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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
Linux Open Administration Days 2010

So about 4 monts ago there was the crazy idea to start a new FOSS event in Belgium targeted at sysadmins.

What started out as an event for local people to meet local people with some local speakers actually ended up being a small local event with some top international speakers on onfiguration mananagement and system administration mixed with a bunch of good local ones !

I had the honour to open the conference with an extremely short version of the Devops talk I gave earlier last year.. extremely short as I knew that over the course of the weekend the topic would reoccur a lot.

We had the first european talk on Chef, by Joshua Timberman, and we had Puppet talks amongst by Dan Bode from Puppetlabs and CFengine talks , devops was a frequently dropped word,

We had a book raffle where …

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Interesting Videos from the MySQL Conference and Expo

There’s a good number of videos appearing online from the MySQL Conference and Expo that was on last week.

Here’s a short list of interesting things to look at if you weren’t able to make the sessions. Obviously, this is from my view as a Drizzle developer. There were other interesting things, but this list is more focused towards where my Drizzle brain is stimulated.

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Sql Injection Slides Posted

I gave a presentation today at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2010, titled SQL Injection Myths and Fallacies. Thanks to everyone who came to my talk! I appreciate your interest in learning to develop more secure applications. SQL Injection is a serious threat to web applications, and it's only going to get worse. It's incumbent on you as software developers to learn how to write secure code!My

Slides from my Sphinx talk at RIT++ 2010

While the majority of Percona gang travelled to California for the MySQL event of the year, I headed in the opposite direction to Moscow for RIT++ 2010 conference where I presented a talk on Sphinx. You can get the PDF file here - Improving MySQL-based applications performance with Sphinx.



I have been invited to talk at Open Source Data Center Conference in Nürnberg, Germany in June this year, so I hope I can meet some of you there.

Entry posted by Maciej Dobrzanski | …

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Check out my Flexviews talk in the Open Space today at 3PM.

Flexviews allows you to cache (materialize) SQL statements and then quickly apply only the changes to underlying tables to update the cache. This can phenomenally increase the performance of your application and allow you to more easily maintain summary tables automatically.

I'll be demonstrating the usage of Flexviews and how to create 'fast refresh' materialized views.

I'll be showing off:
FlexCDC - Flexible change data capture for MySQL
Flexviews - Uses FlexCDC and stored procedures to incrementally maintain mateialized views, including those with inner JOINS and aggregation.

Preparing for the MySQL Conference

Hello from Santa Clara, California! I've arrived here yesterday and am staying with Giuseppe and Jan in the same hotel. Currently, the weather isn't that nice and we're all busy making preparations for the upcoming MySQL conference next week.

I'm fiddling with my slide deck for my talk about "A look into a MySQL DBA's toolchest", realizing that there is such a wealth of great tools that it's unlikely to cover them all in a 45-minute session. But I hope it will give the audience some inspiration about what tools to take a closer look at!

On a related note, I've just reconfigured …

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Gearing Up for MySQLConf 2010

I’m looking forward to traveling to San Jose for this year’s MySQL Conference. If there’s anything that can trump the drama of conf two years ago, where we observed how Sun would handle its new property, and then the drama of last year, where we observed how Oracle would handle the pending acquisition, it’s going to be the drama around this one — the first MySQLConf since the Oracle/Sun merger has been finalized and approved.

I think there is some finality to the changing of the guard this time, since there aren’t really that many companies that could conceivably swallow up Oracle itself! (Maybe I shouldn’t say that — next thing you know they’ll spin it off heh.) But regardless, I am looking forward to getting to know Edward Screven and getting a sense from the keynote and other communications exactly what he’s planning to … DO … with …

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UKUUG Spring Conference 2010

Last week I was in Manchester for the 2010 UKUUG Spring Conference, right .. make that 2 weeks ago , :)

The UKUUG usually hosts the more interesting conferences around ... , it's not just the schedule that attrackts me , yes there's the strong focus towards Larger Scale Unix (and mostly Linux) deployments and how to manage them, but there's also the opportunity to chat in real life with the Devops from across the chunnel.

Spending time with R.I.Pienaar, Julian Simpson, Simon Wilkinson , Alex Davies , Simon Riggs , Josette, and many others is always fun .

As I …

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Speaking at IPC Spring in Berlin

I'll be speaking at IPC Spring in Berlin between May 31 and June 2 this year. My talk is on MySQL partitioning. It will have more information than the talk I did at ConFoo in March. The talk will be on Tuesday, June 1st.

If you're in or around Berlin at that time, drop in.

Upcoming speaking engagements: Grazer Linuxtage and amoocon

As I already wrote, I will be speaking at the MySQL Conference & Expo in Santa Clara in two weeks and I am excited to be there again. This year's conference is going to be interesting for a number of reasons, but most importantly I think that the schedule looks great! This is going to be a "drinking from the firehose of MySQL knowledge" event. Afterwards, I'll be on parental leave in May and June, so I likely will miss a lot of great conferences – these months are usually quite packed, as our Open Source Events Calendar can confirm. I just received a notice that my talk …

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