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Displaying posts with tag: Percona (reset)
Open-source database developer mailing lists

What’s going on at your favorite open-source database developer mailing list? Non-scientific memory of what I’ve been seeing lately:

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Percona at PHP Quebec 09

Percona presented two talks at PHP Quebec last week - one on A Tour of MySQL High Availability, and another on Performance Tuning MySQL. There was a great reaction to showcasing some of the quick-wins that can be found by using the Percona patches. Unfortunately, the one thing that I forgot to mention in the slides is that the patches are Open Source and free to use.

Entry posted by morgan | 4 comments

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Debian / Ubuntu Percona builds

We had too many requests for deb builds of Percona releases so I could not ignore that and added scripts to build binaries on our Ubuntu 8.10 box. It's going to be only 64bit releases (32bit is dead, isn't it?), and I tested binaries on Debian Lenny system and it seems working fine.

So I prepared binaries for our Build13 (which I actually did not announce to not spam PlanetMySQL a lot, I will figure out another channel for announcements), and you can get it there, and your feedback is welcome!

As for changes for Build13 it contains InnoDB Data Dictionary restriction patch, which I mentioned before (

Speaking of deb …

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XtraDB storage engine release 1.0.2-3 (Spring edition) codename Sapporo

Today we announce release 1.0.2-3 of our XtraDB storage engine.

Here is a list of enhancements:

  • Move to MySQL 5.1.31
  • Scalability fix — ability to use several rollback segments

Increasing the number of rseg may be helpful for CPU scale of write-intentional workloads. See benchmark results.

Scalability fix — replaced page_hash mutex to page_hash read-write lock. See benchmark results. …[Read more]
Migrating US Government applications from Oracle to MySQL

I just returned from a MySQL Federal Migration Boot Camp, jointly presented by Carahsoft and Sun/MySQL. It was a half-day seminar on the topic of migrating applications to MySQL, targeted to the US Government sector. Specifically, most of the audience seemed to be running Oracle, though there were some users of other systems (Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Informix, etc).

Ronald Bradford presented the whole thing. I thought he did a great job giving a fair and balanced look at topics such as what types of applications are good candidates for migration, what gotchas you might encounter, etc. I’m sure someone looking at migrating in earnest would benefit from a whole day’s discussion (or a more focused engagement with a consultant), but I thought it was a great way to help people figure out whether …

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Measuring the popularity of the Percona MySQL build

I have a Google Alert on “percona”. (And many other things — great way to keep tabs on competitors, what people are saying about you, etc.)

I’ve been seeing increasing amounts of this type of thing:

MySQL server version: 5.0.67-percona-3 CATEGORY QUERY: SELECT wp_term_taxonomy.count as ‘count’, wp_terms.term_id,, wp_terms.slug, wp_term_taxonomy.parent, wp_term_taxonomy.description FROM wp_terms, wp_term_taxonomy WHERE …

Go to the page in question (sorry, I won’t link it) and you don’t see “percona” anywhere on it. View the source and you do. It’s WordPress debugging output.

I’m glad to see the anecdotal evidence of more and more active use of the Percona server builds, but at the same time, it’s kind of like finding out that your best friend made it onto the Jerry Springer Show. Sometimes I think …

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Percona is hiring performance experts

Percona is hiring. We've added several experts recently and we're growing at a fast but sustainable pace. The demand for our services is strong, and we have openings for more experts in the next couple of months.

Let me explain a little about what we're looking for at the moment. While we do have a career path for less experienced people, right now we are looking for people who are top-level, senior experts in LAMP/Open-Source performance and scalability. Most of our work involves MySQL (at least peripherally, usually centrally) but not all of it; and we are looking for a PostgreSQL expert as well as systems administration and operations skills. If you're also an expert in a related technology (e.g. Hadoop, popular cloud platforms, or some other component that you might expect to see at the Percona Performance Conference) we'd like to …

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I’m a MySQL Conference and Expo advocate again

So far this year I’ve been totally silent about the MySQL Conference and Expo 2009. In the past I’ve been a vocal advocate of going to the conference and sending your employees to the conference. So my silence was conspicuous to me, if not to you. I’ve always considered myself a strong [...]

Towards more diversity of speakers at MySQL Conference and Expo

We (Percona) just announced our Percona Performance Conference, and I wanted to tell you a little more about what we hope to accomplish with this conference. Let me show you some simple math that anyone can do.

There’s a handy iCal download of the conference schedule on the conference website. iCal is a plain [...]

Announcing Percona Performance Conference 2009 on April 22 & 23

All of us here at Percona warmly invite you to Percona Performance Conference 2009 on April 22 and 23, 2009 in the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara, California. The theme for the conference is Performance Is Everything. This conference is about application performance overall, not just databases. Attendance is free of charge for everyone. Experts in many types of technologies -- databases, search, cloud computing, massively parallel computing, client-side optimization -- will present their real-life experience.

In order to forestall speculations and prevent people from jumping to unwarranted negative conclusions, I'd like to take a moment and explain the story behind this event. Some of you have noticed that there were no sessions from Percona this year on the schedule for the …

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