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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
New translations of High Performance MySQL

High Performance MySQL, 3rd Edition has been selling very well. It’s translated into many languages. O’Reilly sends me a hard-copy of the translations, and I have a whole section on my bookshelf dedicated to them. It’s really satisfying to look at it.

Today I’m happy to announce that we’re moving forward with a new batch of translations. Demand has been so strong that we want to make the book accessible to as wide an audience as possible. Plus, I get a fat check every time O’Reilly sells the translation rights.

The new languages will include Australian, l337 (“Leet”), Jive, Ebonics, Elmer Fudd, Blissymbols, and Esperanto. Here’s a sample before-and-after paragraph:

Isolating the Column

We commonly see queries that defeat indexes or prevent MySQL from using the …

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Building MySQL Database Applications with Go

Last night at the Golang-DC meetup I spoke about building (MySQL) database applications with Go. The meetup was well attended and people were very enthusiastic about Go. I spent a few minutes talking about Go in general, how VividCortex uses Go (we’ve built our agents, API servers, and all backend processes with Go), why we like it, some of the nice things it enables like making it easy to build very resilient programs, and then I gave the presentation, which I’ve embedded below.

Afterwards the discussion ranged to a lot of related topics. This was the best part of the evening for me. There were really great questions on a variety of topics, and insightful answers from everyone.

WordPress and MySQL’s strict mode

I really don’t like running my database in “I Love Garbage” mode, so I set the following SQL_MODE:


Guess what WordPress does with that? It doesn’t install. If you set the SQL_MODE to empty and install WordPress, then restore the SQL_MODE, WordPress will run, but if you try to create a post you’ll see an error page that says “You are not allowed to edit this post.”

This problem was reported to WordPress at least 7 years ago. Lessons learned:

  • There is a huge amount of software that was built to work with MySQL 3.23′s irritating habit of …
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Crash injection for writing resilient software

I am currently finishing some features to make a program highly resilient to occasional crashing bugs. A particular function was found to crash on queries of the form WHERE x IN(NULL), and that crashed the entire program. Now we have a framework for intelligently recovering from arbitrary crashes. I will write more on this in the future, because I think it’s a very interesting thing to share.

In this episode, I want to focus on a related topic: how do you test a program that is supposed to be resilient to bugs you can’t predict? Many new problems are caused by writing clever code that is supposed to detect, avoid, or recover from problems, even known problems. Unknown problems are even riskier.

The approach that has given me a great deal of confidence in the “resilience framework” is to write a “crash injection …

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Playing matchmaker for job seekers and recruiters

One of the most rewarding things you can do is help someone get a great job or hire a great person for the position they need to fill. I have traveled a lot, written books, done a bunch of consulting, and spoken widely on MySQL, other databases, open source, and so forth. I’ve gotten to know a lot of people, some I’d call good friends, and many of them are leading large organizations. I think this is both a privilege and a serious responsibility.

It’s a privilege because I can ask some of these people for help or introductions or advice sometimes. It’s a responsibility because I need to be ready to do something for them, too. In many cases it’s a pay-it-forward kind of readiness.

Many, many people contact me looking for people to hire. I keep a list. When someone tells me they are on the job market, I try to match them with openings I’m aware of, if any are appropriate. (Many fewer people tell me they’re looking for …

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Adaptive Fault Detection food fight

I was a guest on the Food Fight Show last week, along with a bevy of really smart people asking and answering tough questions on fault detection. We didn’t talk a lot about MySQL, but given that VividCortex is focusing on MySQL initially, pretty much all of my experience with zero-threshold, zero-configuration fault detection is MySQL-based.

It’s a fun conversation with a lot of insights into the industry, what’s wrong with current monitoring tools, and where monitoring is going. Also, it’s sold out now, but Monitorama is a conference you might be interested in if you’re doing monitoring (and who isn’t?)

Upcoming events of interest for MySQLers

Here is a collection of upcoming events that are interesting to me as a MySQL user (in some cases because I’m speaking). I think some of them are must-see events. I am sure I am missing a lot of events, but some of these are only publicized in specific channels, and I wanted to mention them here to help spread the word.

Upcoming Meetups

This coming Thursday, Charlottesville’s Neon Guild tech group will co-host a Meetup with a noted Kanban expert.

I’m joining two Meetups soon to talk about building database (MySQL) applications with the Go programming language:

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Seeing things from the user’s point of view

I was discussing how to avoid surprising users and someone pointed out that what seems intuitive and rational to one person is often complete insanity for others. The mental gap between a developer and a user can often be a chasm far too wide to cross. Of all the bug reports I’ve filed against MySQL, here is my all-time favorite:

select * from t where a >= 1.0order by a;

Does not cause an error. I believe it should, because there should be a whitespace before ORDER BY.

Similar syntax errors such as “select 1e0from dual” were also accepted as valid SQL. Much soul-searching later, the official reply from MySQL’s development team:

The server behaves properly here:
- “1″ alone can not be an identifier, because it’s followed by a “.”
- therefore, the lexer parses “1″ as the beginning of a …

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Optimize MySQL COUNT (*) query

There is not magic solution to count table contents especially if you have a client that has a table with 40+ million records and you need to do the filtering using the 'OR' SQL statement.

Original query was the following:

SELECT COUNT(*) from table1 WHERE field1 IN ('val1','val2') OR field2 IN ('val3','val4');

First benchmark before doing optimization showed me results after 4 minutes.


How scalable is your database?

Most of the time, when people say “scalability” they mean any of dozens of things. Most of the time, when I say it I mean exactly one precisely defined thing. However, I don’t claim that’s the only correct use of “scalability.” There is another, in particular, that I think is very important to understand: the inherent limitations of the system. This second one doesn’t have a single mathematical definition, but it’s vital nonetheless.

I’ll frame the discussion by asking this: how scalable is your database?

Using the two definitions I like to use the most, I answer the question in this way.

  1. Scalability in terms of the Universal Scalability Law is the degree to which you can add more workers (or units of hardware) and get equal returns in terms of system throughput.
  2. Scalability in terms of inherent …
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