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Displaying posts with tag: myconnpy (reset)
MySQL Connector/Python and database pooling

MySQL Connector/Python is (or should be) compliant with the Python DB-API 2.0 specification. This means that you can use DBUtils’ PooledDB module to implement database connection pooling.

Here below you’ll find an example which will output the connection ID of each connection requested through the pooling mechanism.

from DBUtils.PooledDB import PooledDB
import mysql.connector

def main():
    pool_size = 3
    pool = PooledDB(mysql.connector, pool_size,
        database='test', user='root', host='')

    cnx = [None,] * pool_size
    for i in xrange(0,pool_size):
        cnx[i] = pool.connection()
        cur = cnx[i].cursor()
        cur.execute("SELECT CONNECTION_ID()")
        print …
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MySQL Connector/Python 0.1.5 release: critical bug fix

We just released MySQL Connector/Python 0.1.5 which includes a critical bug fix. It was impossible to read big result sets. The files for 0.1.4-release have been removed.

You can download MySQL Connector/Python from Launchpad.


  • It was impossible to retrieve big result sets. (bug lp:551533 and lp:586003)
  • Changing copyright from Sun to Oracle (also fixing silly typo)

A very Big Thanks goes to the reporters of bug lp:551533 and lp:586003. Apologies for not being able to reproduce the bug earlier, before releasing 0.1.4.

About MySQL Connector/Python: MySQL …

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MySQL Connector/Python 0.1.4-devel available

Next development release 0.1.4 of MySQL Connector/Python is now available for download. This will be the last in the 0.1-series as we move on to 0.2. The aim is to release more often to get to v1.0. Hurray!


  • Reading from network was broken for bigger packages.
  • Reimplementing protocol.MySQLProtocol marking simpler and easier to maintain.
  • It is now possible to send multiple statements to MySQL using MySQLCursor.execute(). The results are accessible by calling the method next_resultset().
  • MySQLCursor.callproc() will now store all result sets as a MySQLCursorBuffered. They are accessible using the next_proc_resultset() method. The result of the stored procedure is returned by callproc() itself as defined by PEP249.
  • MySQL …
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Simulating server-side cursors with MySQL Connector/Python

Last week, my colleague Massimo and I discussed how to handle big result sets coming from MySQL in Python. The problem is that MySQL doesn't support server-side cursors, so you need to select everything and then read it. You can do it either buffered or not. MySQL Connector/Python defaults to non-buffered, meaning that you need to fetch all rows after issuing a SELECT statement. You can also turn on the buffering, mimicking what MySQL for Python (MySQLdb) does.

For big result sets, it's better to limit your search. You can do this using an integer primary key or some temporal field for example. Or you can use the LIMIT keyword. The latter solution is what is used in …

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Multiple result sets in MySQL Connector/Python

Latest code of MySQL Connector/Python on launchpad has support for multiple result sets when you execute a stored procedure. We also changed the way the actual result of the routine is returned to conform to PEP249.

Here is some example code: it creates a stored procedure which generates 2 result sets. You can get the result by calling next_resultset(), which is returning a MySQLCursorBuffered.

    cur = cnx.cursor()

    cur.execute("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS multi")
    proc = """
      CREATE PROCEDURE multi(IN pFac1 INT, IN pFac2 INT, OUT pProd INT)
        SELECT 1,'a' as FooBar;
        SELECT 2;
        SET pProd := pFac1 * pFac2;
      END""" …
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Status report No.2 on SQLAlchemy and MySQL Connector/Python

Few days ago, the folks at SQLAlchemy pushed some proposed modification to the MySQL Connector/Python dialect. Before this patch, previous report yielded 72 errors and 11 failures. Now we got down to 9 errors, but the failures are still lingering. Is this an improvement? Yes and no, failures should go down, but there are some SQLAlchemy tests I just can't figure out, yet.. clues are welcome!

Here are some detailed results which also included MySQLdb and oursql. I used SQLAlchemy revision 6788 (i.e. from …

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Stuffing the gaps in the COLLATIONS table using a stored procedure

To far fetched (pun inteded), some might think.. Below you'll find a procedure to get a list of MySQL supported character sets and their collations. The output is Python and can be used to build a (big) tuple.

The problem is that character set IDs in MySQL have 'gaps'. For example hebrew has ID 16, and the next character set in the COLLATIONS-table, tis620, has ID 18. Not a big problem, just a bit annoying. This list is hardcoded in MySQL Connector/Python and I needed something to easily maintain it.

Solutions were using text editing skills, parsing it in Python to produce a list, etc.. But why not a …

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Don't forget the COMMIT in MySQL

Yes, MySQL has transactions if you use InnoDB or NDB Cluster for example. Using these transactional storage engines, you'll have to commit (or roll back) your inserts, deletes or updates.

I've seen it a few times now with people being surprised that no data is going into the tables. It's not so a silly problem in the end. If you are used to the defaults in MySQL you don't have to commit anything since it is automatically done for you.

Take the Python Database Interfaces for MySQL. PEP-249 says that, by default, …

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Don't forget the COMMIT in MySQL

Yes, MySQL has transactions if you use InnoDB or NDB Cluster for example. Using these transactional storage engines, you'll have to commit (or roll back) your inserts, deletes or updates.

I've seen it a few times now with people being surprised that no data is going into the tables. It's not so a silly problem in the end. If you are used to the defaults in MySQL you don't have to commit anything since it is automatically done for you.

Take the Python Database Interfaces for MySQL. PEP-249 says that, by default, …

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FOSDEM: 'Connecting MySQL and Python', handout & wrap-up

Apparently, my talk at FOSDEM 2010 about Connecting MySQL and Python was the only one about Python? There should be more, or?

I have a hand-out ready in PDF. The slides are not usable without my chatter. It contains a few examples and links. Any comments, corrections, criticism.. are welcome!

The longer version of this talk will be given at the O'Reilly MySQL Conference&Expo 2010 in Santa Clara, California (USA).

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