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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
Drizzle needs you

Use MySQL, but want to follow the new kid on the block?
Want to help contribute to Drizzle?

We are seeking help in compiling across different platforms.
Please help us by becoming a buildbot slave.

There are detailed instructions, so now is the time to take a few minutes and help out the project.

The Drizzle Buildbot is hosted and supported by 42SQL.

MySQL Proxy lua scripts from presentation

The following Lua scripts are the examples are from my MySQL Proxy @ OSCON 08 presentation.


MySQL Proxy Analyze Query.

Requires MySQL Proxy Logging Module.

What is released is the Version for MySQL 5.0. A generic version for all MySQL versions is not yet released.


This script is part of the standard MySQL Proxy examples.

Other Scripts

Additional Lua scripts from MySQL forge are available here.

MySQL Proxy @ OSCON 08

Today I presented with Giuseppe Maxia of Sun Microsystems Inc at OSCON 08 on “MySQL Proxy: From Architecture to Implementation”. I was surprised to find that MySQL has a strong showing with a number of presentations this week.

Our talk covered the basics of MySQL Proxy, what’s coming in future features, and a number of examples of how I have used Proxy in consulting engagements to improve the information retrieval particularly for identifying performance problems.

Download Presentations Slides

The fast paced open source ecosystem

This morning at OSCON 08, Tim O’Reilly’s opening keynote Open Source on the O’Reilly Radar included a slide on Drizzle, giving this new project maximum exposure to the Open Source community.

Drizzle was only officially announced yesterday in Drizzle, Clouds, “What If?” by primary architect Brian Aker. Things move fast. There has been a number of comments from people yesterday including Mark Attwood, Monty Widenus,Monty Taylor, …

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The new kid on the block - Drizzle

Before today, Drizzle was known as a light form of rain found in Seattle (among other places). Not any more. If you have not read the news already today, Drizzle, Clouds, “What If?” is the new kid on the RDBMS bock.

Faster, leaner and designed with the original goals of ease-of-use, reliability and performance, Drizzle will make an impact in those organizations that are seeking a viable database storage solution for large scalable applications. The key to Drizzle is several fold. First, the crud has been removed. The first part of Drizzle development is to remove bloat or non functioning software from the MySQL tree. In fact if you monitor the commits, it reads like, this has been removed, these files have been deleted, this code has been refactored, this new library has been introduced. Design decisions that have limited MySQL’s development for years are being …

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Your data and the cloud

I will be speaking on July 29th in New York at an Entrepreneurs Forum on A Free Panel on Cloud Computing. With a number of experts including Hank Williams of KloudShare, Mike Nolet of AppNexus, and Hans Zaunere of New York PHP fame is should be a great event.

The focus of my presentation will be on “Extending existing applications to leverage the cloud” where I will be discussing both the advantages of the cloud, and the complexities and issues that you will encounter such as data management, data consistency, loss of control, security and latency for example.

Using traditional MySQL based applications I’ll be providing an approach that can lead to your application gaining greater power of cloud computing.

About the Author

Ronald Bradford provides …

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When (n) counts?

I have seen on many engagements the column data type is defined as INT(1).

People have the misconception that this numeric integer data type is of the length of one digit, or one byte. (One digit is 0-9 an one byte is 0-255)

This is incorrect.


For integer numeric data types in MySQL, that is TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT, BIGINT the (n) has no bearing on the size of data stored within the specific data type. The (n) is simply for display formatting.

In the MySQL Manual 10.2. Numeric Types you read This optional display width is used to display integer values having a width less than the width specified for the column by left-padding them with spaces. The display width does not constrain the range of values that can be stored in the column, nor the number of digits that are displayed for values …

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The minimum testing for a shared disk MySQL environment

Recently I was asked to provide guidelines for testing fail over of a MySQL configuration that was provided by a hosting provider.

The first observation was the client didn’t have any technical details from the hosting provider of what the moving parts were, and also didn’t have any confirmation other then I think a verbal confirmation that it had been testing.

The first rule in using hosting, never assume. Too many times I’ve seen details from a client stating for example H/W configuration, only to audit and find out otherwise. RAID is a big one, and is generally far more complex to determine. Even for companies with internal systems I’ve seen the most simple question go unanswered. Q: How do you know your RAID is fully operational? A: Somebody will tell us? It’s really amazing to investigate on site with the client to find that RAID system is running in a degraded mode due to a disk failure and nobody knew.

It …

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Setting up on EC2

Thanks to my friend Dustin, and his EC2 demo using Elasticfox Firefox Extension for Amazon EC2 I got an EC2 image setup. With other references Link 1,Link 2,Link 3 I was also able to create my own AMI.

Some notes specific for my configuration.

Pre-config ElasticFox key for launching directly from ElasticFox SSH connections.

mkdir ~/ec2-keys
mv ~/Downloads/elasticfox.pem ~/ec2-keys/id_elasticfox
chmod 600 ~/ec2-keys/id_elasticfox
chmod 700 …
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Learning from a Disaster

As Farhan has already pointed out to us, Disaster is Inevitable - Must shutdown generators. My primary hosting provider The Planet had a serious meltdown, 9,000 servers unavailable, DNS and administration application .

My server was effectively totally unavailable from 3PM Saturday until 10AM Monday, 43 hours in total.

The problem didn’t stop there. Started and verified servers and domains, but like 8 hours later I find that the DNS is wrong on two important domains (I didn’t discover this because I have them in local /etc/hosts) because I moved them to a different IP like 2 weeks ago.

The Planet denied any problems, ticket logged to get them fixed because admin interface was still down.
Wind forward, …

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