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Displaying posts with tag: Replication Crash Safety (reset)
Fixing low durability GTID replica with Voodoo

At my FOSDEM talk earlier this year, I gave a trick for fixing a crashed GTID replica.  I never blogged about this, so now is a good time.  What is pushing me to write on this today is my talk at MinervaDB Athena 2020 this Friday.  At this conference, I will present more details about MySQL replication crash safety.  So you know what to do if you want to learn more about

MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety Part #4: benchmarks of high and low durability

This is a follow-up post in the MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety series.  In the three previous posts, we explored the consequence of reducing durability on masters (including setting sync_binlog to a value different from 1).  But so far, I only quickly presented why a DBA would run MySQL with such configuration.  In this post, I present actual benchmark results.  I also present a

Another Post on the Percona Community Blog, Bug Activities on Replication Crash Safety, and Percona Live Europe

I published another article on the Percona Community Blog.  This time, it is about Semi-Synchronous Replication.  You can read the post here:

Question about Semi-Synchronous Replication: the Answer with all the Details

I previously wrote about my motivation to publish on the Percona Community Blog.  Things have not changed: I still believe it is a great community initiative that I want to

Busy April 2017: MariaDB Dev Meeting (no-slave-left-behind, MyRocks, ...) and Percona Live

In a few days, I will start my yearly travel to North America which will bring me at Percona Live at the end of the month.  But I will first stop in New York to attend the MariaDB Developer Meeting.  Let's see what will happen there.

Percona Live is sponsoring the conference, and we will be present at the Monday Evening Reception.  You do not need a tutorial pass to attend: any

A discussion about sync-master-info and other replication parameters

Some time ago, feedback was requested on new replication default after MySQL 5.7.  Some of the suggested default are:

relay-log-info-repository = TABLE (previous default FILE) relay-log-recovery = ON (previous default OFF) master-info-repository = TABLE (previous default FILE) sync-master-info = 1,000 (previous default 10,000) sync-relay-log = 1,000 (previous default 10,000)

I agree on the

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