog posts per month over the past six years and the black line is a polynomial trend line. There are a few points of interest which are visible and I’ll be listing here (to all their understanding):
1. The first thing which struck me negatively is …

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MySQL Performance Tuning at PHPBenelux 2011 Conference

I’ll be giving a workshop/tutorial on MySQL Performance Tuning at the PHPBenelux 2011 Conference in Belgium. It’s 3.5 hours and I am sure I can discuss the new MySQL v5.5 release too.

Lots of stuff will be discussed, including configuration, understanding status variables, finding bad queries, schema tips, etc..

If you got particular ideas or concerns and are attending, just leave me message or just comment on this blog post. I’ll see if I can fit it in.

Maybe we can fix the …

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Announcing the Open Database Camp - Sardinia, May 2011
I have been traveling to many conferences in the last 10 years, and many times I have been asked to organize an event in my native land, Sardinia. After delaying the inevitable for long time, here I can announce it. The Open Database Camp 2011 will take place in Sardinia, hosted by the Sardinia Technology Park, a local scientific and business institution with international links.
Mark your calendars: the Open Database Camp will be held in Sardinia on May 6-7-8, 2011.
I have already confirmed the venue, and I will have full cooperation from Sardegna Ricerche about the conference logistics. I will meet the organizers on …
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Speaking at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference - April 2011

I will be speaking at least once at the 2011 O'Reilly MySQL conference. I
have not heard back on all my proposed session but I will be talking
about Open Source BI tools. There are several great packages to help
DBAs make reports from their MySQL instances. These tools are great for
simple ad-hoc reports to highly detailed data dumps.

Testing LAMP Applications

I will present on "Testing LAMP Applications" at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference & Expo 2011:

Proper interaction with relational databases is incredibly important in most pieces of software. The importance of this interaction is underscored by the fact that many software architectures have at least one entire layer or system devoted to data persistence and data loading. When dealing with critical data in enterprise level applications it becomes even more important to make sure your data is being stored and retrieved correctly.

As responsible developers, one of our goals should be to test database interaction and test it well. To help achieve …

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Speaking at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference - April 2011

I will present two talks at the MySQL Conference next April.
One is a three hours tutorial on Advanced MySQL Replication Techniques, and the other is a normal session on The art of sandboxing. Reducing Complex Systems to Manageable Boxes.
The first topic is not a first to me. But the contents are going to be fresh and new. There has been so much going on in the replication field, that the talk on this topic that I presented in 2007 looks like ancient history.
The second topic is completely new. I have often presented the result of my sandboxing efforts, but I have never thought of explaining the techniques themselves. Now that I have got some experience at reducing differently complex systems to sandboxes, I want to share the knowledge, to promote more work in this field.

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