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Displaying posts with tag: opensource (reset)
CAOS Theory Podcast

The 451 Group’s Commercial Adoption of Open Source (CAOS) Research Service now has a podcast (iTunes or RSS feed).

A month or so ago, I was having a conversation with The 451 Group’s Vice President of Research Services, Simon Carruthers, about ways to expand the offerings of the CAOS Research Service. The CAOS Research Service includes aspects that are public (such as this blog), but the majority of the work that we do is accessible only to our paying clients, namely our research articles and reports, as well as our advisory service.

We made the decision to add a biweekly conference call …

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Linux Distro Smack Down - the Podcast

As promised, after individual presentations at last week's CommunityOne I brought together the community leaders of three of the top GNU/Linux distros (Zonker Brockmeier, OpenSUSE; Jono Bacon, Ubuntu; Karsten Wade, Fedora), threw in Glynn Foster of OpenSolaris and moderated a no-holds-barred panel.  (It took them three hours to clean up the blood afterwards!!)

Although the panel itself wasn't recorded, immediately after it concluded, the five of us headed to the make-shift podcast studio we had set up at the event …

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Introducing wordpress-scripts 0.1 (0.2 out)

Update: I’ve been suffering some ungly and stupid bugs today, so I’ve fixed them and released version 0.2. It also includes a new script wp-update-home.

I’ve just published some scripts that help me manage my personal wordpress installations, and publish some plugins I’m working on.

Warning: these are early versions which I use for small tasks. If you find
a bug or have suggestions, contact me at

Download version 0.1

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The Consequences of Being an Open Source Company

No Matt, my brain definitely wasn't idle.. I've been thinking about these problems for the better part of the last decade. And it seems like I`m not the only one who wants this discussion.

Dries told me that as a follow up to my previous post I should write a post with solutions to the problem. Difficult as I don't have the solutions yet.. If I had them .. well :)

Fact is that different types of opensource products might require different approaches Alfresco to my knowledge has little to no contributing community , Linux distributions tend to have a big one, if not just in the form of the different open source projects they pacakge. The MySQL community is more one …

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Could investor short-termism undermine open source?

When we write about investors on this blog we are normally referring to angel and VC investors and the funding they provide to open source start-ups. There is a small, but growing, list of VCs that clearly understand the open source development and distribution models and the long-term profit potential of open source software vendors.

Can the same be said of individual and institutional investors buying and selling shares in publicly traded software companies? Not according to the analysis of Oliver Alexy, a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Technische Universität München TUM Business School in Munich, Germany.

Oliver has analyzed the impact that releasing software under open source licenses has on a company’s share price. Details have been published this week in the …

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Pics from CommunityOne & JavaOne

Here are a few pictures from earlier this week taken at CommunityOne and day one of JavaOne

Podcasts a comin'

In the next few days I will also be posting a bunch of podcasts I did while in San Francisco including a bunch from key OpenSolaris folks, a post-Distro-smackdown recording,  an interview with the Fedora IcedTea guys and a chat with the JRuby dudes.

Mr. Finch exits -- Before …

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Doesn't Matt Asay want Open Source integrators to earn a living ?

Or, why the Inuits won't partner on selling Ice from Alfresco unless they change their strategy.

I usually agree with lot of the things Matt Asay writes but today in Closing an open-source deal trough your systems integrator , he thinks the way to work with partners in an opensource environment is to force them to sell the commercial solutions of your products.
He also thinks you should block them from starting an implementation before the end customer has signed a purchase order.

Whew.. this must be the most stupid idea he had since he started his opensource career. The sad part is that I haven't seen a commercially backer of an opensource project dealing correctly with …

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Jonathan Schwartz has the last word on MySQL

It is perhaps fitting that the last word on the recent MySQL licensing row should belong to Sun’s CEO, Jonathan Schwartz. In a twitter Q&A with Web 2.0 Expo attendees, courtesy of Tim O’Reilly, he states that:

“we have no plans whatever of ‘hiding the ball,’ of keeping any technology from the community. Everything Sun delivers will be freely available, via a free and open license (either GPL, LGPL or Mozilla/CDDL), to the community.


No exception.”

Which would appear to be pretty conclusive, despite his additional claim that “leaders at Sun have the autonomy to do what they think is right to maximize their business value - so long as they remember their responsibility to the corporation and all of its communities (from shareholders to developers). Not just …

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2008.04.25


* The state of open source venture funding
* What’s up with MySQL?
* Desktop Linux troubles
* Qlusters stepping away from open source
* OSI Board election
* Open source social - centralized or distributed?
* The Open Source Census

iTunes or direct download (37:31, 8.6MB)

MySQL Conf08 - Talkin' to Baron Schwartz, Community Award Winner

Last week at the MySQL conference and expo in Santa Clara, I was able to grab some time with Baron Schwartz,  the man behind  innotop and Maatkit (formerly known as Prince MySQL Toolkit).  Baron was also one of the three winners of the Community Code Contributor of the year award.

My interview with Baron (11:39)  Listen (Mp3)   …

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