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Displaying posts with tag: upgrade (reset)
From MySQL 8.0.0 to MySQL 8.0.1 – or any other dev milestone

Disclaimer: This post is aimed to you, the curious developer, sys-admin, technologist, whatever-title-you-use. DO NOT run the following lines on production. Not even in a stable environment, do this if you don’t care about the outcome of the current data.

If you want to keep up with the newest MySQL developer milestones I have news for you: there is no upgrade available for milestone versions. The way to go is to remove old version and install new one, according to their website:

Upgrades between milestone releases (or from a milestone release to a GA release) are not supported. For example, upgrading from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 is not supported, as neither are GA status releases.

So if you, like me, had the 8.0.0 version and want to test the 8.0.1 (alhtough 8.0.3 milestone is already in development) …

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How to upgrade your master server with minimal downtime

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to invert roles for master and slave so you can perform a master server upgrade, and then switch roles back to the original setup.

* While following this guide consider server-A as your original master and server-B as your original slave. We will assume server-B already produces binlogs and that both nodes have log-slave-updates=1 in my.cnf

Check this following link for more details on log-slave-updates:

1. Prepare the original Slave to invert roles.

Make sure the slave is …

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Changed defaults between MySQL 5.6 and 5.7

MySQL 5.7 comes with many changes. Some of them are better explained than others.

I wanted to see how many changes I could get by comparing SHOW VARIABLES in MySQL 5.6 and 5.7.
The most notable ones are:

  • binlog_format: the default is now ROW. This variable affects the format of the binary log, whether you use it as a backup complement or for replication, the change means bigger binary logs and possibly side effects.
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innodb_fast_checksum=1 and upgrading to MySQL 5.6

The Percona version of MySQL has been such a good replacement for the generic MySQL version that many of the features and options that existed in Percona have been merged into the generic MySQL. Innodb_fast_checksum was an option added to … Continue reading →

HowTo: Offline Upgrade of Galera Cluster to MySQL 5.6 or MariaDB 10

MySQL 5.6 has an extensive list of new features and changes, so upgrading from a previous version can be risky if not tested extensively. For this reason, we recommend our users to read and understand the changes before doing the upgrade. If you are on older MySQL versions, it is probably time to think about upgrading. MySQL 5.6 was released in February 2013, that’s almost two years ago!

A major upgrade, e.g., from MySQL 5.5 to 5.6 or MariaDB 5.5 to 10, requires the former MySQL/MariaDB server related packages to be uninstalled. In Galera Cluster, there are two ways to upgrade; either by performing offline upgrade (safer, simpler, requires service downtime) or online upgrade (more complex, no downtime). 


In this blog post, we are going to show you how to perform an offline upgrade on Galera-based …

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ClusterControl 1.2.8 Released

September 17, 2014 By Severalnines

The Severalnines team is pleased to announce the release of ClusterControl 1.2.8. This release contains key new features along with performance improvements and bug fixes. We have outlined some of the key new features below. 


Highlights of ClusterControl 1.2.8 include:

  • YUM/APT repositories for ClusterControl
  • Deployment and scaling of single-node MySQL, MariaDB and MongoDB
  • Alerts and incident tracking with PagerDuty 
  • Unified Event Viewer
  • New flexible alarms/email notification system
  • Audit logging - Administrator activity tracking
  • Global MySQL User Management
  • New default dashboards for MySQL/MariaDB
  • Puppet Module …
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Making MySQL Better More Quickly

With the upcoming release of MySQL 5.7 I begin to see a problem which I think needs attention at least for 5.8 or whatever comes next. The GA release cycle is too long, being about 2 years and that means 3 years between upgrades in a production environment More people use MySQL and the data … Continue reading Making MySQL Better More Quickly

The Road to MySQL 5.6: Default Options

When you're testing out a new version of MySQL in a non-production environment there is a temptation to go wild and turn on all kinds of new features.  Especially if you're reading the changelogs or the manual and scanning through options.  You want to start with the most reasonable set of defaults, right?  Maybe you're even doing benchmarks to optimize performance using all the new bells and whistles.

Resist the temptation!  If your goal is to upgrade your production environment then what you really want is to isolate changes.  You want to preform the upgrade with as little to no impact as possible.  Then you can start turning on features or making changes one-by-one.

Why?  Anytime you're doing a major upgrade to something as fundamental as your core RDBMS, there are many ways things can go wrong.  Performance regressions & incompatible changes, client/server incompatibilities …

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Announcing Severalnines Package Repository

September 9, 2014 By Severalnines

We are excited to announce the availability of YUM/APT repositories for ClusterControl, making new releases of ClusterControl  easily accessible using YUM or APT package managers. The repo is found at, with instructions provided on the landing page. Our Cluster Configurators will be using these repositories. As a result, users upgrading from s9s_upgrade_cmon starting from version v.1.2.8 will be configured with the package repository.


ClusterControl requires extra post-installation setup steps, such as generating an API token, configuring cmon/dcps database schema, grant privileges on cmon schema, setting up SSL and so on. We provide a post-installation script for this purpose at [Apache document …

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The Road to MySQL 5.6 -- A DBA Perspective

We've all heard the hype.  MySQL 5.6 is packed with amazing new features that address all our database problems.  5.6 deals with replication and HA and performance and monitoring and security and features.  It just may cure cancer.

In fact it's been out for ages.  It went GA  …

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