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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
How does ape transition to man? (or at least coder)

By drinking “Brainiac” at Google of course.

All my photos from the Conference Here

Watching what you say?

Marten has opened the 2008 MySQL Conference and Expo this morning in Santa Clara.

What was funny in the early slides was the photo showing the burning of the IPO Prospectus. Marten mentioned now with many Sun lawyers in the audience he has to be more careful what to say.

This morning while coming down for breakfast, a Sun employee entered the lift. I introduced myself, and he indicated he knew me by name. When I asked what department he was in, he said “legal”. Being intrigued as to who he knew me, I’d discovered he has read my emails and blog posts.

I must admit I’ve met a number of new people this week and the first word has been “Oh!”, as in they have heard of my name previously.

These have been unexpected responses and information for me, I’m not normally surprised like this. I’ll not be changing what I say, and how I say it, professionally my writing and publishing will continue to embody …

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PrimeBase Technologies a MySQL Platinum Level Partner

As per the Platinum Partners List PrimeBase Technologies has made a key achievement. I think this is a great list to make for the company. There are only 18 Platinum partners, and PrimeBase Technologies are the third Storage Engine provider and the second first open source storage engine company.

The News Release quotes “As a key milestone in our relationship with both the MySQL Community and MySQL, this partnership strengthens our commitment and involvement in working with the MySQL database server starting with PBXT and following with additional product developments.”

Update Thanks to Ken Jacobs, I need make a correct, we are not the first “open …

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What is your max_connections?

Kevin Murphy just posted Tip of the Day ? max_connections and I thought it might be nice to know what people actually set this to so I’ve created a Survey “What’s your max_connections” (totally anonymous).

For the record, while a consultant the record for a production system was 9,500. Yes you read right, and I might add the client was running a 32-bit OS as well, just to boot.
Apparently they had also tested they could get 9,500 connections, problem is they didn’t do anything with the connections, so didn’t see any per thread memory usage, and I did not get confirmation of how the actually system memory usage was used during the test.

Trying out Google App Engine

I got my registration for Google App Engine this morning after being Waitlisted previously.

Between flying for about 15 hrs tomorrow and then the 2008 MySQL Conference & Expo where I’m presenting and running an Exhibitors booth, fat chance I’ll get to look into this much over the next week.


Share/Add This Buttons on sites

I’ve noticed a change of buttons lately on sites where you can bookmark/share the relevant information. So I’ve done a cross sample of A Computer Site -, The MySQL Acquirer -, A News site - and a technology information site -

What got me to go back and research is I’d never seen a FaceBook icon before, or perhaps I’d never paid enough attention.

At the end most sites now wash out to a site called Add This.

My role at PrimeBase Technologies now in the news

Ronald Bradford,
Chief Operating Officer (COO),
PrimeBase Technologies

The official press release of my commencement at PrimeBase Technologies can be now found at
Ronald Bradford strengthens management team and new open source initiative.

I’m very excited to be the COO, that’s Chief Operating Officer, rather impressive if you say it out loud a few times. My close friends and MySQL colleagues in the know in New York were also most impressed I’ve made CxO status during celebrations in recent previous weeks. My title was under wraps until I’d started.

What does COO mean at PrimeBase Technologies? I’m being charged with a number of things. I will responsible for the new Business Solutions division which includes helping to define the product road map for …

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MySQL Community Photo Day Prizes

I forgot to mention in Support the MySQL Community Photo Day that PrimeBase Technologies is providing 3 prizes for the best photos uploaded.

First Prize $150 Amazon Gift Voucher
Second Prize $100 Amazon Gift Voucher
Third Prize $50 Amazon Gift Voucher

So, take your photo with other community supporters — they’ll also be wearing their open source t-shirts. You can upload photos to

Where?s the News?

It’s been six weeks since the completion of the acquisition of MySQL by Sun Microsystems. In this time, on the MySQL News and Press Releases there has only been one (1) Press Release here.
In the six weeks between the announcement and completion of the acquisition MySQL made ten (10) Press Releases, and the six weeks preceding this including the Christmas break there was (six) Press Releases.

On the Sun Press Releases in this period there has been twenty three (23), but just the same one MySQL specific. …

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The pursuit of a synchronous world

Well at least your MySQL database world.

As Paul eluded to, PrimeBase Technologies has a project to provide synchronous replication for MySQL in a High Availability environment. It is more then an idea, there is a plan.

Is it possible?
What are the use cases?
How can you use it?
Would you use it?

Some input to date. We need these questions and more, and we seeking more input for discussion.

Unfortunately the opportunity to hear any input during a presentation is left to the last day of the conference, so we have created a BoF session on Tuesday night for a round table discussion if necessary. We encourage people to bring specific cases and situations for feedback, the reasons why MySQL Replication, MySQL Cluster, DRBD/HeatBeat or any other solution does not satisfy your needs, and what …

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