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Announcing Severalnines Package Repository

September 9, 2014 By Severalnines

We are excited to announce the availability of YUM/APT repositories for ClusterControl, making new releases of ClusterControl  easily accessible using YUM or APT package managers. The repo is found at, with instructions provided on the landing page. Our Cluster Configurators will be using these repositories. As a result, users upgrading from s9s_upgrade_cmon starting from version v.1.2.8 will be configured with the package repository.


ClusterControl requires extra post-installation setup steps, such as generating an API token, configuring cmon/dcps database schema, grant privileges on cmon schema, setting up SSL and so on. We provide a post-installation script for this purpose at [Apache document …

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How to install MySQL 5.6 on CentOS 7

A bit of history

The latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, one of the most popular and respected Linux distributions in the server market, was released in June 2014, followed by CentOS 7 and Oracle Linux releases in July of the same year.

There are very interesting changes for database administrators in these new releases, among which I would like to highlight the fact that installer now chooses XFS as its filesystem by default, which substitutes ext4 as the preferred format for local data storage. Red …

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MySQL RPMS and the new yum repository

I was really pleased to see the announcement by Oracle MySQL yum repositories that they have now produced a yum repository from where the MySQL RPMs they provide can be downloaded. This makes keeping up to date much easier. Many companies setup internal yum repositories with the software they need as then updating servers is much easier and can be done with a simple command. For many people at home that means you set this up once and don’t need to check for updates and do manual downloads, but can do a quick yum update xxxx and you get the latest version. Great!  This new yum repository only covers RHEL6 did not include RHEL5 which is not yet end of life and still used by me and probably quite a lot of other people. I filed bug#70773 to ask for RHEL5 support to be …

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Shard-Query 2.0 Beta 1 released

It is finally here.  After three years of development, the new version of Shard-Query is finally available for broad testing.

This new version of Shard-Query is vastly improved over previous versions in many ways.  This is in large part due to the fact that the previous version of Shard-Query (version 1.1) entered into production at a large company.  Their feedback during implementation was invaluable in building the new Shard-Query features.   The great thing is that this means that many of the new 2.0 features have already been tested in at least one production environment.

This post is intended to highlight the new features in Shard-Query 2.0.  I will be making posts about individual features as well as posting benchmark results.

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