So, I’m in my hotel room and I got some sleep. Now, it is 2:15 am
and Icouldn’t sleep for some reason. PRobably has something to do
with me being narcoleptic, as weird as it sounds Since I can’t
sleep for a bit anyway, I figured writing a blog summarising the
first day of FrOSCon would be a good idea.
Well, in one word: GREAT! In a few more: The first day was a big
success. I started it out with a shift at the registration desk
(I’m volunteering for FrOSCon as well). Since it was very early,
most people that came in were actually exhibitors and speakers,
and they all had to be at the VIP desk. At first, the door
wouldn’t open. Later it turned out that the sensors thought we
were to close to it. Claustrophobic doors are interesting.
Then, there was breakfast for the people with VIP access.
Basically that was anyone who was not just a visitor. I helped
out for a bit and then went back to my hotel room to catch up on
some …
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