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Displaying posts with tag: myconnpy (reset)
My New Job at Oracle: Working on MySQL Connector/Python

After more than 6 years doing MySQL Support for MySQL AB, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle, it’s time for a change. Time to get back to development!

As of November 2011 I’ll be working full-time on MySQL Connector/Python and other goodies within the MySQL development team at Oracle. Before, this was more or less a pet project done after working hours. However, with the birth of our son Tomas more than a year ago, I’ve been slacking and family got priority.

The idea is to make MySQL Connector/Python the best choice for connecting to MySQL from within your Python code. We still got …

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Refactored: Poor man’s MySQL replication monitoring

This is a reply to the blog post Poor man’s MySQL replication monitoring. Haidong Ji had a few problems using MySQLdb (could use the ‘dict’ cursor) and apparently he doesn’t want to much dependencies. I agree that using the mysql client tool is a nice alternative if you don’t want to use any 3rd party Python modules. And the MySQL client tools are usually and should be installed with the server.

However, since MySQL Connector/Python only needs itself and Python, dependencies are reduced to a minimum. Here …

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MySQL Connector/Python v0.3.2-devel released

MySQL Connector/Python 0.3.2, a development release, is available for download:

Disclaimer: Since version 0.3 is still a development release, or ‘alpha’, it is not
recommended to run this in production.

MySQL Connector/Python 0.3.2-devel is a maintenance release fixing following bugs:

  • lp:701081 -Doesn’t install with Python 2.4

About MySQL Connector/Python: MySQL Connector/Python is implementing the
MySQL Client/Server protocol completely in Python. No MySQL libraries
are needed, and no compilation is …

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MySQL Connector/Python v0.3.1-devel released

MySQL Connector/Python 0.3.1, a development release, is available for download:

Disclaimer: Since version 0.3.1 is still a development release, or ‘alpha’, it is not
recommended to run this in production.

MySQL Connector/Python 0.3.1-devel is a maintenance release fixing following bugs:

  • lp:695514 – Infinite recursion when setting connection client_flags
  • lp:691836 – Incorrect substitution by cursor.execute when tuple args contains ‘%s’

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Setting client flags with MySQL Connector/Python

Setting client flags with MySQL Connector/Python works a bit differently than the other MySQL Python drivers. This blog post describes how to set and unset flags, like the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS.

The default client flags for the MySQL Client/Server protocol can be retrieved using the constants.ClientFlag class:

>>> from mysql.connector.constants import ClientFlag
>>> defaults = ClientFlag.get_default()
>>> print ClientFlag.get_bit_info(defaults)

To set an extra flag when connecting to MySQL you use the client_flags argument of connect()-method. For example, you’d like to have the …

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MySQL Connector/Python 0.3.0 has been released!

MySQL Connector/Python 0.3.0, a development release, is available for download:

Since version 0.3.0 is still a development release, or ‘alpha’, it is not
recommended to run this in production.

MySQL Connector/Python 0.3.0 adds following features:

  • Python v2.4 support is back.
  • Support for compressed protocol.
  • Support for SSL connections (when Python’s ssl module is available).
  • Support for packets which are bigger than 16MB.
  • Max allowed packetsize defaults to 1GB.
  • Some performance improvements.

See the ChangeLog for extra details.

Please …

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Query caching with MySQL Connector/Python

This blog post shows how to create a cursor class for MySQL Connector/Python which will allow you to cache queries. It will hold the query itself and the result in a global variable.

Note: this is a proof of concept and is only meant as a demonstration on how to extend MySQL Connector/Python.

Why query caching?

You are doing lots of queries that have the same result. It would be expensive to always run the same exact query. MySQL has already a query cache, and there is also memcached. But you like MySQL Connector/Python so much you’d like to do it yourself.

A cursor caching queries and their result

To demonstrate a simple implementation of a query cache, we inherit …

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Fetching rows as dictionaries with MySQL Connector/Python

This post describes how to make a custom cursor returning rows as dictionaries using MySQL Connctor/Python v0.2 (or later).

Problem: you want to fetch rows from the database and return them as a dictionary with keys being the column names.

First, lets check how you would do it without any custom cursor.

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',database='test')
cur = cnx.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1")
result = []
columns = tuple( [d[0].decode('utf8') for d in cur.description] )
for row in cur:
  result.append(dict(zip(columns, row)))

The above results in an output like this:

[python light="true"]
[{u'c1': datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 13, 8, 55, 35), u'c2': u'ham'},
 {u'c1': datetime.datetime(2010, 10, …
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MySQL Connector/Python 0.2-devel available

Next development release v0.2.0 of MySQL Connector/Python is available for download and testing. We still don’t recommend to use it in production: it is not beta or GA yet, but we are getting there.

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome through the Launchpad bug tracking tool.


  • .executemany() now optimizes INSERT statements using the MySQL
    multiple row syntax.
  • Setting sql_mode and time_zone when connecting as well as collation.
  • Raw Cursors can be used when you want to do the conversion yourself.
  • Unittests now bootstrap own MySQL server instance.
  • Tidying the source tree.

Full list of …

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MySQL Connector/Python and database pooling

MySQL Connector/Python is (or should be) compliant with the Python DB-API 2.0 specification. This means that you can use DBUtils' PooledDB module to implement database connection pooling.

Here below you'll find an example which will output the connection ID of each connection requested through the pooling mechanism.

from DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB
import mysql.connector

def main():
    pool_size = 3
    pool = PooledDB(mysql.connector, pool_size,
        database='test', user='root', host='')
    cnx = [None,] * pool_size
    for i in xrange(0,pool_size):
        cnx[i] = pool.connection()
        cur = cnx[i].cursor()
        cur.execute("SELECT CONNECTION_ID()")
        print …
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Showing entries 41 to 50 of 69
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