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Displaying posts with tag: speaking (reset)
MySQL 5.4 at the MySQL Boston User group

The MySQL Boston User group will meet on May 11 at 7pm.
I will speak about my experience using MySQL 5.4, with some general information on the release.
BTW, you know that there has been some trouble about MySQL meetup groups. We are looking into the matter, and we will release information as soon as possible. For now, I can tell you that the current agreement between MySQL and Meetup is valid at least until June 10, 2009.
MySQL Campus tour at USC - Slow start, brilliant ending

The Southern California branch of the MySQL Campus Tour is almost over.
At the USC, attendance was very good, and even better was the enthusiasm and the participation we met. The meeting didn't start well. Our hotel is 11 miles away from the USC campus, and we figured out that heading to the campus 1 hour before the planned time ought to be enough. After 65 minutes, we had done exactly 7 miles, in one of the worst traffic jams that I have ever seen, but the locals tell me that it's pretty standard stuff down here. Anyway, we started 20 minutes later than expected, and we were pleasantly surprised that nobody had left, and a faithful audience had been waiting …
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Gurus show at the Los Angeles Meetup - April 17

If you are in the Los Angeles area, you have two more chances to meet the MySQL gurus on their way to the the MySQL Conference.
Today at the USC, Sheeri and I will conclude the South California MySQL Campus Tour.
Tomorrow, April 17, big gathering at the Los Angeles MySQL Meetup Group, where Andrew Aksyonoff, Sheeri, and myself will be the speakers. Come along!

During the event, I will do …

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Cal Poly - A success

The MySQL Campus Tour 2009 started very well at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Despite the warm day, which would have tempted many attendees to desert the conference and go to the nearby beaches, there was a full room, with 82 people, many of them standing.
The presentation was appreciated (and so was the pizza that Sun had delivered to the classroom). I did the main part, while Sheeri was actively contributing with witty and informational remarks.

Most notable, after the session, we continued the cultural exchange to a local restaurant that bears my name (correctly spelled!), where this heap of bread caught my eye. Thanks to …

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MySQL Campus Tour in California!

The MySQL Campus Tour has come to California.

The long trip that Dups started in March from Montreal is near the end. He is getting reinforcements. Five MySQL community enthusiasts are now about to tour the campuses in North and South California, giving free lectures on MySQL.

The full schedule is available in the MySQL Forge wiki. Participation is free, and it's an …

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My favorite tutorial at the UC2009 : Build and release management

I am looking forward to the MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009. Since I am a tutorial speaker, my choice of tutorials to attend is limited. Upon completion of my duties, I will attend Greg Haase's tutorial on Build and Release Management for Database Engineers.
There are many reasons for that. For starting, Greg is the winner of the MySQl 5.1 Use Case competition where he has shown his DBA skills, and then, he is using the MySQL Sandbox among the …
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MySQL QA at the Users Conference

If you liked the article on QA before releasing, you may want to mark your calendars for this session at the MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009, where Omer BarNir and Trim Pershad will tell everything about Software Quality and Testing in MySQL.

Trim and Omer are veteran QA engineers, whose main goal is to improve the quality of MySQL products. Their session will tell you how the QA process evolved and what is going on right now.

MySQL Partitions at PHPCon Italia

I will speak at PHPCon Italia 2009, in Rome, on March 19th.

The subject is a very trendy. I will cover efficiency with partitions, a topic that every DBA and MySQL developers should enjoy.

MySQL Partitions at PHPCon Italia

I will speak at PHPCon Italia 2009, in Rome, on March 19th.

The subject is a very trendy. I will cover efficiency with partitions, a topic that every DBA and MySQL developers should enjoy.

MySQL Partitions at PHPCon Italia

I will speak at PHPCon Italia 2009, in Rome, on March 19th.

The subject is a very trendy. I will cover efficiency with partitions, a topic that every DBA and MySQL developers should enjoy.

Showing entries 31 to 40 of 46
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