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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
How to secure MySQL data and achieve PCI compliance

This week I will be the moderator for a MySQL Webinar How to secure MySQL data and achieve PCI compliance being held Thursday, September 11, 2008, 10:00 am PST, 1:00 pm EST, 18:00 GMT.

Recently I wrote about Do you store credit cards in your MySQL Database?. If you do, then PCI Compliance is not something you can ignore.

This webinar will not only be discussing PCI Compliance, but also MySQL data security. Our panel includes Didier Godart from MasterCard Worldwide, one of three members who drafted the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard 1.0.

For more information on the various PCI Compliance and Encryption options for MySQL , check out the …

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Naming standards? Singular or Plural

It’s important that for any software application good standards exist. Standards ensure a number of key considerations. Standards are necessary to enforce and provide reproducible software and to provide a level of quality in a team environment, ease of readability and consistency.

If you were going to create a MySQL Naming Standard you have to make a number of key decisions. Generally there is no true right or wrong, however my goals tend towards readability and simplicity. In 2 decades of database design I’ve actually changed my preference between some of these points.

1. Pluralism

Option 1
All database objects are defined in the logical form, that being singular.

For example: box, customer, person, category, user, order, order_line product, post, post_category

Option 2

For database tables & views, objects are defined in …

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A 5.1 QEP nicety - Using join buffer

I was surprised to find yesterday when using MySQL 5.1.26-rc with a client I’m recommending 5.1 to, some information not seen in the EXPLAIN plan before while reviewing SQL Statements.

Using join buffer

| id | select_type | table | type   | possible_keys | key          | key_len | ref                    | rows  | Extra                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | lr    | ALL    | NULL          | NULL         | NULL    | NULL                   |  1084 | Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | ca    | ref    | update_check  | update_check | 4       | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX      |     4 | Using …
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Drizzle has it’s own dedicated feed

For those that have been using Planet MySQL to follow the progress of Drizzle, we now have our own Planet Drizzle.

You can also get a RSS feed directly from

Choosing MySQL 5.1 over 5.0

I have been asked twice this week what version of MySQL I would choose for a new project.
As with most questions in life the answer is: It Depends?

In general I would now recommend for a new project to select 5.1, and he is why.

  1. If it’s a new project and your not managing existing applications with older versions then 5.1 is slated for General Availability (GA) at some imminent time. Having been at Release Candidate (RC) for quite some time (almost 1 year), many people, both internally and in the community are just waiting for Sun/MySQL to get this version out.
  2. MySQL 5.0 is in maintenance mode, it’s now 3 years old. MySQL is placing (I’m assuming) resourcing energies to current and future releases.
  3. If your looking at releasing a product in the next 3 months for example, you do not want to consider the testing and deployment of a new version (e.g. 5.1) in the next 6-9 months.
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What are the best MySQL Design Practices?

Tonight I provided a scope in Best Design Practices for MySQL Applications - Part A of just how much there is to consider with a successful application. I only scratched the surface in some detail, a topic one could easily write a book on, and definitely provide a number more presentations.

At 42SQL we follow the “Scale 2 Success” (tm) approach covering Architecture, Availability, Scalability and Accountability. With this we are able to clearly provide a strategy towards building successful scalable enterprise solutions. For more information on how we may be able to help your organization with any performance and scalability needs, please use the Contact Form.

You can find a copy of my slides for this presentation at …

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Monitor and Optimize Your MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Databases 24×7.

I came across another MySQL Monitoring product today, DBTuna. I’ve got a trial license of this commercial product so I’ll be looking into its installation, options and support and will be reporting back.

Using consistent data types for columns

I came across this error recently when trying to modify the data type of a column.

ERROR 1025 (HY000): Error on rename of './sakila/#sql-1d91_5' to './sakila/inventory' (errno: 150)

Not the first time, and not the last time. A common problem with InnoDB tables, is the lack of information, you need to dig deeper with the following command (and appropriate security a well organized security profile will NOT have).



080717 20:00:28 Error in foreign key constraint of table sakila/inventory:
there is no index in the table which would contain
the columns as the first columns, or the data types in the
table do not match the ones in the referenced table
or one of the ON ... SET NULL columns is declared NOT NULL. Constraint:
  CONSTRAINT "fk_inventory_film" FOREIGN KEY ("film_id") REFERENCES "film" ("film_id") ON UPDATE CASCADE …
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MySQL involvement in OSCON opening keynote

Before I get to post my OSCON reflection I see I didn’t post this (which I reference).

At OSCON opening keynotes Tim O’Reilly Interviews Monty Widenius & Brian Aker. This provided some interesting answers in a Q & A session. Here is some of the discussion.

TO: So 6 months in. How is it with Sun?
BA: Really rewarding environment. My first question was? You are going to send me free H/W. No H/W has been delivered yet, or access to the masses, still hoping. Sun is a very engineering driven company.
MW. Thanks God we didn’t go public. Starting to do closed sourced components, going public this would have continued.

TO: Sun saved MySQL from public market/ insulated from market.
MW: 6 months in, Sun still trying to figure out what they bought. Sun has made a commitment to open source throughout the …

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Where the happening community people now hang

Eric of Proven Scaling commented on a lack of IRC action in the normal mysql channels today when he visited the #drizzle channel on

ebergen: I'm still in #mysql-dev and #planet.mysql but they are hardly active these days [1:51pm]
rbradfor: ebergen: funny, #drizzle is where the action is. [1:51pm]

There is active movement on the Drizzle project. Why is this? Well, I think most importantly is that there is active contribution from the community, at least 5 different companies and more individuals are pushing code to Drizzle, and it’s being accepted and incorporated. Something you can not say about the MySQL Community branch.

As I write this, there are 35 active people on the #drizzle channel now, and 137 members of the …

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