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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
Improving the design of MySQL replication

Now that MySQL 8.0 has been revealed, it's time to take a deep look at replication features in the latest releases, and review its overall design.

Server UUID vs Server-ID

At the beginning of replication, there was the server_id variable that identified uniquely a node in a replication system. The variable is still here, but in MySQL 5.6 it was joined by another value, which is created during the server initialisation, regardless of its involvement in a replication system. The server_uuid is a string of hexadecimal characters that is the basis for global transaction identifiers:

select @@server_id, @@server_uuid;
| @@server_id | @@server_uuid |
+-------------+--------------------------------------+ …
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An overview of the Group Replication performance

In this blog post we will present a first look at the performance of Group Replication (GR), now that the RC is out. The goal is to provide some insight on the throughput, latency and scalability one can expect in a modern computing infrastructure, using GR in single- and multi-master configurations, but mostly focused on single-master.…

MySQL Group Replication for MySQL 5.7.15

Hi all, it is time again to do another preview release of MySQL Group Replication, the plugin that brings multi-master update everywhere support to MySQL, like we described in the Hello World post.

We are very proud to present the eighth preview release of MySQL Group Replication plugin, based on MySQL Server 5.7.15.…

MySQL CDC, Streaming Binary Logs and Asynchronous Triggers

In this post, we’ll look at MySQL CDC, streaming binary logs and asynchronous triggers.

What is Change Data Capture and why do we need it?

Change Data Capture (CDC) tracks data changes (usually close to realtime). In MySQL, the easiest and probably most efficient way to track data changes is to use binary logs. However, other approaches exist. For example:

  • General log or Audit Log Plugin (which logs all queries, not just the changes)
  • MySQL triggers (not recommended, as it can slow down the application — more below)

One of the first implementations of CDC for …

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MySQL 8.0 first impressions

MySQL 8.0.0 was released today. It has been some time in the making, shrouded in a veil of secrecy for over one year. We knew, from listening to the gossip and looking at the few available previews, some of what was going to bring. So, for the observant users, its main features may not come as a surprise. For the rest of you, here's a quick roundup:

Notable features

  • No MyISAM tables anymore! The grant tables are now InnoDB, meaning that grant operations are now atomic.
  • A real data dictionary. This change is less visible than the previous one. The data dictionary tables are hidden and only a subset of the data is available through information_schema views. The reason for the hidden tables is to allow a stable interface through several versions. I am …
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MySQL Replication Troubleshooting: Q & A

In this blog, I will provide answers to the Q & A for the MySQL Replication Troubleshooting webinar.

First, I want to thank everybody for attending the August 25 webinar. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that I wasn’t able to answer during the webinar, with responses:

Q: Hi Sveta. One question: how is it possible to get N previous events using the SHOW BINLOG EVENTS command? For example, the position is 999 and I want to analyze the previous five events. Is it possible?

A: Not, there is no such option. You cannot get the previous five events using


. …

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A discussion about sync-master-info and other replication parameters

Some time ago, feedback was requested on new replication default after MySQL 5.7.  Some of the suggested default are:

relay-log-info-repository = TABLE (previous default FILE) relay-log-recovery = ON (previous default OFF) master-info-repository = TABLE (previous default FILE) sync-master-info = 1,000 (previous default 10,000) sync-relay-log = 1,000 (previous default 10,000)

I agree on the

MySQL Group Replication: securing the perimeter!

Hi all, here is a new post following the blog series on the last MySQLvGroup Replication labs release which already presented: 1) the new features; 2) most asked questions; 3) summary of behaviour and configuration changes; and 4) the performance improvements.…

Tuning MySQL Group Replication for fun… and profit!

Group Replication introduces a new way to do replication in MySQL. With great features such as multi-master replication it brings a range of exciting deployment scenarios where some difficult problems become much easier to solve. Group Replication also brings a new set of options that may need to be configured to extract the highest performance from the underlying computing resources.…

Announcing: MySQL Utilities release-1.6.4 GA

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce a new GA release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for usability, stability, and a few enhancements for better compatibility with MySQL 5.7. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release notes.

Many Improvements!
This release represents a stable release of the product and is a significant improvement from the 1.5 release. Along with defect patches, we also include the following enhancements.

  • Support for MySQL 5.7 
  • New! Binlog Utilities:
    • mysqlbinlogpurge - purge old binary logs
    • mysqlbinlogrotate - rotate the binary log
    • mysqlbinlogmove - relocate binary log files
  • New! Replication Utilities: 
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