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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
How We Made MySQL Great Again, or Upgrading MySQL with Orchestrator

In this blog post, we’ll discuss upgrading MySQL with Orchestrator.

I recently had a client, Life360, that wanted to upgrade from Percona Server 5.5 to Percona Server 5.6, and implement GTID in their high transaction environment. They had co-masters and multiple read slaves.

Orchestrator made this job much easier for us. My colleague, Tibi, recently posted about Orchestrator here and here.

Daniel from Life360 saw Orchestrator and was very interested. So here is how he setup Orchestrator in his own words:

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Query Rewrite Plugin and Binlog for Replication

Starting with MySQL 5.7 we introduced the Query Rewrite Plugin. That tool is really useful for changing queries. Of course the best location to modify the query is the source code of the application, but this is not always possible. Either the application is not under your control or queries are generated from a framework like Hibernate and sometimes it is hard to change the query generation.
If you are interested in details about the Query Rewrite Plugin, I recommend this blogpost from the MySQL Engineering:
Recently I was asked how this works in replication environments. Which query goes into the binlog?

If you are using the Rewriter plugin that comes with MySQL 5.7, the answer is easy: This plugin only supports rewriting SELECT queries. SELECT queries don't get into the binlog …

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MySQL distributed message system

Based on messages, we create mysql replication platforms , using async message to build strong distributed subscription system.

read this PDF :

MySQL Parallel Replication and more talks at Percona Live (April 2016)

In a few days, I will be flying to San Francisco and then making my way to Santa Clara to attend the Percona Live Conference.  On the last day of the conference (Thursday), I will speak about MySQL Parallel Replication.  I hope to see you there and I will he happy to answer questions you might have (on this subject and others):

Thursday at 12:50 pm: MySQL Parallel Replication: inventory,

Announcing MySQL Utilities 1.6.3 Beta!

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce a new beta release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for usability, stability, and a few enhancements. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release notes.

New Enhancements!
This release represents a stable release of the product. Along with several defect patches, we also include the following enhancements.

Improved support for MySQL 5.7
Improved functionality of --exclude option with SQL wildcards
Improved packaging in RPM and Windows distributions
Improved accuracy of calculated disk usage for mysqldiskusage
...and a host of minor improvements for quality and robustness

How Can I Download MySQL Utilities?
You can download MySQL Utilities 1.6.3 Beta from the …

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Docker MySQL Replication 101

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the basics regarding Docker MySQL replication. Docker has gained widespread popularity in recent years as a lightweight alternative to virtualization. It is ideal for building virtual development and testing environments. The solution is flexible and seamlessly integrates with popular CI tools.


This post walks through the setup of MySQL replication with Docker using Percona Server 5.6 images. To keep things simple we’ll configure a pair of instances and override only the most important variables for replication. You can add whatever other variables you want to override in the configuration files for each instance.

Note: the configuration described here is suitable for development or testing. We’ve also used the …

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Orchestrator: MySQL Replication Topology Manager

This blog post discusses Orchestrator: MySQL Replication Topology Manager.

What is Orchestrator?

Orchestrator is a replication topology manager for MySQL.

It has many great features:

  • The topology and status of the replication tree is automatically detected and monitored
  • Either a GUI, CLI or API can be used to check the status and perform operations
  • Supports automatic failover of the master, and the replication tree can be fixed when servers in the tree fail – either manually or automatically
  • It is not dependent on any specific version or flavor of MySQL (MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB or even MaxScale binlog servers)
  • Orchestrator supports many different types of topologies, from a single …
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Extend MySQL Master HA (MHA) capabilities with MHA Helper

I have used many tools starting with MMM to be able to manage MySQL replication clusters. Some of the tools need more tools and complex HA solutions such as Pacemaker and Corosync, or Zookeeper. While other tools do not do the failover well which leaves the slaves in an inconsistent state, MMM would be an example. And I must say that of all the tools I love MySQL Master HA (MHA) the most. MHA is a great tool to manage MySQL replication clusters for the purpose of HA. The most important thing about MHA is that it tries to take all the necessary steps to do a MySQL master failover in a way that provides as much data consistency as possible. The slave promotion also tends to be very quick, on average I have seen it take 10 to 15 seconds. It is also very easy to deploy unlike some of the other complex HA solutions. I would highly recommend reading about the architecture of MHA on its wiki: Why …

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Why log_slave_updates is a bad default

In a recent post the MySQL product managers asked the community for feedback about proposed new defaults. One of the proposals is to make log-slave-updates on by default.

There are other important options that require some debate. They all look reasonable to me. This one, instead, which implies funnelling the replication events in a slave to its binary log, is questionable.

Let's start for the reason why it is a good idea. The scenario in which it makes sense is when you want a slave to be a master of one or more slaves. This is a common scenario in many cases where you need …

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MySQL Replication Defaults After 5.7

The default or “out of the box” experience is simply the experience for most people, so it’s critically important for us to ensure that the default configuration offers a good experience for the vast majority of cases. This is always a challenge, due to the matrix of factors involved–hardware configurations, software stacks, application use cases, etc.–but it’s most certainly a worthy endeavor.…

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