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Displaying posts with tag: installation (reset)
MySQL Sandbox supports latest MySQL releases, has more metadata and docs

MySQL Sandbox has been updated again. The latest version is 3.0.38, which was just released. There were four releases in the space of one week, and this last one is just a polished edition.

Cherry-picking from the Change log:

  • Added option --bind_address to complement the effects of --remote_access;
  • The script 'enable_gtid' (for MySQL 5.6 +) now is durable. Previously the changes did not survive a restart.
  • Now you can install MariaDB with its bizarre version '10.0'
  • It also works well with MySQL 5.7. A bug prevented the creation of 'enable_gtid', but it …
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Installing and administering Tungsten Replicator - Part 2 : advanced

Switching roles

To get a taste of the power of Tungsten Replicator, we will show how to switch roles. This is a controlled operation (as opposed to fail-over), where we can decide when to switch and which nodes are involved.

In our topology, host1 is the master, and we have three slaves. We can either ask for a switch and let the script select the first available slave, or tell the script which slave should be promoted. The script will show us the steps needed to perform the operation.

IMPORTANT! Please note that this operation is not risk free. Tungsten replicator is a simple replication system, not a complete management tool like Continuent Tungsten. WIth the replicator, you must make sure that the applications have stopped writing to the master before starting the switch, and then you should address the application to the new master when the …

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Installing and Administering Tungsten Replicator - Part 1 - basics


Tungsten Replicator is an open source tool that does high performance replication across database servers. It was designed to replace MySQL replication, although it also supports replication from and to Oracle and other systems. In this article, we will only cover MySQL replication, both simple and multi-master.

Preparing for installation

To follow the material in this article, you will need a recent build of Tungsten Replicator. You can get the latest ones from In this article, we are using build 2.0.8-167.

Before starting any installation, you should make sure that you have satisfied all the prerequisites. Don't underestimate the list. Any missing …

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Upgrading to MySQL 5.5 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Ubuntu does not provide an apt-get repository package for MySQL 5.5 on this older OS, however this is still a widely used long term support version. The following steps will upgrade an existing MySQL 5.1 apt-get version to a standard MySQL 5.5 binary.

Step 1. Remove existing MySQL 5.1 retaining data and configuration

sudo su -
service mysql stop
cp -r /etc/mysql /etc/mysql.51
cp -r /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql.51
which mysqld
dpkg -P mysql-server mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1
which mysqld
which mysql
dpkg -P mysql-client-5.1 mysql-client-core-5.1
which mysql
dpkg -P libdbd-mysql-perl libmysqlclient16 mysql-common
# This will not remove /etc/mysql if any other files are in the directory
dpkg -l | grep mysql
[ -d /etc/mysql ] && mv /etc/mysql /etc/mysql.uninstall
cp -r /etc/mysql.51 /etc/mysql

2. Prepare configuration and required directories.

sudo su -
grep basedir ${MYCNF}
sed -ie …
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How to install MySQL succesfully on a Raspberry Pi

For those starting to learn MySQL and want to install it on a Raspberry Pi: there is a little gotcha you should be aware of.

Disclaimer: Only run command if you know what it does. Always make sure you have backups of your important data.

First you need to put the official Raspbian image on your SD card and then boot the Raspberry Pi.

Then if you try to install mysql with "sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5" this will fail. The reason for this is that the filesystem on the SD card will become full. This can be seen by running the "df -h" command.

The SD card is probably 4GB. The filesystem will be around 1.9GB. This was done to make it fit on 2GB cards. To stretch the filesystem to complete 4GB you need to run "sudo raspi-config" and choose the "expand_rootfs" option. Then you need to reboot.

Now "df -h" should tell you that the filesystem has much more free space. …

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Tungsten Replicator cookbook. Advanced replication topologies made easy

I have been asked many times to provide an easy way of deploying fan-in and star schema replication schemas. So far, I have been delayed by more pressing duties.

Now the time has come. Since we are about to release a new version of Tungsten Replicator, I made the effort of putting together the steps for an easy deployment.


The package (with downloads and svn code available at Tungsten-Replicator Toolbox) includes some juicy goodies. There are recipes to install.

  • Master/slave, the classic replication topology. Nothing fancy, but with the tools mentioned in the next section, it becomes as valuable as the other topologies.
  • All-masters. This is the Tungsten no-SPOF topology. Every node is a master, and every node has a …
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how to setup gitorious on ubuntu server 11.10

In this tutorial I will describe how to setup gitorious on Ubuntu 11.10. Gitorious – a Ruby on Rails web application – can be used to conclude git projects in an easy to manage user interface. In the README of the gitorious repository I found the evidence “One of the main challenges in Gitorious is its installation process. It is anything but trivial.” – It appears correct During the installation I got some errors by the sphinx search engine and some ruby gems. You will find the workarounds in this tutorial.


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MySQL 5.6 too verbose when creating data directory

When I install a MySQL package using MySQL Sandbox, if everything goes smoothly, I get an informative message on standard output, and I keep working.

This is OK

$HOME/opt/mysql/5.5.15/scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults \
--user=$USER --basedir=$HOME/opt/mysql/5.5.15 \
--datadir=$HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_5_15/data \
Installing MySQL system tables...
Filling help tables...

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy
support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system

To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:

/Users/gmax/opt/mysql/5.5.15/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/Users/gmax/opt/mysql/5.5.15/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h gmac4.local password 'new-password'

Alternatively you can run: …
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Better MySQL Security and Administration

Download PDF Presentation

With the recent cyber attacks and breaches with data from large organizations including Sony, is your MySQL data safe? What are the best practices for securing and administering your MySQL environment? In this presentation we will cover the essential steps for better MySQL security. We will also cover the different installation and administration tasks necessary to ensure your data is managed.

Presenter: Ronald Bradford
Schedule: Insight Out DB Showcase. October 2011 …

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Tungsten Replicator 2.0.4 released: usability and power
It has been a bumpy ride, with dozens of issues opened and resolved, but we finally feel that Tungsten Replicator 2.0.4 is ready for prime time.There have been quite a lot of changes. Most notably, the replicator is much faster, especially when it comes to parallel replication, and it is much easier to install, thanks to its new integrated installer, which can validate all the requirements to install the replicator, and suggest remedies when the requirements aren't met. This new installer is so good, in fact, that calling it installer is an insult. It is a legitimate cluster builder, able to install a full fledged cluster from a central location.

Probably …

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