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Displaying posts with tag: eclipse (reset)
CAOS Theory Podcast 2009.09.04

Topics for this podcast:

*EC pauses Oracle-Sun over MySQL
* Open source licenses debated
* Red Hat growth opportunities and Summit roundup
* Reductive Labs seeking cloud role for Puppet software
* VMware-SpringSource analyzed

iTunes or direct download (26:04, 5.9 MB)

And the best open source license is …

UPDATE: The final vote is in and a winner has been declared, with Matt Asay and his arguments for the GPL taking the prize. You can see the debate or follow links to the other judges’ votes and thoughts here.

This is my assessment as a judge of the recent open source license debate held by the FOSS Learning Centre. We’ll have to begin with some qualifications and definitions, starting with the fact that there is no ‘best’ open source software license. Still, a star-studded open source software panel provided a lively, informative debate on the merits of some top open source licenses. For that, I congratulate and thank the panelists, Mike Milinkovich from the Eclipse Foundation arguing for the Eclipse Public License, Matt Asay of Alfresco arguing in favor of the GPL and David Maxwell from Coverity arguing for …

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TOTD #99: Creating a Java EE 6 application using MySQL, JPA 2.0 and Servlet 3.0 with GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse

TOTD #97 showed how to install GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse 1.1. Basically there are two options - either install Eclipse 3.4.2 with WTP and pre-bundled/configured with GlassFish v2/v3, MySQL JDBC driver and other features. Or if you are using Eclipse 3.5, then you can install the plug-in separately and get most of the functionality.

TOTD #98 showed how to create a simple Metro/JAX-WS compliant Web service using that bundle and deploy on GlassFish.

This Tip Of The …

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TOTD #99: Creating a Java EE 6 application using MySQL, JPA 2.0 and Servlet 3.0 with GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse

TOTD #97 showed how to install GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse 1.1. Basically there are two options - either install Eclipse 3.4.2 with WTP and pre-bundled/configured with GlassFish v2/v3, MySQL JDBC driver and other features. Or if you are using Eclipse 3.5, then you can install the plug-in separately and get most of the functionality.

TOTD #98 showed how to create a simple Metro/JAX-WS compliant Web service using that bundle and deploy on GlassFish.

This Tip Of The …

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TOTD #99: Creating a Java EE 6 application using MySQL, JPA 2.0 and Servlet 3.0 with GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse

TOTD #97 showed how to install GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse 1.1. Basically there are two options - either install Eclipse 3.4.2 with WTP and pre-bundled/configured with GlassFish v2/v3, MySQL JDBC driver and other features. Or if you are using Eclipse 3.5, then you can install the plug-in separately and get most of the functionality.

TOTD #98 showed how to create a simple Metro/JAX-WS compliant Web service using that bundle and deploy on GlassFish.

This Tip Of The …

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On the GPL, Apache and Open-Core

Jay has already provided a good overview of the debate related to the apparent decline in the usage of the GPLv2. I don’t intend to cover the same ground, but I did want to quickly respond to a statement made by Matt Asay in his assessment of the reasons for and implications of reduced GPLv2 usage.

He wrote:

“as Open Core becomes the default business model for ‘pure-play’ open-source companies, we will see more software licensed under the Apache license”

I don’t doubt that we will see more software licensed under the Apache license, and also more vendors making use of permissively-licensed code, but I don’t see a correlation with the Open-Core model.

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FISL 2009 Speaker Certificate

Received a "certificate of attendance as speaker" for recently concluded FISL 10.

This is sweet, thanks FISL organizers! It certainly adds a personal touch to the whole experience.

I don't remember receiving a personal certificate like this :)

Technorati: conf fisl brazil glassfish netbeans mysql eclipse

FISL 2009 Speaker Certificate

Received a "certificate of attendance as speaker" for recently concluded FISL 10.

This is sweet, thanks FISL organizers! It certainly adds a personal touch to the whole experience.

I don't remember receiving a personal certificate like this :)

Technorati: conf fisl brazil glassfish netbeans mysql eclipse

FISL 2009 Speaker Certificate

Received a "certificate of attendance as speaker" for recently concluded FISL 10.

This is sweet, thanks FISL organizers! It certainly adds a personal touch to the whole experience.

I don't remember receiving a personal certificate like this :)

Technorati: conf fisl brazil glassfish netbeans mysql eclipse

FISL 2009 Wrapup - 3 talks, 1 talk show, 14 blogs, 10 videos, 275 pics, 2 GlassFish production stories

FISL 2009
wrapped up over the weekend. Even though the conference officially ended on Saturday but the connections made there will certainly allow us to continue all the great momentum. The conference celebrates open source and it was certainly great to see Federal Government and Banks with their booths in the exhibitor halls. The visit by Brazilian President Lula certainly highlights the importance of this conference to the local community. There were booths from Debian, Firefox, Ubuntu and other major open source softwares. Some commercial vendors had a booth as well and of course Sun Microsystems had a big presence with GlassFish, Open Solaris, NetBeans, MySQL and …

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