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Displaying posts with tag: centos (reset)
Install Apache2, PHP5 And MySQL Support On CentOS 6.5 (LAMP)

Install Apache2, PHP5 And MySQL Support On CentOS 6.5 (LAMP)

LAMP is short for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. This tutorial shows how you can install an Apache2 webserver on a CentOS 6.4 server with PHP5 support (mod_php) and MySQL support.

Compile at CentOS 6.5 the new MySQL webscalesql-5.6.17 branch by Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter

yeah , big buzz around that one

So I decided to check the install process:

1. Clone the repo from

root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:11][~]$ cd /opt/
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:15][/opt]$ mkdir installs
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:17][/opt]$ cd installs/
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:19][/opt/installs]$ git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/installs/webscalesql-5.6/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 30397, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12678/12678), done.
remote: Total 30397 (delta 18716), reused 27620 (delta 16936)
Receiving objects: 100% (30397/30397), 47.99 MiB | 460 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (18716/18716), done.

2. …

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9 Reasons For Attending The Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2014

March 28, 2014 By Severalnines


Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo - March 31st to April 4th

The Severalnines Team Will Be Onsite at Booth 418 - Come Say Hello!



If you’re still thinking about whether or not you should be attending the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo that starts on Monday 31st of March, here are 9 reasons (we are Severalnines after all) on why we’ll be there. May these help you positively in your decision making ;-)


1. The 2014 edition showcases the most promising program yet


Sounds like a cliché-reason to be listed here, but this year’s program is in fact quite diversified …

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Open Source Appreciation Day at Percona Live

I wrote previously about Percona Live Santa Clara 2014, and I want to bring to your attention something Percona has done that is very nice to open source communities: have an open source appreciation day.

Its before the conference (so on Monday), and you get a choice between the CentOS Dojo (great lineup there including many from Red Hat, Monty from MariaDB, and PeterZ from Percona) or the OpenStack Today (another great lineup …

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Install MySQL fork MariaDB 10.0.9 on CentOS release 6.5 with server_audit-1.1.5 and oqgraph-engine

I needed to test the new server audit plug-in on latest MariaDB 10.0.9
More info about that handy plug in you may find here :
Take a moment to read the info, along with that nice blog :

In short:

root@mariadb-10.0.9:[Mon Mar 24 07:51:54][/tmp/]$ lftp
cd ok, cwd=/pub/mariadb/mariadb-10.0.9/yum                                   
lftp> bookmark add mariadb-10.0.9
lftp> ls
drwxr-xr-x  --  ..                   
drwxr-xr-x            - …
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Connect MySQL to sqlite3 database or to flat txt file via CONNECT engine of MariaDB 10.0.7 on Fedora/CentOS

You might don’t know that, but the MariaDB engines are amazing ..
More info you can find here:

I was teased by CONNECT engine :

What is good for ? Well, I leave that to your imagination, as you could have MariaDB as a spider connected and managing InnoDB tables, flat files, MS ACCESS databases, MS Excel files … all that in same time.
So how to use it?
By the documentation :
check if there is CONNECT already installed, if not, install it:

mysql root@mariadb-10.0.7:[Wed Jan 29 09:36:14 2014][(none)]> show …
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Correcting mysql.sock connection error

I write this post over to have a quick access to this tutorial than to promote the blog. The problem For Several times this has happened to me, always install a new server, or personal machine. I install mysql ,… Continue Reading →

Continue reading Correcting mysql.sock connection error

Related posts:

  1. Corrigindo erro de conexão com mysql.sock
  2. zend framework 2 with lighttpd
  3. Main Subversion commands
How to install MySQL 10.0.6-MariaDB and to compile lib_mysqludf_preg on CentOS 6.4

In short, during an optimization or a MySQL query involving a lot of replace(replace(replace…))) I decided to compile PREG as lib_mysqludf_preg from UDF Repository for MySQL in a view to use PCRE functions directly in MySQL.

Too bad MySQL still cant not use functions for index creation, but this is not the theme of this post.

So, fist install MariaDB 10.0.6:
set the MariaDB 10.0.6 repo, I used the ftp mirror at

root@seik-centos-01:[Wed Dec 18 23:55:12][/tmp]$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo 
# MariaDB 10.0 CentOS repository list - created 2013-12-18 18:07 UTC
name = MariaDB
#baseurl =
baseurl =
gpgcheck=1 …
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How to Enable MySQL Event Scheduler

You may think that you already know what's the opposite of "DISABLED", but with MySQL Event Scheduler you'll be wrong.

In fact MySQL Event Scheduler may have three different states[1][2]:

DISABLED -  The Event Scheduler thread does not run [1]. In addition, the Event Scheduler state cannot be changed at runtime.
OFF (default) - The Event Scheduler thread does not run [1]. When the Event Scheduler is OFF it can be started by setting the value of event_scheduler to ON.
ON - The Event Scheduler is started; the event scheduler thread runs and executes all scheduled events.

So if you're going to find it in the DISABLED state and instinctively set it to ENABLED you'll end up with a non-starting MySQL daemon.
Be warned and stay safe out there!

[2]: When the Event Scheduler is not running does not appear …

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Installing MySQL on Ubuntu and CentOS

MySQL is one of the most famous Open Source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) created by Michael Widenius. Default choice in systems as WordPress and used by top companies as Google and Wikipedia. Due its simplicity and large community, it is largely used by developers and webmasters around the world. MySQL is under dual license: […]

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