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Displaying posts with tag: Professional (reset)
PrimeBase Technologies - Day 1

Today I started my new job at PrimeBase Technologies. The company that has brought you the PBXT and Blob Streaming Pluggable Storage Engines for MySQL 5.1.

My move to Germany has gone mostly without incident and now I’m settling in to different weather, language and food, plus the change in time zones +6 hours.

A smaller company from my previous, but I’m part of a larger group then expected. One of 26 people in the office. It’s good to have a desk, a big monitor (and definitely not a German keyboard) and see and talk to people on various topics and interests in comparison to either past work at home by myself, or on a new customer site each week during my consulting days.

Preparations for the upcoming …

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Not Stuck

Contrary to my earlier April Fool’s Stuck - No country to call home I’m alive and well in Hamburg Germany with my new job at PrimeBase Technologies.

Thanks for those concerned MySQL souls that fell pray to my “Evil Genius” as Farhan called it.

Looking forward to seeing people at the MySQL User Conference in Santa Clara in two weeks.

Stuck - No country to call home

In a sense of ironic fate I’m officially stuck between countries. (I feel a little like Tom Hanks in one of his movies, need to find the name of it).

As part of my resignation from MySQL/SUN, I was required to leave the US within 10 days to satisfy visa requirements. I packed, stored, discarded and arrived at the airport with 2 suit-cases of belongings to leave one country - The US, and enter another - Germany.

I don’t require a visa to enter Germany, normally. However as I’m leaving the country permanently and relocating to Germany I do. So I can’t leave, but I also can’t stay (as I’m at 10 days)

This leaves me with little choices. I can’t work now in the US, I’ve violated my visa obligations for the future, even a career change won’t help me here. I may never be able to enter the US again. Seems my only option right now is to return to Australia ahead of plans.

Those hoping to see me at …

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A day with Paul McCullagh - Architect of PBXT and BlobStreaming

Continuing on from my lightning visits with Jan Kneschke and Michael Zinner, today I got to spend a day with Paul McCullagh at his home in Hamburg Germany.

Paul is the architect of the PBXT Pluggable Storage Engine for MySQL 5.1, and also the Blob Streaming Storage Engine. His work was acknowledged with the MySQL Community contributor for the year in 2007. The successful PrimeBase product for the publishing Industry in Europe and North America also now uses PBXT for underlying data storage which is great …

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Limiting your result set, but getting count of all rows

In reviewing some of my notes I thought it was relevant to ensure this small MySQL gem is documented for my history purposes.

Historically I’ve seen people do a complex SELECT statement twice, first to get a COUNT(*) and then to retrieve the data, perhaps in a paginated format. In MySQL you can combined both SELECT statements into 1 SQL. You still need a second SQL statement, but it is less impactful to your system.

Here is how?

mysql> select sql_calc_found_rows * from mysql.user limit 2;
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select found_rows();
| found_rows() |
|            5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Learning SEO the painful way

Indeed I have a goal of launching a consolidated site of my online presence at at some time soon, and even now I have found I’ve made some SEO 101 mistakes, just in my testing site, and my temporary placeholder.

As a database expert I see plenty of database 101 mistakes with most clients, so part of why my site is going nowhere is I don’t want to make SEO 101 mistakes, especially as I’m not launching a new site, but a migration of existing content to one site.

I see nobody at O’Reilly has made improvements to the redirection mess of the MySQL Conference website as described by Farhan Mashraqi in Someone please change redirection, and so rather then linking to …

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Open Source Database Alternative - Ingres

On several occasions this year I’ve been prompted to mention in conversation Ingres as an alternative Open Source Database. Jonathan Levin in A list of Open-Source Alternatives to Business Applications was the latest example where Ingres was not mentioned and perhaps it should have been.

Want features like online backup, online alter, multi-master replication, parallel queries and partitioning. These are all long existing features in a more mature product then MySQL presently. Is this a sleeping giant that nobody remembers about? Ingres has been around a long time, in fact my experience extends back to 1988 (that’s 20 years).

From a product perspective they have created a number of pre-packaged product stacks, for example …

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Just what are MySQL 9.x features?

Top marks to Jay Pipes for getting the Forge 2.0 finally out after quite some time, as well as in the midst of the MySQL Conference he is organizing.

I am worried however about some of the content, as shown in the screenshot below, the opening page lists Worklog tasks/features for versions 6.x or 7.x , that’s ok, but features in 9.x. Where is the practicality of thinking more then 2 releases ahead, and just having a future bucket. Indeed, we have 5.1 and 6.0 already frozen and not releases, so 6.x is already 3 releases out.

Tonight we were told at the NY PHP Meeting MySQL 5.1 is not due to late Q2, so that’s at least June 2008.
The …

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NY PHP - Sun & MySQL: A New Hope

Tonight’s New York PHP community meeting was a talk by Philip Antoniades the MySQL Systems Engineering Manager.

With an interesting topic opener “A New Hope” I could not resist to hear Philip’s official MySQL presentation.

Some small points I took away from the presentation.

  • Sun is committed to Postgres with Josh Berkus and a team of 20 people.
  • is the next version of Sun, I thought that was a cool internal name, be it obvious
  • A marketing slide of the highest traffic websites listed Meebo, yousendit, alexaholic, techcrunch, feedburneer, istockphoto and vimeo as reported by Pingdom. Not sure were they get their data, but Google, Yahoo, FaceBook, Wikipedia, MySpace, Fotolog are sites I think of as high traffic. Indeed 3 of these listed sites I’ve never heard of. …
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What I love about the MySQL Community

The people, plain and simple.

I encourage you, if you are not part of the local MySQL community, then why not? Find a local MySQL Meetup group, attend the MySQL Conference, get online to IRC @ freenode#mysql, subscribe to some lists or read the forums. I didn’t meet these people being an observer, but part of the community.

As I wrote recently with some vacation time and the need to pick the brain of some experts I organized a quick trip to Germany to specifically visit Jan Kneschke and Paul McCullagh to improve my MySQL skills in certain areas on my own time …

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