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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
Sessions I’d like to see at Percona Live in April

I’m really looking forward to this year’s Percona Live MySQL Conference. This is always THE event of the year for me in the MySQL conference circuit. It’s also the first year I haven’t been a speaker! I’ve been a speaker since 2007 but this year things were too uncertain for me to submit a proposal in time.

As usual, the real highlight of the conference is seeing and talking to everyone. Technical sessions are also great, but honestly I can usually study up on technical things without going to a conference. However, nothing can replace the benefit of meeting all the dedicated MySQL community members in the hallways and at meals, and talking to MySQL-related businesses in the expo hall. Year after year, this conference has been what makes things happen: technical innovations, product launches, business initiatives, career changes, you name it — …

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The Data Day, Two days: February 7/8 2013

Teradata results. Funding for DataXu. The chemistry of data. And more.

For 451 Research clients: Oracle launches major update to MySQL open source database

— Matt Aslett (@maslett) February 8, 2013

For 451 clients: Analyzing the chemistry of data By @451wendy Treating sensitive data like dangerous chemicals

— Matt Aslett (@maslett) February 8, 2013

Teradata: Q4 net income $112m on revenue up 10% to $740m, FY net income $419m on revenue up 13% to $2.7bn. (PDF)

— Matt …

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The Curious Case of the Missing Binlogs

When you enable binlogs in the my.cnf file you can either set the log-bin flag to true, or you can set it to a path and file name prefix such as this:


This changes the default location where binlogs are stored.  The problem is that when you connect to mysql there is currently no way to query the server to find out if that path has been changed, and what it currently is.  This means you can't be sure where any server's binlogs are actually stored.
Ok, so they're not really missing, but it's a known issue that mysql doesn't make them easy to find.  The server obviously knows the path internally, but it doesn't make this information available. Bug #35231 has been open on this issue since 2008 and is currently being ignored.

This is such a trivial change …

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Introducing Data Fabric Design for Commodity SQL Databases

Extract from THE SCALE-OUT BLOG by Robert Hodges (CEO, Continuent) Data management is undergoing a revolution. Many businesses now depend on data sets that vastly exceed the capacity of DBMS servers. Applications operate 24x7 in complex cloud environments using small and relatively unreliable VMs. Managers need to act on new information from those systems in

Why does MySQL’s version comment change when logging is enabled?

I wonder if the MySQL archaeologists out there would be willing to unearth some (presumably ancient) history for me. Why does the logging configuration merit special mention in the version_comment variable?

The more I think about this, the more bizarre it seems. I enabled logging. The version reported by the server changed. No, really, is my server somehow a different version of MySQL now?

130203 15:39:55 [Note] ./bin/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.6.7-rc-log'

I assume there’s a good story behind this somewhere. I’m thinking a priest, a rabbi, and Monty walk into a bar, and black vodka is probably involved at some point too :-)

MySQL Auto Increment

Somebody ran into a problem after reading about the MySQL CREATE statement and the AUTO_INCREMENT option. They couldn’t get a CREATE statement to work with an AUTO_INCREMENT value other than the default of 1. The problem was they were using this incorrect syntax:

( elvira_id    int unsigned PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT=1001
, movie_title  varchar(60))

It raises this error:

      ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=1001
, movie_title …
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Deleting millions of rows in small chunks with common_schema

I wrote pt-archiver for jobs like deleting or archiving rows from a big table in small chunks. These days, that’s the kind of task I like doing inside the database, and Shlomi’s magical common_schema feels a lot more suited for this than an external Perl script.

When I say it’s magical, it really does feel magical. It’s amazing how he’s created an entire expressive scripting language that runs in MySQL and feels just right for the job.

Right now I’m watching this kind of stuff scroll by in my terminal:

| rows_deleted_so_far |
|             2871119 |
1 row in set (7 min 42.67 sec)

| rows_deleted_so_far |
|             2872119 |
1 row in set (7 min 42.75 sec)

Notice that the execution …

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MySQL 5.6 adds connection attributes

I enjoyed being able to add metadata to a connection in Microsoft SQL Server. I’d annotate my connections so that a DBA could learn a little bit by inspecting it. For example, what was its purpose, and from which application did it originate? The employer where I did this wasn’t perfect at managing their database user accounts and so forth, and there were many servers with hundreds of databases on each server, so this was a good way to provide some extra hints.

That hasn’t historically been available in MySQL, but with MySQL 5.6, it will be. This is a nice addition. I assume the support for it in the connector libraries will grow over time.

I used to emulate this feature in client-side code. That …

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Bold predictions on which NoSQL databases will survive

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last 5 years, the NoSQL movement has changed. There was a time when everyone — EVERYONE — was dumping on relational databases, and MySQL in particular. Nonsense like “SQL itself is inherently unscalable” routinely came out of the mouths of otherwise usually sensible people. But that’s cooled off a little bit, thank heavens.

And what’s the new hotness? Well, Big Data, of course! But I digress. In the world of databases, it’s move over NoSQL, heeeeeere’s NewSQL. I’m talkin’ NuoDB, Clustrix, MySQL Cluster (NDB), and so forth. A lot of people now recognize that it wasn’t SQL or the relational model that was a problem — it was the implementations that had some issues. The pendulum has swung a little away from vilifying SQL, and we don’t talk about NoSQL as much as we talk about document-oriented or …

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A close look at New Relic’s scalability chart

I’ve written a lot about modeling MySQL with the USL, and I like it best of all the scalability models I’ve seen, but it’s not the only way to think about scalability. I was aware that New Relic supports a scalability chart, so I decided to take a peek at that. Here’s a screenshot of the chart, from their blog:

Here’s how it works. It plots response time (or database time, or CPU) as the dependent variable, versus throughput as the independent variable. There’s a line through it to indicate the general shape. Samples are charted as points in a scatter plot. The points are color-coded by the time of day. Outliers are automatically removed.

The focus on response time is really good. That’s one of the things I like about New Relic. While most systems show people status counters, and imply …

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